Tag Archives: remora

QRD, Small Art, Myspace, Thorn1, Remora

So the big news is QRD #48 is up.  About 30 interviews with indie/mini comic book folks.

So I’ve been working on my “Small Art” comic series & each story I had as an individual 12 page comic.  I have …

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3 Responses to QRD, Small Art, Myspace, Thorn1, Remora

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    i think you need a Gocco Kit.

    we did our latest covers with one…..


Small Art, Small Life Form, Remora, Weather Machine, Dreamland, Photo Frame, What It Is, Postal Scale, Low Frequency Microphone, 15 Year Show

Trying to get a bunch done lately.

Laid out my “artsy” comic stuff called “small art” (at least I think that’s what I named it) that is narratives & abstract art.  Five separate issues in color.  I’ll get digital versions …

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One Response to Small Art, Small Life Form, Remora, Weather Machine, Dreamland, Photo Frame, What It Is, Postal Scale, Low Frequency Microphone, 15 Year Show

  1. GoddakkATTACK says:

    after reading the What it is…..i guess the general consensus of the panel was to give it up you’re not going to make it as a musician/in the music biz.

Crappy Camera, Remora Mastering, QRD, Dream

So I got this free camera that looks like a flip a couple days ago.  I haven’t messed with it too much, but man does it look like crap in low light!  Glad it was free.  Still probably should be …

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2 Responses to Crappy Camera, Remora Mastering, QRD, Dream

  1. Nick Marino says:

    those QRD questions were definitely hard to answer here and there. i still have to edit mine. there were so many questions!!!!

    • I don’t think it was the quantity of questions as much as the quality. I feel like if someone reads my interview, they walk away having no more of an idea of what my comics are about than before they read it. I think I haven’t had any indepth conversations about comics other than marketing ones & it shows compared to the guitarist or label owner series. But I suppose part of it to is that this series is going after a lot of different folks (some write, some draw, some do it all) & it makes it a bit harder than if it was all artists or authors. You can’t really ask writers about what kind of ink they use….

Free EP from Clang Quartet, Azalia Snail video, & a ton of other stuff

So this weekend is the 14th anniversary of Clang Quartet, so how do we commemorate it?  A new free EP called Ava.  Listen or download from CQ’s page here on Silber.

The Clang Quartet/Remora/etcetera show went …

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Clang Quartet EP, Sarah June EP, Goddakk, Remora, Lost Kisses, Bad Contracts

So I finished writing the press kit for Clang Quartet: Ava, just got to lay that out & bundle everything together & then put it online.  Which I’m sure will take me a lot longer than I think …

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3 Responses to Sarah June, Optical Feedback, Rollerball, Remora, Worms

  1. goddakkattack says:

    we had our next rekkid mastered for under 500 and it was way better than if james did it and overall better than it sounded without mastering by a long shot the plumerai one that is not the goddakk

  2. I think I’ve gotten about six or seven records mastered at the $300 price point & while they are better than if nothing had been done at all, I’m not convinced they’re better than since I started mastering stuff myself a few years ago.

    I assumed you’d run your own mastering on the new Goddakk, get me the files in an uncompressed format & I’ll put a little Silber polish on it….

  3. goddakkattack says:

    uhave to research places without price being the criteria most places are willing to cut a reasonable deal

ULK, Azalia Shirts, Electric Bird Noise, recent pet peeves, & more

Not a lot of work done today.  Mainly catching up on Silber related emails over the past couple of days that got neglected for working on QRD.  So some of the news below is based on that.

I got …

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Overworked & under nourished

Okay, so I’m starting to realize I’m over extended on the work I need to do, so the blog may be slowed down from indepth entries for a little while. If you need a blogging fix, there’s a good one …

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Remora, Phone Reviewers, Wolverine, Thorn1, Web Work, Games, Tariffs

Got a final mix done & sent in the Remora track from yesterday in for the comp.  We’ll see if it makes the cut & if the comp comes out (you never know these days).

Today’s installment of Silber mini-comics …

Posted in art, comics, daily news, music | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Remora, Phone Reviewers, Wolverine, Thorn1, Web Work, Games, Tariffs

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    doesn’t that already exist:

    The AHRA provides that the importer, manufacturer, or distributor of any digital audio recording device or digital audio recording media must file quarterly statements and pay, with those filings, royalties on each recorder or piece of media distributed in the United States. The royalty is 2 percent of the manufacturer’s selling price for recorders and 3 percent of the manufacturer’s selling price for recordable media. The royalty minimum for recorders is one dollar and the maximum is eight dollars, although in 1998, interested parties (such as musicians and music publishers) may request an increase in the royalty maximum under certain conditions. There are no minimum or maximum royalties for recording media.

    Two-thirds of the royalties go into the Sound Recording Fund and are distributed from that fund to the American Federation of Musicians (2-5Ú8 percent), the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (1-3Ú8 percent); 40 percent of the remaining royalties go to featured recording artists and 60 percent are distributed to music publishers.

    The remaining third of the royalties are allocated to the Musical Works Fund and are distributed evenly between music publishers and songwriters. The percentages of distribution within each group of beneficiaries is determined by the groups themselves.

    • Here’s the thing with that (from Wiki):
      Blank music CDs and recorders

      17 U.S.C. § 1008 bars copyright infringement action and 17 U.S.C. § 1003 provides for a royalty of 3% of the initial transfer price. The royalty rate in 17 U.S.C. § 1004 was established by the Fairness in Music Licensing Act of 1998. This only applies to CDs which are labeled and sold for music use; they do not apply to blank computer CDs, even though they can be (and often are) used to record or “burn” music from the computer to CD. A similar royalty applies to stand-alone CD recorders, but not to CD burners used with computers.

      Thanks to a precedent established in a 1998 lawsuit involving the Rio PMP300 player, MP3 players are deemed “computer peripherals” and are not subject to a royalty of this type in the U.S.

Brian Eno Documentary, Remora, SAVAS, Thorn1, XO

So Azalia Snail sent me the link to this Brian Eno documentary “Another Green World” (named after my favorite Eno album).  I’d tried to watch it back when it first came out; but though the BBC had it streaming, they …

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