Tag Archives: remora

Sales, Remora, Blogging, Free Compilation, Dream

I put a couple little specials up on the Silber Sales page for bundling together both NorthernValentine discs or bundling together a bunch of Remora discs.

Working on a bunch of behind the scenes crap for the mini-comics.  Hopefully they’ll …

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Remora, Contracts, Remixes, Puzzle Boxes, Etc….

So I got all my paperwork filled out & turned in for the release on Fluttery.  I’m always weird about if contracts should be in writing or not.  I think there’ve only been two or three written contracts in Silber …

Posted in daily news, music, puzzle boxes | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

4 Responses to Remora, Contracts, Remixes, Puzzle Boxes, Etc….

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    shouldn’t you as the label be coming up with the RIYL artists. most bands have no idea what they really sound like.

    also ha at the android…welcome to 4 years ago! James got one too but as far as i can tell he only texts/email/calls. seems like a waste of the money spent on it, especially for the monthly costs.

    • Well, what happens when I do the RIYL is the band eventually gets pissed off because of the comparisons to whatever band it is they don’t like. Plus I like to think that a band knows more about the genre they are in than I do.

      The android I got was $25 with a two gig card in it & the service I use no longer offers a no-data plan. I was surprised it lets me get online via wi-fi before activating it. I was totally unimpressed by the fact that it had me link up to my google account to download apps & then automatically imported my whole address book into an unusable mess. I don’t see any possibility of me being able to use the thing for 90% of what I need a computer for, but maybe it will work for typing in short stories while riding in a van.

      • GoddakkAttack says:

        can’t comment on specifically the android but technically if your hands and eyes can handle it you’d be able to do most of what you do at home on it, although probably the annoyance frustration levels at maximum.

        • A lot of the work for running the business side of stuff is data entry things in Excel on worksheets that are 50 columns & about 1500 rows. So working on that using a display showing 3 columns & 5 rows sounds like a pain in the ass. I can only imagine trying to mix/master music or trying to design artwork on one of these things.
          I do think people using them as their dominant email platform explains why no one writes lengthy emails anymore as they are a pain to write on (compared to a normal keyboard) & to me not particularly pleasing even to try to read. & then they generally suck as a phone as well & can’t hold a charge for over a day? Worth $25 to me I guess, but I might not switch to it as my main phone until the current one goes dead.

Azalia Snail, Remora, Lost Kisses, Videos

Azalia Snail has a new project called LoveyDove.  I believe this is their first track & definitely their first video.

I did this little vocal thing.  I wasn’t going to bother to post it in the blog, but it …

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War of the Worlds, Press Releases, Demos, Radio, Etc….

So lately I’ve been watching the War of the Worlds TV series on YouTube.  You can read my review of it over on Nostalgia Equals Distortion.

I got done a draft of the mwvm press release for the new …

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Northern Valentine, Interns, Peter Aldrich, Remora, mwvm

So I think I finished laying out the Northern Valentine press release for the new album.  Waiting to hear back from the band on it & then there’s one bit I might need to change the color on slightly depending …

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Retribution Gospel Choir, Kickstarter, Video, Remora, Alcohol Diets

Retribution Gospel Choir (featuring Alan Sparhawk of Low) is giving away a free digital download EP on their website. Thought some of you might want to know.

So last week Kickstarter approved my campaign, but I was waiting to …

Posted in beer, daily news, music, video | Tagged , , | 5 Comments

5 Responses to Retribution Gospel Choir, Kickstarter, Video, Remora, Alcohol Diets

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    get new computer homes.

    • Yeah, I don’t think it’s really the computer as much as me not knowing how to use the damn software. I mean clearly when I cut five minutes out of a video it’s not supposed to be ten times the size of the original. I am ending up with these ten gig files. I guess I should get a book on Adobe Premiere (the software I just started using, mainly because it can open Quicktime files & that’s the native format of my camera & when I upload actual QT files to YouYube it mis-aligns the audio (& it tells me it’s a known problem when uploading the format)).

The Stranger, Finally Checking It Out, Tootsie Rolls, Remora, Dream

I watched the movie of Albert Camus’s The Stranger.  Here’s the review on Finally Checking It Out.

I made this little proto goth post punk cover of the Tootsie Roll jingle from when I was a kid.  Get infected …

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More stuff going on.

So the other day on Finally Checking It Out I reviewed Richard Corben’s Dark Planet which is an oddly watchable mess.

On Nostalgia Equals Distortion I reviewed the original War of the Worlds movie going into some personal & general …

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Last Couple Days & the Next Month

I got scanned in all the stuff for the Lost Kisses Daily strips today.  Sent some knock ups to a few people for critique before I launch it.  Hopefully it’ll start going up next week.

I also scanned in my …

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Remora, North Pole, Interview, Dreams

I’ve been working on the artwork for Remora‘s The Heart that Kills the past couple days & not really been feeling to happy with the results.  Then last night Joe Badon who draws Built contacted me about doing some …

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