Tag Archives: remora

Web Traffic, 1000 True Fans, Robot, Top Choons, Social Media, Ustream

So yesterday I was talking to Nathan Amundson (Rivulets) about webtraffic & stuff.  I looked at my stats for the past five years & while in general traffic at Silber seems down since 2008 (economy collapse & death …

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2 Responses to Web Traffic, 1000 True Fans, Robot, Top Choons, Social Media, Ustream

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    my theory is that with kind of blanket canvasing of the interwebs for interest you wind up hitting more people who wouldn’t be interested in what you do as opposed to targetting specific areas. don’t ask how you find those specific areas.

    I’m finding all the music people are excited about is typically soundalike of boring music i hated growing up . For example without naming names, the band that got voted in boston’s equivalent of the independent as best band from MA…sounds exactly like all of those horrible bands in the 90′s that made me want to burn the clubs down. aka pixies wannabes with annoying whiny vocals. How is Silber gonna convince people that love that music to buy their droney, dark, moody records?

    • Yeah, I mean, that’s part of why I’m trying to expand the Silber Empire a bit. People stumble across the comics or the review blogs or QRD & then they discover the music. Or maybe it’ll just be those other projects generate enough revenue on their own to subsidize the label rather than causing an interest spike in the music. I don’t know. We’ll see what happens. I’m feeling relatively hopeful at the moment, though I can’t really tell you a reason why.

Remora & more

Okay, so today was a long day on my computer doing html editing & getting the promo stuff set for the new releases.  I also got the go ahead from Blondena & Fluttery to add the new Small Life Form

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Paperwork, mixing, coding, brewing, shirts, & cats

Filled out a bunch of paperwork for some BMI stuff today.

Did a rough mix of my 4.5 hour drone piece.

Got some work done doing the coding for the press page for the new releases.

So I just tried …

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Rivulets, Jon DeRosa, Remora, Death Note

So Rivulets is working on some fairly intense music videos that really lean more towards being short films than music videos.  There’s an Indiegogo campaign (like Kickstarter) going for it if you might be interested in supporting it.

I have …

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Guitar Ensemble, Maker Faire, Kickstarter, Remora, Bottle Comics, & REH

So it’s been a long couple of days with a bunch of stuff going on.

So the guitar ensemble thing went fine.  People had a good time & I’m trying to think about doing some more stuff where I have …

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3 Responses to Guitar Ensemble, Maker Faire, Kickstarter, Remora, Bottle Comics, & REH

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    you forgot about the part in your songs where you play the same chord but bend a string

Back to Work… oh & Tron & Prometheus & dreams

I know I went a few days without posting anything, but I went out of town for a show & felt I could use a break from the internet.  So here come the updates from the past several days.

I …

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Comics, QRD, Remora, mwvm, Dreams

So I assembled some more comics today.  Still waiting for my new toner cartridges to arrive so I can print everything out & get in a big production instead of just doing them for an hour at a time.  Then …

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Brilliant Spam, Remora, mwvm

I got this pretty brilliant spam today.  The spam was a false order to Amazon & then all the links to Amazon in the email rather than going to some fake harvesting site were Amazon affiliate links.  So if you …

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Clang Quartet, mwvm, QRD, Remora, etc

So I haven’t been blogging a lot lately I guess.  I’ve been trying to write some comics & then abandoning them.  I’ve been laying out comics to print, but I’m not at home & have no printer to test them …

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Plumerai, Dumpsters, Songs, & Dreams

So I was going over my web stats for April & I have to say the oddest thing was that there were a lot of referrers for the Plumerai Marco Polo EP from people looking for Polo shirts.  Kinda funny.  …

Posted in daily news, dreams, music | Tagged , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Plumerai, Dumpsters, Songs, & Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    are you say ing your minicomics couldn’t be dispensed if you shoved them into a little plastic ball?

    it may be fattening but you should buy a bunch of kinder eggs and toss out the prize and stuff them with your comics. then stuff them in tailpipes around town….

    maybe not the last part.

  2. These candy machines aren’t the kind that use the balls. The mechanism in them is designed to only spit out one inch squares that are a fourth of an inch thick. So I’d need to make comics in that format & wrap them in foil or whatever so they don’t get damaged.

    I actually have something I came up with yesterday related to the easter egg idea. But I don’t want to talk about it too much because I want to be the first one to do it.