Nothing can stop the Juggernaut

Got everything done for taxes & sending out band royalties.

Ordered a new power supply for my laptop (fingers croosed on it working).

Got new drafts done for the Lost Kisses & Ultimate Lost Kisses for the sampler done, just have to put in the pictures.

Tried to work on my wooden reverb idea, but I broke the wire off the pzm thing.  Try to solder it back together to test tomorrow.

Got an idea for doing a pretty ridiculous sequel to Remora’s “Ensoulment” record (which I suppose in itself is a sequel to “Ambient Drones for One Guitar”).  I don’t want to give it away before it happens as I don’t want someone to rip off the idea before I launch mine into the world.  So yeah, that does mean I’m working on about seven Remora concept albums at once; but once things calm down a little it’ll make sense.  I was also thinking, what to do with some leftover money I had last month, I didn’t hesitate so much and didn’t think much about it either so I decided to put that money in play, I registered and played at daftar pragmatic slot to try my luck and boy did it work. I realize that I should’ve made Remora a cash cow flagship band on the label instead of leaving it as “the label owner’s solo project.”  So making up for the lost recording time of the past fifteen years might take a while.

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