Tag Archives: remora

Nothing can stop the Juggernaut

Got everything done for taxes & sending out band royalties.

Ordered a new power supply for my laptop (fingers croosed on it working).

Got new drafts done for the Lost Kisses & Ultimate Lost Kisses for the sampler done, just …

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Recent Reviews – Aarktica, Carta, Sarah June, Remora, Northern Valentine

Nuova produzione in edizione limitata quest’anno per il newyorkese John DeRosa, alias Aarktica, con il suo “In Sea Remixes”: rivisitazione dell’ultimo progetto “In Sea” al fianco della Silber Records. Una musicalità speciale quella di Aarktica, onde …

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Video Research

I spent the day going through the list of 100 video outlets that were allegedly targeted for the Vlor video.  I sometimes really don’t understand promotional people.  Of the hundred about 40 either no longer existed or were grossly inappropriate …

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In Late.

Fell asleep before writing this last night….

Got the print layout for Marked #2 done & printed out the first run.

Cleaned up the collaborative song I worked on & sent it off.  It’s one of those things where it’s …

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Videos, Digital Store

I did a little video work today.  Put up some stuff on YouTube.  Here are the links:
Remora/The Silberspy: “You Are Old (Birthday Song)”
silberspy sighting
Remora (americana style) “let’s fall in love”

I think things are going to be …

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Videos, Downloads, & Conversations

I recorded a special little drone using a CB microphone & a few electric razors for the opening of the little music video for “Collapse” (new version for the Mecha album).  It reminded me that I need to start doing

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Lots going on, Sarah June/Carta/Origami Arktika

I took a couple days off from blogging & the internet in general.  Did a couple video things, but I’m still waiting for my new link cable for my camera to hook up my camera to my computer (anyone want …

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Better Day Tomorrow.

Weird day today.

Started off losing some work on my computer because I didn’t know power was off & the work I was doing was over the internet & thus not saved because the router was shut off & I …

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prepping & demoing & compaigning.

Got a bunch of orders filled today, more to do tomorrow.

Still trying to get everything ready for the next promo batch.  It always takes longer than I anticipate.

I found out today that the post office got some new …

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A lot of little things.

I just spent some time trying to recreate some of my audio problems (as some of you may recall I found a bad cable, but then still had audio problems at my last show) & found that when I had …

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