Category Archives: daily news


So yesterday after two stressful months, closing finally came on the house I’m buying.  It’s a huge relief.  Now a week of trying to get everything moved in & getting my life in an order that makes sense to see …

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New 5in5s from Chvad SB & Black Wedding


I announced in the first newsletter of 2015 that Silber was going to have a bunch of releases coming up. I know just a week or so ago I told you about the Broken Hearts Broken Sounds compilation (which

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New Compilation & New QRD

So we have a new compilation on Silber.  It’s curated by long time Silber friend Michael Wood.  I met him playing a show at his record store/club The Lazy I back in the 1990s.  He let me sleep in his …

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Happy New Year from Silber


Welcome to 2015.  2014 was a pretty ambitious year for us at Silber.  25 releases, which I think is the most we’ve ever done in a year.  So what’s the plan for 2015?  Beat it.  If I can get …

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Silber’s Most Popular Releases of 2014

What were the ten most popular releases on Silber in 2014?  It might surprise you as some of them suprised us.  You get all ten of them for just $20!  Here’s what you get:
Chvad SB: Crickets Were the Compass

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& Now It’s 2015

Looking back, 2014 was a pretty ambitious year for Silber.  25 musical releases including the massive QRD compilation & ebook.  4 issues of QRD. 14 mini-comics.  2 Kickstarters.  5 comic conventions. About 10 live shows from Remora/Small Life Form.  It …

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I’m the best? & the Silber Newsletter

So as most of you know, I have pretty much always run promotion for Silber releases in house.  On occasion a friend hires a promotions house & they’ll get a copy of their promo list & send it to me …

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Life is Worth Living

I used to make a point to post on here more or less every day, now it’s one or two times a month & I wonder if that matters to anyone?  If it matters to you then maybe follow on …

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Things Are Happening & I’m Happy About It

Okay, so the new QRD is out.  I’m pretty happy about that, but what I am more excited about is that I seem to have gotten myself back on a regiment of getting work done & focusing instead of just …

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Yellow6, Lost Trail, & a few other things

As always, a lot going on here at Silber.

First off in music news is that we have a new album from Yellow6.  Yellow6 has been a pretty steady force in guitar experiments & shoegazery drone for almost 20 years

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One Response to Yellow6, Lost Trail, & a few other things

  1. Lullabier says:

    A little bird told me that there will be also a Christmas EP by Firetail…