Category Archives: daily news

Irata & Dreams

I got the press release done for Irata & the new EP is available to purchase.

Sent out the newsletter (if you didn’t get it, put your email in on the right).  I’ll get it posted up in the blog …

Posted in daily news, dreams, music | Tagged , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Irata & Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    music fans shouldn’t play music. everyone i know that does this winds up not liking/listening to music by their 30′s.

Plumerai, The Saddest Bastard in the World, Dave Sim, Pittsburgh, Etc.

So the new Plumerai album is up.  We went with the free to stream, $5 to download, & $12 to buy a physical business model.  In a month’s time I guess I’ll figure out whether I should go with new …

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Puzzle Boxes & Dreams

So I got the 4 new puzzle box designs up on the website ready to order.  I had a lot of luck with the puzzle boxes on Kickstarter earlier this year, but right now Kickstarter says only one campaign at …

Posted in daily news, dreams, puzzle boxes | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

One Response to Puzzle Boxes & Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    recently in the news some guy found a digital camera in the bottom of the pond and recovered the photos from the memory stick. hope this means your drives are safe from future hypothetical floods.

    For the record i have a similar dream of the end of the world except the flood comes as a result of the moon falling into the sea

Puzzle Boxes, Small Life Form, Aidan 5

So I finally got to work on designing some new puzzle boxes.  A new small box design (3x3x3), two new large box designs (4x4x4), & one mixed large & small block design (I guess it’s still a 3x3x3).  I’ll …

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Labels, Compilations, Minor Work

So as you may have pieced together by now, Silber is predominantly a record label.  Though at times I do think Silber has little to offer artists in modern times I know that I’m wrong about it.  Sometimes it takes …

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Good Hours (featuring Peter Aldrich, Small Life Form, & More)

So it’s been a good 24 hours.  The 919Noise gig last night went pretty well.  It was the most pleased I’ve been with a Small Life Form appearance in a couple of years & Peter Aldrich had a triumphant return …

Posted in comics, daily news, music | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

4 Responses to Good Hours (featuring Peter Aldrich, Small Life Form, & More)

  1. Lullabier says:

    That Shirt is awesome, Brian!!! How did you design it?

    • I took the cover art for the Irata disc & cut out the majority of the image. Then I exported it as a gif with only three colors so that it will only need two inks for printing. Then I inverted it into a negative.

  2. Peter says:

    I’m glad you had a good day. Thanks for getting me out there!

Remora, Candy, & More

So the big news for today is the new Remora EP I Came to Party.  It’s the first in the new series of five minute EPs from Silber.  It’s up, but the official launch probably will be next week.  …

Posted in comics, daily news, music | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Remora, Candy, & More

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    remember when you reviewed tightie whities in qrd. maybe you could repay them a visit for ND.

Days & Dreams

It feels like it’s been a long couple of days.  I’ve been working on assembling puzzle boxes & comics most of the time.  Did a practice for Small Life Form that went over pretty well.  I still have a few …

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Free Remora, Comics, Free Compilation, mwvm, & Dreams

I should’ve posted about this a while ago, but free streaming of Remora’s 24 hour record from last month on Somehow Ecstatic Records.

I booked an appearance at The Pittsburgh Comics & Collectibles Show for when I’m in Pittsburgh.  …

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Kicking It

So I crafted two of the Kickstarter campaigns (the Remora shirt one & one for doing comic stuff in Pittsburgh) & submitted them today.  So hopefully they’ll get approved & launched.  Kickstarter definitely seems to be hitting some growing pains.  …

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