Silber Newsletter August 2020


I hope all is well.  Life is fluctuating between hope & fear & dread on a daily basis here in Silberia.  A pandemic, economic instability, rising factionalism, lack of civility, more work to do than there is time to do it in — this is not the sci-fi apocalypse I asked for; in fact it makes me question if I could thrive in any apocalypse.  But we’re still moving forward with a lot of projects, including a new release from Chvad SB.  More info on everything below.

Drone ambient. Minimalist. Hopeful melancholia. Like a lost piece of Brian Eno’s 1970s catalog, Chvad SB’s San Fixer defies easy categorization while putting you in its own unique world. With a nearly 30 year career in the underground often leaning towards an aggressive & industrial edge, Chvad SB brings us over an hour of peace & reflection at a time when we need it.

Starting in September we’re going to be doing another daily release series.  This time it’s going to be something different & new to us.  For the past several years while doing my data entry job I’ve listened to a lot of audio books & spoken word & storytelling stuff (music sucks me in too much & I become ineffective at my work) & so we’ll be releasing a different spoken word or reading or story for as many days as it lasts.  At this point I don’t think it will turn into the massive project Droneuary has been, but it should still be fun & interesting.

As some of you may know, me & Bride of Silber have been talking about opening a coffee & comic shop.  We made an offer on a pretty cool building (1940s movie theater) & it looks like it’s happening.  It’s going to be called The Eyelight & here’s its Facebook page – & I have started selling some comics & graphic novels on Ebay –  It is a huge space & we have lots of ideas for how to use the space for artist meet ups & art classes & performances & helping build community because we can still have room for folks to do things from six feet apart, but we’ll just have to wait & see what works.

Recently my daughter got roped into a sticker chainletter.  It reminded me of back in the 1990s there used to be artist chain letters & the weird little art books that people mailed around.  So I’m starting a chain letter, sending out little art cards I draw on & then you make some & send them.  Just a small thing to give some joy & creativity to the world.  If you want to take part, let me know.

Coming soon is new music from Vlor, The Undermasks, Grand Kali Ma, Small Life Form, & Day2Alliance.  Also hopefully I will get all the interviews I have for QRD proofed & finally get the new issue out (as promised for a year now).  Also I have not been updating the Silber website at all in the past several months & I’ve just been using Bandcamp to post new music & hopefully I will get that updated soon.  I’ve also not been sending out newsletters as much as I once did because of problems with my main email being blacklisted as spam, so the best way to keep up is following on Bandcamp, Twitter, or Facebook.

Stay safe & thanks for your continued interest & support.

Brian John Mitchell

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