Remora, Muscle Mass, Irata, Sketch, Bottle Comics, Dreams

I woke up this morning with this super simple riff in my head & I got it recorded before I forgot it.  I don’t know if this would be Remora or Muscle Mass.  Hard to say.  I guess one of the main variables is if Muscle Mass is continuing as a project.  As the initial plan of a 30-somethings to 50-somethings dance project seems to have faded away anyhow.  Let me know what you think it should be.


So I went to the Irata show Saturday night.  New line up for them, but headed in the right direction I think.  One thing I did find interesting was the number of people who weren’t willing to buy a CD for $6, but would say, “You guys are great!  I’m going to like you on Facebook!”  The other thing that was interesting was the show was at a hipster bar & there were absolutely no metal people there.  I’m not bad mouthing anybody that pays money that goes to a band, but it is a weird vibe when you think no one in the crowd cares if it’s metal or folk on the stage.

I drew this while the other band was playing (animated it by just scanning it in 5 times):

I did some attempts to promote the bottle comics project.  I looked for a few places that had done articles on messages in bottles & wrote individual reporters.  A couple already wrote back.  We’ll see if they give it any coverage.  The project essentially hasn’t received any new funding in the past two weeks, so it could definitely use a boost from somewhere.

I sent out some emails towards some projects coming up this fall to try to re-expand Silber to be a little less “Brian John Mitchell”-centric.  Have to wait until this fall to see if it works….

Last Night’s Dreams:
To promote the music, Irata signs up for some sort of deal sponsoring some sort of buy-one-get-one-free deal on loaves of bread at the supermarket.

Mickey from Plumerai contacts me asking if Silber can distribute this strawberry beer that she’s made.  The answer is obviously, “I don’t have any idea how to do that.”  Oddly the beer is in cans instead of bottles & I have never seen any equipment that would allow home canning of beer & I wonder how she made that happen.

I’m running a Kickstarter to get Jamie Barnes to make a new record called Vampires in this Town & I sell out of copies of the original pressing of The Recalibrated Heart.

I’m talking to Philip Palmer of Port City Music & he’s saying that I should run a buy-one-get-one CD sale where a major corporation reimburses me more for the free discs in exchange for advertisement throughout the site.

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McTeague, QRD, Facebook Ads, Dreams

So I was listening to the audio book of McTeague while working on stuff this week.  Here’s the review on Finally Checking It Out.

I got the new QRD up (#55 if you are keeping count).  It’s another guitarist special.  Hope you dig it.

So an interesting thing happened when working on QRD.  when I upload the files to my website for an issue, I always put the files in the order of creation & upload all of the new ones.  A couple of image & MP3 files weren’t up for some reason.  It ends up when I unzip a file instead of just downloading it, that it respects the creation date given to it rather than writing it as the date I unzipped it.  Good thing to know in the future.

So admittedly I don’t know how Facebook Ads work, but the ad for Remora: Scars Bring Hope has a spike where it went from 1,500 impressions to 52,000 impressions over the week & about 60 clicks (I’m pay per click) to generate exactly one download sale (because only one copy of the record sold this week).  So $6.60 in advertising to get $4.50 in sales.  Not exactly the best way to run a business.  I tried to start up a “just for fun ad” that would be targeted to established Silber fans just saying “Silber Loves You” but for whatever reason Facebook kept rejecting the ad.  Oh well.

Last Night’s Dreams:
I’m at a comic shop in a small town in the mountains that doubles as a pawn shop.  Strangely it’s run by the same guy that ran the comic shop I went to in high school.  There’s a guy who comes in trying to sell some Civil War era photography equipment & the owner is asking subtle questions to figure out if the stuff is stolen or not.

My friend Jeremy offers me a job at where he works saying I can have it any time I want & I tell him he doesn’t realized how close I am to the edge of a total breakdown any time I leave my bedroom.

I’m on tour & the band leaves the hotel without me.  I’m not sure if I should try to find a way to get to the next city to meet them or just take a bus home.

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2 Responses to McTeague, QRD, Facebook Ads, Dreams

  1. GoddakkATTACK says:

    if i remember correctly, FB ads got us a bunch of likes from SA but no sales. maybe increased spotify plays but we’d have to get 500k plays before we can make the threahold of being paid

    • Yeah, FB ads (like all ads) are hard to make seem effective sales wise. But in the end paying about $1 for 50,000 impressions may be worth it for establishing brand. I’m happy with one sale generated that can be linked to an ad.

Silber in June, Dreams

Okay, so here are some numbers from looking at my webstats in June.  Thought some of you might find it interesting since I do.

Top ten downloads for June in our free for fans series:
1. mwvm – had yr pash
2. Plumerai – Marco Polo
3. Promute – Drone of the Norns
4. Brian John Mitchell & Andrew Weathers – Drone is in the Blood
5. Electric Bird Noise – Live at The Basement
6. Rllrbll – Murwa Mbwa
7. Sarah June – Beneathe Black Robes
8. 30 Seconds of Time Compilation
9. Magi – December
10 From Oceans to Autumn – The Flood/The Fall

Top Five Most Read About Silber Releases in June:
1. Brian John Mitchell & Andrew Weathers – Drone is in the Blood
2. Electric Bird Noise – Live at The Basement
3. Northern Valentine – Fin De Siecle
4. Remora – Scars Bring Hope
5. Plumerai – Marco Polo

Top Five Most Read Silber Digital Comics in June
1. XO #6
2. REH #1
3. Mecha #1
4. Lost Kisses #4
5. Built #1

Last Night’s Dreams:
It’s sometime after the apocalypse & I’m living in a community in a hotel.  I want to leave, but they won’t let anyone leave for fear they would return with a militia.  Two others have a plan for escape that I want to go along with.  At 2:35am we are escaping through the emergency exit.  The door to the exit is only six inches wide & I start to freak out & become claustrophobic with my left arm & leg through & I’m whispering a scream of “Help me!  Pull me through!” but I think they’re too far away to hear me.

I’m hanging out with Jamie Barnes in a convention center.  For the first time he looks like a man to me instead of an adolescent.

I’m on tour & I wake up still drunk.  I go to the kitchen to get some water & half the kitchen is taken up by a ten foot cube hamster maze.

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QRD & Pittsburgh & The Changes & Kickstarter

I spent most of the day working on the next QRD.  I got the art images ready & 5 of the 22 interviews done.  So maybe I’ll be able to knock it out tomorrow or the next day.

So I’m going to be doing a residency in Pittsburgh for the whole month of November.  It’ll be the first time I spent more than a week in a single city other than Raleigh in ten years or so.  It’s called Cyberpunk Apocalypse (odd name I know).

I put a new review up on Finally Checking It Out for this brit-teen-post-apocalyptic show called The Changes.

So I haven’t gotten any new backers on my Kickstarter campaigns in a few days, which is kind depressing.  If you could post on Facebook or Twitter about either the puzzle boxes or the bottle comics (or both) I’d appreciate it.

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Plumerai, Paperwork, & Dreams

So there’s a new video from Plumerai.  Sci-fi, action figures, & shoegazing pop.  What more do you need?  Nothing.

The show Saturday night went pretty well.  Some kind of problem with the Ustream video so I don’t have any evidence of the show being okay (I think the actual problem is at most venues I play, the wi-fi can’t let me stream up video while a dozen other people are fooling around on the same network doing whatever else).

I spent the majority of the day working on the quarterly paperwork & getting checks written out for the bands on the label.  Pretty exciting.  Still a little bit more of end of quarter paperwork to do, but it’s exciting that the second quarter of this year was so strong (granted it was mainly caused by the comics Kickstarter).  So hopefully the up-swing will magically continue over these next couple months.

Last Night’s Dream:
I’m at a job interview to work at an ice cream parlor.  Talking to the manager I realize I am not going to be able to handle dealing with his personality on a regular basis.

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2 Responses to Plumerai, Paperwork, & Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    isn’t that always the way….only the shitshows wind up being documented.

Web Traffic, 1000 True Fans, Robot, Top Choons, Social Media, Ustream

So yesterday I was talking to Nathan Amundson (Rivulets) about webtraffic & stuff.  I looked at my stats for the past five years & while in general traffic at Silber seems down since 2008 (economy collapse & death of MySpace), February 2012 was my month with the most traffic ever while March 2012 was my month with the least traffic ever.  So I was trying to figure out what was going on in February to make it happen & it ended up the thing that made it have the most traffic & March have the least traffic was there must’ve been some glitch with my hosting company because the March one only had two weeks worth of statistics while the February one had six weeks, that is why now I am moving into a self-hosted wordpress website.

I’m not sure if I was happier when I had a hope for replicating the spike in traffic or when everything makes sense.Well now these days people also look for free instagram followers instantly. To boost your instagram traffic simply visit Upleap site.

So I’ve been looking at a lot of web guru stuff where they get into the numbers game.  There’s this thing called “1000 True Fans” where the goal is to get 1000 people who buy essentially everything you make & so if you provide them with $5 in content (be it a concert every month or a CD every two months or a t-shirt every three months) you can support yourself as an artist.  So anyway, according to some folks in order to sustain 1000 true fans you need basically 300 people coming to your website any given day in order to replenish natural losses.  Which sounds like an impossible number.  But here’s the odd thing, Silber actually is going well beyond that goal across the whole site (1200 visitors per day!).  Now I know that a lot of the traffic comes in as robots to post on the blog or people wanting to read an interview with a random band on QRD, but it makes me feel like I’m not doing something that should be clear & obvious.  Is it that I don’t have enough stuff for sale on the website?  Is it that I don’t have enough email newsletter opt-ins on the site to get more returns & more folks with a long term vested interest?  Is it that I’m not creating new content often enough?  I’m curious to hear anyone’s ideas on this about what I am doing wrong as far as seemingly getting enough eyes on the site, but no where near the amount of sales.  It seems like theoretically the revenue (not profit) coming through should be in the range where I’m not worried about if a release will recoup cost or not.  I’m super open to hearing ideas (though I may not have the expertise to implement them).

Here’s the robot picture I drew for the editorial cartoon thing.  In the end I probably spent 4 hours on it, which is totally ridiculous.So over on Top Choons there’s a few Silber artists looking to get voted into the charts.  There’s Promute, Northern Valentine, & Remora.  Hope you can take a second to go by & vote for your favorite.

So some of you might know that my favorite thing on the internet lately is Goths Up Trees.  It runs on Tumblr, so I started to put some stuff up on the Silber Tumblr.  It’s interesting to look at all these different social communities (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, LinkedIn, & to a lesser extent YouTube (& I just found out Pinterest is now considered hands down the third biggest social media site & I suppose I should join it)) & see how they all have slightly different etiquette as far as what makes someone a “good user” of the platform.  So I’m thinking about trying to do some things where I spend a little time on each to try to become a “good user” & see if it generates interest in Silber proper.  My understanding is being a good user means one “call to action” (“buy my stuff” or “come to my show”) per ten bits of news/noise & ten things from other folks shared per one piece of news/noise.  Which means saying 99 things before asking for money.  Definitely counter-intuitive to what I feel like I should be doing because it feels like informing people something is for sale is the only thing that is “signal” & all the rest is “noise,” but I suppose to the average internet user a picture of a kitty cat or a goth sitting in a tree is clearly “signal” & the new Remora album is clearly “noise.”  I notice some friends of mine that all they seem to do is look for some cool pictures on the internet & post them up on their Facebook profile (which to me is suspect as far as copyright infringing, I hate the idea that once something is on the internet it is somehow in the public domain, even if I have downloaded & altered images for flyers without crediting the original image creator (I’m planning on stopping this by the way because I felt weird about the tiger flyer I made))  & they always have 40 people clicking they like the photo.  & while I know Facebook Likes mean nothing, I do think it’s a sign that you are engaging your audience & it may increase your ability to generate interest when you finally issue a “call to action.”

Going to have a Remora show tonight.  I think the show starts at 9:30pm & I’m not sure when exactly Remora will start.  Going to try to put the thing on a live stream, maybe with multiple cameras on the Ustream page.  We’ll see if it works.


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2 Responses to Web Traffic, 1000 True Fans, Robot, Top Choons, Social Media, Ustream

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    my theory is that with kind of blanket canvasing of the interwebs for interest you wind up hitting more people who wouldn’t be interested in what you do as opposed to targetting specific areas. don’t ask how you find those specific areas.

    I’m finding all the music people are excited about is typically soundalike of boring music i hated growing up . For example without naming names, the band that got voted in boston’s equivalent of the independent as best band from MA…sounds exactly like all of those horrible bands in the 90′s that made me want to burn the clubs down. aka pixies wannabes with annoying whiny vocals. How is Silber gonna convince people that love that music to buy their droney, dark, moody records?

    • Yeah, I mean, that’s part of why I’m trying to expand the Silber Empire a bit. People stumble across the comics or the review blogs or QRD & then they discover the music. Or maybe it’ll just be those other projects generate enough revenue on their own to subsidize the label rather than causing an interest spike in the music. I don’t know. We’ll see what happens. I’m feeling relatively hopeful at the moment, though I can’t really tell you a reason why.

Six Bands, Promo, Dream

So I got pretty much all of the promo emails out for the new music.  Just 100 or so more to go.  I’ll probably finish them tomorrow.

I worked a bit on a comic thing for a contest.  We’ll see if anything happens.  It’s a dumb little drawing.  I’ll probably post it up tomorrow.

I posted this on Facebook & a bunch of people got a kick out of it, so here you go….Last Night’s Dream:
My guitar has been damaged.  Half the is neck messing & some of the fret board is broken off.  The strings are still on, but I’m not convinced that I can play it.

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams, music | Tagged , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to Six Bands, Promo, Dream

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    I remember playing in NYC around 95 and thinkin like it was 2012.
    Forward hating.

  2. Yeah, those New York gigs were awful. I don’t know what the obsession all of us have with New York is, the older I get the less I want to ever be there again….

  3. GoddakkAttack says:

    depends what you want.

    as a band i guess you think more people per square mile more people at your show and more potential for people at your show that are in the BIZ. (although really that just means more people at the band before you who then go to the bar afterwards leaving you to play to your girlfriend and any of your poor relatives in town showing support)

    I like ny in comparison to other US cities. except for when i just want to find a nice quiet place to kill time.

Kid Comics, Puzzle Boxes, Promos, Dream

So I’m hitting the first dilemma in the Kid Comics project. I got a parent asking me to intervene to get their child to follow the instructions. Which I completely understand them wanting that, but it’s something I want to avoid. A big part of the thing is I want to give parents an ability to build a relationship with their child, not the ability for me to build a relationship with their child. So we’ll see what happens.

I did an interview with a local paper about my Puzzle Box Kickstarter.  I’ll let you know when it goes on the internet.  We’ll see if it generates a bunch more sales or not.

I got the rest of the mini-comic promos out.  I feel weird going so slim on the promos I send out, but I suppose I have a big enough list of reviews for the back catalog that I really should start focusing on investing promos to stores or something.

Started sending out the promo emails for the new releases.  We’ll see what happens.  I think that a lot of the albums this time out have good hooks for the stories in the press release, so I’m hopeful they’ll generate some coverage.

Last Night’s Dream:
I’m at a cafeteria for breakfast.  I’m not sure if it’s a mental hospital or some kind of rehab center.  I don’t want to eat any more & I give my food to some other patient.  Why would they give me three donuts for breakfast anyway?  That’s way too much sugar even if I didn’t want to starve to death.

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams, puzzle boxes | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

One Response to Kid Comics, Puzzle Boxes, Promos, Dream

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    shouldn’t the parent be doing the parenting here?

Remora & more

Okay, so today was a long day on my computer doing html editing & getting the promo stuff set for the new releases.  I also got the go ahead from Blondena & Fluttery to add the new Small Life Form & Remora to the Silber digital shop & I got that done, so those are available on the website now (maybe I should have done that before sending out the newsletter?).  I still need to add the new releases to the catalog page & to the front page & add their MP3s to the Silber Radio thing.  But I’m really feeling close to having something done with that.  I have a couple friends I’m trying to get to give me some RIYL bands for on the new releases which is a bit tough for me since the only music I seem to listen to is stuff I put out on Silber & metal from 1990-1992 (whatever that’s about).  So anyway, I should start sending the emails out to press & radio people when I wake up in a few hours.

I got out half of the requested promos for the new batch of mini-comics.  Which sounds impressive as long as I don’t reveal how few people asked for them.

So Nick Marino of Super Haters fame has been doing this podcast thing about the behind the scenes making of his comic & I find it interesting.  Dave Sim is doing a similar thing with Cerebus Archive (though it’s a comic instead of a podcast).  So I’ve been thinking about starting to do something like that.  Where it ends up way to in depth to a point of becoming personal to transcend the mundane & become interesting.  I’m still undecided on it as far as how far back it should start, what format it should be (podcast or video thing?) & if anyone would care at all.

I had band practice for Remora with Peter Aldrich.  Here’s the last twenty minutes which went alright as a straight through the set thing (opens with a first version of a drone jam, then ends up closing with the same thing).

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Paperwork, mixing, coding, brewing, shirts, & cats

Filled out a bunch of paperwork for some BMI stuff today.

Did a rough mix of my 4.5 hour drone piece.

Got some work done doing the coding for the press page for the new releases.

So I just tried my corn syrup instead of honey based alcohol ferment & it’s interesting.  The taste of the peppercorns is much stronger than with a similar amount of honey.  But it is drinkable.  I think in a financial pinch using corn syrup mixed with the honey could work well.  I think when making the stuff with vanilla beans that I might use corn syrup instead to keep from the honey overpowering the subtleties of vanilla.  Or I guess I could use straight up sugar instead of corn syrup.  The molasses based ferment is a different story.  I didn’t believe the things I read about how strong the molasses flavor would be.  Now I know.  I’ll save molasses as something to add a couple drops of for color purposes only.

I did a rough design for a new Remora shirt.

Here’s a video to cheer you up or bring you down.

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