Author Archives: Brian John Mitchell

Kicktarter, Comics, Interviews, QRD, Robert E Howard, The Usual

So I answered questions for another interview about the comic Kickstarter today & I sent off the questions for a couple of interviews for the next QRD.  Got asked to write an article my Kickstarter to be featured on a …

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Books, Music, Comics, & Dreams

Some of you might know my buddy Ben Vendetta who ran the zine Vendetta for years & wrote for Dagger & The Big Takeover & ran Elephant Stone Records.  He has a book about to come out called Wivenhoe Park

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2 Responses to Books, Music, Comics, & Dreams

  1. hi brian says:

    the concept of youtube ads for books is weird to me.

    • People are making YouTube ads for every thing these days. I see some people making them for individual concerts. I think the thing is that people are lazy & YouTube is an easily digestible & sharable medium.

Comics, ULK, Unspeakable Forces, QRD, & Irata

So I’m finally done with most of what I can do to promote my Kickstarter campaign for making my next 20 comics.  Made a couple of ads, posted it in newsgroups, contacted press folks, sent out a newsletter, & …

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Comics, Etsy, QRD, Shade, found, dreams

So I just launched a Kickstarter comic campaign to drum up subscribers.  It once again proved to me, Kickstarter is hot for comics as I nearly doubled my modest goal in a single day.  It’s kind of a weird thing …

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Remora – Music from Last Night

So I got a new loop pedal for the Remora rig, the TC Electronics Ditto.  I’m pretty happy with it.  I’m actually getting pretty happy in general with the idea of spending a few nights a week just fooling around …

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Etsy, Comic, Dream

So I made an Etsy page for the Silber Buttons.  It took a few hours to get it going & I guess I spent about $7 doing the listings.  If things work with the buttons, I’ll go ahead & …

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2 Responses to Etsy, Comic, Dream

  1. hi brian says:

    i thought your logo/mascot was from spyVSspy?

    • He is probably accidentally/coincidentally. The original one was the orange one with yellow wings & a halo (from 1998) that sometimes comes up in a blurry photo in the top right of the main website. A couple years later I made the white one who is the main one that you see around. After I started using it on the early Silber releases it was pointed out to me that it was Spy vs Spy & I guess it is. Later it was pointed out to me that it was a plague doctor mask, which it also is. So yeah, it’s a mystery & my ability to know the real answer waxes & wanes over the years.

Funks & Dreams

Not a lot has been going on.  I let myself get in a bad funk over trying to fix the Yahoo script.  I finally got something vaguely rolling.  I just don’t have the expertise to get something that I like …

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Long Sleeves (short story)

I’m wearing a long sleeve shirt in summer.  It’s been a long time since I had to.  Fifteen years since I stopped putting stupid scars on my arms.  But today it’s cold outside.  Or at least it feels cold outside …

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2 Responses to Long Sleeves (short story)

  1. Peter says:

    He crawled under a bridge and died, but then regenerated into a heavy sweaty dude who was kind of into horses and really liked cilantro. Ugh!

Departure (short story)

I wake up at 4 in the morning.  It’s my last night in the same bed as her.  I can’t go back to sleep, so I get up & drink two beers while looking out the windows I’ll never look …

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Aww Man….

So I’ve been having a couple pretty good weeks.  Asked to do a couple interviews, some of the releases getting reviewed & airplay, starting to record again, a few new comic collaborations set up, positive feedback on my writing, a …

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