Puzzle Boxes, Small Life Form, Aidan 5

So I finally got to work on designing some new puzzle boxes.  A new small box design (3x3x3), two new large box designs (4x4x4), & one mixed large & small block design (I guess it’s still a 3x3x3).  I’ll hopefully have stuff up about selling them in the next couple of days.

So I got up the better quality video of the Small Life Form set from the other day.  I hope you dig it.

While I’m at it, here’s a video from this sci-fi internet series Aidan 5.  The weird paper cutout background animations you will either find cool or super annoying.  I kinda like it.  The whole thing is a Philip K. Dick meats Sin City type of vibe, which I guess puts me as the target audience. About two hours in total run time. I even liked it enough to back the Kickstarter for them to do another season.

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