Category Archives: daily news

McTeague, QRD, Facebook Ads, Dreams

So I was listening to the audio book of McTeague while working on stuff this week.  Here’s the review on Finally Checking It Out.

I got the new QRD up (#55 if you are keeping count).  It’s another guitarist …

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2 Responses to McTeague, QRD, Facebook Ads, Dreams

  1. GoddakkATTACK says:

    if i remember correctly, FB ads got us a bunch of likes from SA but no sales. maybe increased spotify plays but we’d have to get 500k plays before we can make the threahold of being paid

    • Yeah, FB ads (like all ads) are hard to make seem effective sales wise. But in the end paying about $1 for 50,000 impressions may be worth it for establishing brand. I’m happy with one sale generated that can be linked to an ad.

Silber in June, Dreams

Okay, so here are some numbers from looking at my webstats in June.  Thought some of you might find it interesting since I do.

Top ten downloads for June in our free for fans series:
1. mwvm – had yr …

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QRD & Pittsburgh & The Changes & Kickstarter

I spent most of the day working on the next QRD.  I got the art images ready & 5 of the 22 interviews done.  So maybe I’ll be able to knock it out tomorrow or the next day.

So I’m …

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Plumerai, Paperwork, & Dreams

So there’s a new video from Plumerai.  Sci-fi, action figures, & shoegazing pop.  What more do you need?  Nothing.

The show Saturday night went pretty well.  Some kind of problem with the Ustream video so I don’t have any …

Posted in daily news, dreams, music, video | Tagged , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Plumerai, Paperwork, & Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    isn’t that always the way….only the shitshows wind up being documented.

Web Traffic, 1000 True Fans, Robot, Top Choons, Social Media, Ustream

So yesterday I was talking to Nathan Amundson (Rivulets) about webtraffic & stuff.  I looked at my stats for the past five years & while in general traffic at Silber seems down since 2008 (economy collapse & death …

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2 Responses to Web Traffic, 1000 True Fans, Robot, Top Choons, Social Media, Ustream

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    my theory is that with kind of blanket canvasing of the interwebs for interest you wind up hitting more people who wouldn’t be interested in what you do as opposed to targetting specific areas. don’t ask how you find those specific areas.

    I’m finding all the music people are excited about is typically soundalike of boring music i hated growing up . For example without naming names, the band that got voted in boston’s equivalent of the independent as best band from MA…sounds exactly like all of those horrible bands in the 90′s that made me want to burn the clubs down. aka pixies wannabes with annoying whiny vocals. How is Silber gonna convince people that love that music to buy their droney, dark, moody records?

    • Yeah, I mean, that’s part of why I’m trying to expand the Silber Empire a bit. People stumble across the comics or the review blogs or QRD & then they discover the music. Or maybe it’ll just be those other projects generate enough revenue on their own to subsidize the label rather than causing an interest spike in the music. I don’t know. We’ll see what happens. I’m feeling relatively hopeful at the moment, though I can’t really tell you a reason why.

Six Bands, Promo, Dream

So I got pretty much all of the promo emails out for the new music.  Just 100 or so more to go.  I’ll probably finish them tomorrow.

I worked a bit on a comic thing for a contest.  We’ll see …

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams, music | Tagged , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to Six Bands, Promo, Dream

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    I remember playing in NYC around 95 and thinkin like it was 2012.
    Forward hating.

  2. Yeah, those New York gigs were awful. I don’t know what the obsession all of us have with New York is, the older I get the less I want to ever be there again….

  3. GoddakkAttack says:

    depends what you want.

    as a band i guess you think more people per square mile more people at your show and more potential for people at your show that are in the BIZ. (although really that just means more people at the band before you who then go to the bar afterwards leaving you to play to your girlfriend and any of your poor relatives in town showing support)

    I like ny in comparison to other US cities. except for when i just want to find a nice quiet place to kill time.

Kid Comics, Puzzle Boxes, Promos, Dream

So I’m hitting the first dilemma in the Kid Comics project. I got a parent asking me to intervene to get their child to follow the instructions. Which I completely understand them wanting that, but it’s something I want to …

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams, puzzle boxes | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

One Response to Kid Comics, Puzzle Boxes, Promos, Dream

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    shouldn’t the parent be doing the parenting here?

Remora & more

Okay, so today was a long day on my computer doing html editing & getting the promo stuff set for the new releases.  I also got the go ahead from Blondena & Fluttery to add the new Small Life Form

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Paperwork, mixing, coding, brewing, shirts, & cats

Filled out a bunch of paperwork for some BMI stuff today.

Did a rough mix of my 4.5 hour drone piece.

Got some work done doing the coding for the press page for the new releases.

So I just tried …

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Joe Badon, News, The Gift, Dream

Here’s an interview with Joe Badon.  He drew Built & one of the comics for the Bottle Project.

I sent out the Silber newsletter last night about all the new stuff going on.  Still trying to get everything …

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