Author Archives: Brian John Mitchell

Finally Checking It Out – Firestorm #1 by Gerry Conway & Pat Broderick

firestorm_1So as a kid I essentially never read DC comics.  I think I got an issue of The Flash, an issue of Crisis on Infinite Earths, & a couple issues of Who’s Who.  I’m not sure exactly …

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Nostalgia Equals Distortion – The Uncanny X-Men #183

The Uncanny X-Men #183

The Uncanny X-Men #183

So I bought this comic off the rack of a newsstand as a kid.  It was one of the first issues of X-Men I ever bought.  To be honest, my only memory of it is what …

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Las Vegas, Touring, QRD, Dreams

All the little free newspapers for prostitutes creep me out (especially the ones that specialize in women age 40-60+ because I can’t pretend those are young girls making poor choices that will straighten up later).  It’s just not me thing …

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Touring, Pictures, Dreams

Not a lot to say.  It’s been a long time since I’ve been on more than a two week tour & the adjustment to it is harder than I remembered.  Those of you who know me know that over the …

Posted in art, daily news, dreams, music | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

One Response to Touring, Pictures, Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    certain venues in boston do this (except the part about giving you the option of not being paid). but you def. have to fill out tax forms before you play. The shite part of this is that if you booked the entire night as promoter you get taxed on the total despite the fact you paid out all the money to the bands.

Music, Candy, Stories, & Dreams

So the recordings with PD Wilder went okay.  I think we did six or seven pieces & the first couple were uneven & the last one I wrote a pop song that PD will add parts too later, but it …

Posted in daily news, dreams, music, short story | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

One Response to Music, Candy, Stories, & Dreams

  1. Peter says:

    What a story! When you patronize a good Mexican restaurant you really go all in. 20% tip is customary, don’t feel obligated to start a new life with the waitress.

Woah, a lot of work going on….

So it’s been a pretty productive morning here in Austin, Texas.

I got the digital versions of the new comics done & emailed out to the digital subscribers & made a promo page for them that I sent out to …

Posted in comics, daily news, music | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

4 Responses to Woah, a lot of work going on….

  1. Peter says:

    You could eat some really Mexican food down there sir.

  2. hi brian says:

    is Russo the one that wrote the story about the aliens yanking dudes wang off?

  3. Peter says:

    I meant real Mexican food, not really Mexican food.

On the Road

So a lot has happened since the last blog.  I got most of the stuff mailed out for the comics Kickstarter.  Still working on getting the digital versions of the comics done for the subscribers & to send out as …

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Ten or so days….

So I hope you all are doing well.  I’m hitting my, “Holy cow have I got a lot to do & a little time to do it in” spot in life right now.  In about a week I go out …

Posted in buttons, comics, daily news, dreams, engineering, music | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to Ten or so days….

  1. Lullabier says:

    So…there will be a sequel to “Solo guitar”?

  2. Joe Badon says:

    Thanks for the shout out ye brethren :)

Suborrhea, Remora, Interview, Comics

So I got another flattering rejection letter for Suborrhea saying the editor dug it, but it wasn’t what they were looking for & that I should definitely self-publish it.  So… yeah… maybe in a few weeks I’ll decide to go …

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Jamie Barnes, Comics, Remora, Dreams

Jamie & Kelsey Barnes started a blog about music & stuff.

My Kickstarter got press twice this weekend! Here’s me talking about mini-comics on Bleeding Cool (if you didn’t know, I’m in love with Golden Age Comics). & an …

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams, music | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Jamie Barnes, Comics, Remora, Dreams

  1. Nick says:

    but what happened to Jamie Barnes’ Facebook profile? Some weeks ago it just disappeared…