So I read up a little bit on Google Ads compared to Project Wonderful. Supposedly Google ends up paying around $0.03 per 1000 views & PW only pays $0.03 per 40,000 views. Well, those Google numbers are probably close to right prior to the spike I had that Google ended up closing my account for irregular activity. PW already gave me my $0.03 for QRD & I’m pretty sure I haven’t hit 40,000 views in three days. That said, no matter what, you’d need a near infinite amount of traffic (okay only ten million page views a week) to make a living off a website from either of those platforms. I guess I’ll just wait & see what happens.
So speaking of numbers, I was looking at my numbers on Alexa & Silber is ranked right now at about the 2,000,000 most popular website (& I don’t have an Alexa toolbar installed, so I’m assuming that puts their numbers more realistic than when I had it installed & Silber was one of the 100,000 most popular websites). I know that doesn’t sound very good, but it’s about the same rank as Young God & Projekt. It makes me feel pretty okay about Silber that I’m ranking up with the labels that Silber kind of aspires to be.
I talked to Sarah June today & she’ll be doing an EP for the secret series of EPs we have planned for this fall. Pretty stoked about things falling together for that in the next couple of months.
The Kickstarter campaigns are done. The Bottle Comics ended up with 57 backers & $769 & the Puzzle Boxes got 41 backers & $872. It’ll be a couple of weeks before I go back to the well for the next Kickstarter stints. I’m planning on one to raise money for doing some Remora “I Came to Party” t-shirts (which I think will be successful in the end) & another for trying to get the funds to go to the Malta comic convention (which I imagine will fail).
So the other night I did a Remora band practice with Peter Aldrich on bass & he was saying he liked the sound coming out with the new pedal setup. So that’s a plus for that setup. We’ll see how it all goes Saturday night. I’m planning to try to do the Ustream thing, but that technology has been suspect at best every time I try to do it. So you’re better off coming to the show.
I am fascinated with this video. If anyone wants to buy me one of these things to tour in, I’ll totally accept it….
Last Night’s Dreams:
I find a photo of my father holding me as a child & I try to focus on it to travel back in time far enough to start my life over. When I get there I’m not in the right house & then I realize that I’m not in the right body. The photo wasn’t even of me. I didn’t know I could jump into other people like this….
My sister bought me a vacuum cleaner toy from a thrift store. Along with vacuuming it makes these organ noises & you control the pitch by altering the suction by how hard you press the hose against the floor.