Tag Archives: remora

iTunes Help, Interns, Life Value, A Couple Other Things

Well, the Remora show in Roanoke went well, but I haven’t listened to the recording.  A little less well than the Raleigh show, but probably because I was a little more uptight at the venue (an art gallery with things …

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Last Night

Based on my practice on Thursday I was ready to give up playing guitar.  But the show last night went really well sonically in general.  I think there’s something about Remora in its current incarnation where things work better way …

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QRD, Drop D, End of Quarter, Recording

Sent out the emails soliciting advertisers for the upcoming QRD for July.  Anybody that might want to advertise or know any advertisers most of the ads – http://silbermedia.com/qrd/advertise.html – prices are from $5-$30 which is super reasonable compared to anywhere.…

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New Stuff & Practice

So a few people ordered some of the new releases, which makes me feel useful as a human being.  Also got a distro order for a few hundred bucks (which is never quite as nice as an actual check) so …

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Now Available – Remora, Rivulets, Lotte Kestner, The Wet Teens – Plus Broken Mind Bonus

I got some work done.  The Remora, Rivulets, Lotte Kestner, & The Wet Teens releases are all up & available now (well, technically two hours from now, but who’s reading this at 1 in the morning?) on the main Silber

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Work & Dreams II

Working on press releases & the digital download files for the new releases.  The Remora (with 32 page comic & 10 page booklet!), Lotte Kestner, & The Wet Teens are done except uploading & making them available on the site.  …

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1980s Cartoons/silberspies/Jakarta/Irata/Rivulets/Mecha/AUTOreverse

Today opens with a bit of a sad news, so I’ll close the blog with something incredibly uplifting.

The two bands from Jakarta (Echolight & Slylab) that were supposed to have digital releases with Silber have decided to seek release …

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Mecha, ATC, PRs, Summer Solstice, Father’s Day

Put together the first batch of Remora: Mecha.  I’ll get it up for sale on the site soon.  I still need to assemble a bunch more.

Finished the layout for my nephew’s comic & I’ll print them out for him …

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Inserts, Press Releases, Pow Wow, Comics, Lyrics

Got some things worked on today.

Wrote up the first & second drafts of the Lotte Kestner press release.  Tried to make it pretty minimal to fit the music.

Cut up & folded a bunch of stuff for the Remora: …

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Comp Tracks, Paperwork, Teenagers, Gears, Blender

Just mixed/mastered a couple of songs for a potential comp appearance.  One Remora & one new Vlor.  They definitely blur the differences between the two projects this time.  As the Remora pretty much sounds like Windsor for the Derby on …

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