Category Archives: daily news

Out of the Unknown

So today I worked on the puzzle boxes & Bottle Comics.  I’m not going to be able to get them all out before I leave town on Saturday.  It’s just the way it is unfortunately.

Anyway, I’ll probably be mostly …

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jam, mwvm, Dream

So today me & Brian McKenzie (Electric Bird Noise) went to Ted Johnson’s house to do some recording.  Did some jams & they will eventually be a release here on Silber.  One piece had vocals inspired by this old sci-fi …

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Just building boxes & packing up some comics & getting stuff shipped out.

Last Night’s Dream:
It’s 2002 & instead of moving my grandmother down to North Carolina I give up music & move up to Pennsylvania.  I probably made …

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Just been working on puzzle boxes & the bottle comics the past couple of days.

Last Night’s Dreams:
I jump out of the back of the airplane with the hood of a car to use as a glider.  I’m not …

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Demo, Small Life Form, Interview

I got emailed a demo blast today sent to me & 20 other labels.  Don’t worry, I didn’t listen to it.  Anyway I decided to look up some of the labels to see about interviewing them for the label owner …

Posted in comics, daily news, music, video | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to Demo, Small Life Form, Interview

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    possibly they all went strictly facebook. I’m finding this to be the case with many biz/bands/etc. . . which is shitty to me since that’s blocked at work so i have a smaller window of time to look into things.

    • That is pretty retarded since I don’t think Facebook lets you sell stuff on their pages & to me is really not very pleasing to try to navigate on for band pages. It seems like either most bands don’t have music up or don’t have it up so it’s easily found. I read an article about how bands can increase their audience interaction on Facebook & their solution was funny cat pictures….

      • GoddakkAttack says:

        yeah but i think these companies use other methods to sell ie bandcamp, amazon, reverbnation, cdbaby, etc. . . . frees them up from putting the work into web development and all they have to do is palce a widget.

        i’m under the impression people don’t go to fb to find new music, just to share and like what they already know.

Drones, Dreams, & lots of other stuff

So in the ten second favor category, vote for the Brian John Mitchell 4.5 hour drone or the Small Life Form 45 minute drone nominated as singles on Top Choons. It’ll be interesting to see if they really play …

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams, music, puzzle boxes, video | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Drones, Dreams, & lots of other stuff

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    why do all you droney characters look the same?

Videos, Work, Dream

So I spent the whole day working on the puzzle boxes & bottle comics.  But at least I feel like it’s rounding the bend as far as getting actual work done & things shipped instead of just behind the scenes …

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Puzzles, Bottles, Collaborations, Philip K Dick, & a Dream

Mainly going to spending the week working on the Bottle Comics & Puzzle Boxes, so there probably won’t be too many updates coming in.

I am working tomorrow with Ted Johnson on some recordings for the collaborative project between …

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Promotions, Silber Monthly Charts

I got an email today from a Japanese label asking about my promo services.  I’d forgotten I even offer those as I haven’t done it for anyone in about two years now.  I told them the straight scoop on …

Posted in comics, daily news, music, silber monthly charts | Tagged , | 1 Comment

One Response to Promotions, Silber Monthly Charts

  1. Congrats to Ben Link Collins for winning a free download for properly predicting the number one album of July.

Numbers, Sarah June, Kickstarter, Remora, Dreams

So I read up a little bit on Google Ads compared to Project Wonderful.  Supposedly Google ends up paying around $0.03 per 1000 views & PW only pays $0.03 per 40,000 views.  Well, those Google numbers are probably close to …

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