Category Archives: daily news

Kafka, Comics, Jobs, Supervision, Dreams

So I posted up a review on Finally Checking It Out of the 1991 movie Kafka.  It includes an embed of the movie in the post.

I got two first drafts done for two of my self-proposed four comic …

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Bikers, Low, Cerebus TV, Dreams

Yesterday I went to a biker rally because a money blues band that has Brian McKenzie (Electric Bird Noise) & Drew Jacobs (SAVAS) was playing.  It was interesting.  Very few bikers under 30 (it was a Harley based event) & …

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Clang Quartet, mwvm, QRD, Remora, etc

So I haven’t been blogging a lot lately I guess.  I’ve been trying to write some comics & then abandoning them.  I’ve been laying out comics to print, but I’m not at home & have no printer to test them …

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Working, Touring, Blogging

Okay, I typed up some stuff I’m working on for the review blogs.  So far the only one that’s up is one about the movie Trancers.

I’m on the road with The Independents.  This morning during some down time …

Posted in daily news, movies & television | Tagged , | 1 Comment

One Response to Working, Touring, Blogging

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    Little Elvis looks excited to see you.

Story Telling, Plumerai, QRD, Klout

I just read this pretty interesting article by John Ostrander (he wrote the comic I dig called Grim Jack in the 1980s) on how to be a good story teller.

Here’s an interview with Eliza & Mickey of Plumerai …

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Plumerai, Dumpsters, Songs, & Dreams

So I was going over my web stats for April & I have to say the oddest thing was that there were a lot of referrers for the Plumerai Marco Polo EP from people looking for Polo shirts.  Kinda funny.  …

Posted in daily news, dreams, music | Tagged , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Plumerai, Dumpsters, Songs, & Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    are you say ing your minicomics couldn’t be dispensed if you shoved them into a little plastic ball?

    it may be fattening but you should buy a bunch of kinder eggs and toss out the prize and stuff them with your comics. then stuff them in tailpipes around town….

    maybe not the last part.

  2. These candy machines aren’t the kind that use the balls. The mechanism in them is designed to only spit out one inch squares that are a fourth of an inch thick. So I’d need to make comics in that format & wrap them in foil or whatever so they don’t get damaged.

    I actually have something I came up with yesterday related to the easter egg idea. But I don’t want to talk about it too much because I want to be the first one to do it.

A Few Tid Bits

So my Kickstarter orders are more or less all out.  I still need to get the paperwork done & get the artists paid for the work they’ve done on the comics.   But I feel a lot less stressed out having …

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Comics, mwvm, Peter Aldrich, Small Life Form, Dagon

So I thought last week that I had printed up enough comics to fill the orders for the Kickstarter.  & maybe I had, but with the couple additional box sets I sold & all the comics I unloaded at SPACE …

Posted in comics, daily news, movies & television, music | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to Comics, mwvm, Peter Aldrich, Small Life Form, Dagon

  1. michael says:

    i still believe in the album concept brian, i’ve always uploaded WIP stuff since the very early days.

  2. michael says:

    i like the sarcasm :)

Birthdays & Comics

So today was my birthday.  I celebrated by assembling comics & going to the post office to ship a bunch out.  Anyway, I did somehow get 103 people to post “happy birthday” on my wall on Facebook & that felt …

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One Response to Birthdays & Comics

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    yet 103 people aren’t willing to post a hey great album or whatnot…. FBook rules!

Back & Dreams

Back from the comic convention.  It was fun.  Made enough to cover my table (though not enough to cover gas), so in general a success.  Now I’m back home & trying to get more promo follow-up done for the Northern …

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams | Tagged | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Back & Dreams

  1. Jarod says:

    Hey, I just finished reading “Just a Man” 1-4. I really enjoyed it! I hope you’ll continue the series. I really like your sparse prose. Reminiscent of some of my favorite pulps.

    • Thank you sir. I need to get back to work on that series. I got to a point where I couldn’t figure out which of two things was going to happen next. I suppose I should just write them both down & go with whichever seems stronger.