QRD, Drop D, End of Quarter, Recording

Sent out the emails soliciting advertisers for the upcoming QRD for July.  Anybody that might want to advertise or know any advertisers most of the ads – http://silbermedia.com/qrd/advertise.html – prices are from $5-$30 which is super reasonable compared to anywhere.

It’s the end of the fiscal quarter & I spent most of the day doing paperwork associated with that.  Trying to get things ready for sending out invoices for distributors & of course paying the artists (the one part of the job worth doing, though I always wish it was more money going out to the artists).

I did practice a bit today for the shows coming up.  Wrote a new riff that is pretty definitely an eventual Vlor song doing “drop D” tuning which I really never do, but I thought it would sound a bit better & maybe I’ll move more into alternate tunings after the recordings this August of my current catalog.  Because I have been in a bit of a funk lately with having trouble getting new songs to shoot out like they used to.

I was working on recording today & evidently when a song already has around 40 hours of music recorded into it my computer can’t handle it.  I found that muting some of the channels allowed me to record.  I’m not sure what’s going to happen when time for mixing comes around though.  I might need to do sub mixes.  It’s nice to know that I’m pushing my hardware to its limit, makes me feel like I’m doing something right.  I know some people would say it means I need new hardware, but I always feel like that’s like saying, “No good music was made on a computer before 2005,” which I guess could be argued by some, but I think is a pretty invalid statement.

Sent out a copy of Remora: Mecha for trying to get a grant for performing in France.  We’ll see if anything comes of it.

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