Category Archives: daily news

Aarktica, Remora, ebooks, 5 in 5 series, Electric Bird Noise, Buttons, Dreams

Been a few days since I posted, but I’ve actually been doing some stuff.

So I can’t remember how much I talked about it on here, but I bought a semi-industrial button maker.  So if you need some one inch …

Posted in art, buttons, daily news, dreams, movies & television, music, video | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Aarktica, Remora, ebooks, 5 in 5 series, Electric Bird Noise, Buttons, Dreams

  1. the girl says:

    busy, busy, busy!!!

    i have video of last song of the SC show set i can upload if you’d like?

From Oceans To Autumn, Magi, Pow Wow, QRD, Buttons, Dreams

So the five minute EP by From Oceans To Autumn came out a few days ago & now there are plans for a remix/single release for the related project Magi.  I’ll let you know more as it develops.

Got …

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Pow Wow, Star, The Independents, Spotify

Out on the road with The Independents.  It’s frustrating at time to see the low volume of people at good shows & the volume of people buying shirts over music, but it’s good to see the future for music at …

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From Oceans To Autumn & the usual stuff.

New 5 minute/5 song EP from From Oceans to Autumn. Free to stream or a buck to buy.   That’s the big news for the past couple of days.  Not sure what else is up.  Just been trying to get …

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From Oceans To Autmun, Music Videos, Dreams

So I’ve been working on the press release for the new From Oceans To Autumn EP that will be out in a day or two.  In the meantime, here’s a song from one of their recent releases.

While I’m pushing …

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Future Plans, Ebook Woes, QRD, Pow Wow, Recording, Dream

So I’m thinking about my next big musical project.  I’m thinking about doing something where I essentially record an hour of new musical material every day for a month.  Not I’m recording for an hour, but a finished (if rough) …

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams, music | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

One Response to Future Plans, Ebook Woes, QRD, Pow Wow, Recording, Dream

  1. goddakkATTACK says:

    i keep reading that as ewok woes

YouTube, QRD, 5 in 5, Twelve, Baptizer

So I just saw this article about YouTube throwing out robot views from some major labels.  The spin in this article is clearly YouTube/Google’s spin of “We’re just trying to make things work properly.”  But I have to wonder …

Posted in daily news, music | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to YouTube, QRD, 5 in 5, Twelve, Baptizer

  1. the girl says:

    hey show me where that one you played for me the other night is
    (a link, i mean). bird something. me gusta.

  2. GoddakkAttack says:

    have you reached out to more high profile folks to do the 5′s? if the internet is any indicator, nobody will care until someone they already care about is doin it.

    • Yeah, I’ve even had interest expressed by some bigger bands (like Goddakk!), but I’m still releasing them in the order they were received & the three or four “bigger bands” haven’t gotten their tracks in to me yet.
      I also haven’t started the ad campaign I had planned for them as of yet.
      I did however get an email from a DJ saying there was something wrong with the new releases they downloaded to play because all the songs were only a minute long. Kinda funny.

Happy New Year.

It’s 2013.  I’m pretty happy about that I suppose as it means I somehow managed to survive 2012 thanks to all the Silber fans.  We actually stayed in the black this year.  Which means I’m making about $0.50 an hour …

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Slowness, QRD, Comics, Dreams

Trying to get a lot of work done before the end of the year.  Slowing me down on getting some thing done I wanted done as far as the five in five series.  Kinda frustrated about that, I’ll have to …

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SPACE, Star, Goths Up Trees, Royalties, Ebook, Music Marketing, Dreams

I just realized I forgot to mention it on the blog, but Star #2 (a comic I did with Kurt Dinse) is nominated for a SPACE Prize.

I got my picture up on my favorite website, Goths Up Trees

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