Tag Archives: remora

Senses Returning, Customer Service, Recording, etc

Today I woke up having regained feeling in my big toe & thumb & index finger on my right side.  My balance was greatly improved by this & I took advantage of it by walking to the bank.

I can’t …

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Mini-Comics, Mastering, Remoracana

I edited the mailing list to get my mini-comics out for promo.  About six or seven folks had websites not updated in 2010 so I cut them from the list.

I got in the copies of Veggie Dog Saturn I’m …

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Mecha, QRD, Sarah June, New Compilation

I sent out Remora: Mecha for manufacturing this morning (which also means I got the disc face art done).  It’s going to be a limited run thing.  We’ll see what happens.  It seems like I might be able to make …

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Old Guitar, New Printer, Other Stuff.

I actually did some fooling around with recording today.  I pulled out my japanese surf guitar that I used to hate & it seems kinda cool to me today.  It has a narrow neck & I had it strung with …

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Remora: Mecha

I mastered up the three additional tracks to Remora: Mecha (original recordings are 2.5 years old) & put them in what seems a good order.  Anybody know a good, cheap place to get 50 CD-Rs pressed?

Made the video for …

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QRD as work? – Smiley Face, Broken Printer – Frowny Face

So I spent the majority of the day trying to figure out if I could make QRD work in such a way to bring significant income.  Surprisingly my answer seemed to be yes?  I’m planning to start to make it …

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A Productive Day or a Long Blog?

I decided to hold off on my mass mailing about the digital shop.  Because there are going to be some digital only releases coming in June & I want to stick to the max of four mass emails a year …

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More $5 Downloads! Plus other news!

So I’ve been trying to encode the back catalog & make snazzy little PDFs for each digital download & it’s taking a lot longer to do than I anticipated.  I was thinking I could do 10-15 a day & I’m …

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Getting things done

Alright, getting things done.

I got mostly caught up on my emails from the past couple of weeks.  & got out this weeks press/radio follow-ups for Sarah June/Carta.  Next week will be the last official week on their promo campaigns.…

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Myspace Money?

It’s getting to the point that I really need my laptop to start working.  It ends up that when I copied over my Pagemaker files to my back-up hard drive, it doesn’t keep the links correctly so to print the
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