Tag Archives: Small Life Form

QRD is Up & Recording Leads to Inspiration

Finally a break through & visible work is done!  QRD #43 Twenty-one in-depth interviews about playing guitar with:
Jon DeRosa of Aarktica, Brian McKenzie of Electric Bird Noise, Invisible Elephant, Wim Lecluyse of Circle Bros, Nick

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Recording Remora/SLF

So I guess the Remora recordings has gotten a bit in the way of the blog.

We’re basically averaging around a song a day, but I hope to speed it up as we’re headed towards songs that are more fully …

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Old Guitar, New Printer, Other Stuff.

I actually did some fooling around with recording today.  I pulled out my japanese surf guitar that I used to hate & it seems kinda cool to me today.  It has a narrow neck & I had it strung with …

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Download Shop Done, History Lesson, Out of Shape, SLF show

Okay, I got everything up in the digital shop.  If you go to www.silbermedia.com/catalog you can download everything for $5 or less.  I put links up in all the band pages.  I still have to re-do the alphabetical catalog & …

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Cops & Crooks, SLFvsSLCNTN, price points, Vigilant

So I got in the Cops half of the artwork for Cops & Crooks & tweeked all the artwork & got the layout done & that printed today.  Printed out a bunch of other comics today & ordered new toner.  …

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ATCs Sold Out?

I made up the wax packs for the ATC project.  I had already made a couple pre-sales & I just realized that after artist copies the series is already sold out!  Series two will be this fall.  Going to shift …
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Trombone, Press, Comics

I got the final draft of Cops & Crooks off to Eric & Jason to draw.

My show this coming Monday is not only listed as a pick in the weekly, but has a write up as well.  We’ll see …

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Live Recordings

Going through a bunch of recordings from the Remora & Small Life Form shows this past year.  It’s interesting hearing all the stuff &  trying to figure out what is of potential interest to anyone.  A lot of stuff the …

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I fixed up the Small Life Form: Lost Kisses Soundtrack for doing a free digital release, just got to write a little press blurb about it.

Did some mastering of some live Aarktica recordings.  I’m not sure what their final …

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Had a show last night & another earlier tonight.  No pedal board problems either time.  Maybe my equipment is turning semi-organic like a Cronenberg movie & healing itself.  I can live in hope of that anyway.  Once I start running …

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