I decided to hold off on my mass mailing about the digital shop. Because there are going to be some digital only releases coming in June & I want to stick to the max of four mass emails a year to customers, so that’s the main reason for the delay.
I sent off about 65 emails for doing interviews for the QRD guitarist interview series. New issue of QRD in June! Another new issue in July! No promises for August!
I’m still offering the ridiculously low priced ads at QRD for anyone interested. A permanent ad for the sidebar of an individual issue is $10. Know anyone I should solicit? Does anyone know any zines/blogs they think I should hit up for ad swaps?
Speaking of QRD, does anyone know how to add an RSS feed to a site? I am not looking for someone to tell me to make a wordpress site. I’m comfortable with the current functionality & like that it doesn’t look bloggy, I just want to add an RSS feed for the people who might use it.
Sent out a second wave of emails to record stores with reviews of the recent releases. Maybe it’ll generate an extra 20 sales through the distros. I guess if I get requests for re-stocks this week I can assume it worked.
Fixed the alphabetical order catalog page & special sales page on the site to have the digital download stuff.
Did a little research on bloggers to add to the promo list.
I posted to the Silber/QRD Yahoo group about the digital shop. There’s about 150 people still on the group. Strangely I hadn’t posted anything on it since last December. I think it’s because I was using Grouply & Grouply stopped working properly & I didn’t know it.
Got an email from Shane that he is steadily working on Ultimate Lost Kisses #12.
I have a lot of stuff to do over the next couple of weeks. I need to get my to do list & keep it handy so I can stay focused. Gotta get things fixed up for the Remora Mecha disc. Fix some Remora video stuff up. Get the mini-comic promos out (which means assembling them. Get the mini-comics for sale on the website. Write new mini-comics. Prepare the digital only releases (pdf artwork, mastering on some, writing press releases, I think that’s everything to be done & thus all to be done). Try to get QRD advertisers.
It looks like Silber’s web ranking on Alexa is having a major drop coming (from 1.5 millionth to 3 millionth most popular). Not sure why it is. I guess the buzz over the new releases? Trying to bring that spike back around. We’ll see what happens.
Talked to my son Andrew Weathers about a possible top secret project last night. Things are top secret when I don’t know if they’ll come to fruition.
Talked to Nic Slaton a bit more about his Silber release. It’s going to happen.
Starting to plan for a digital only new Silber label sampler. It’ll basically just have the free sample tracks from the releases since 2006, but of course there’s the new stuff coming that I want to have tracks of included. So some of the things might end up with exclusive mixes & what not. It’ll only cost $1.
I was noticing that I have never made Remora: Anadia available. I’m thinking about revisiting the recordings to see what I think of releasing it digitally. Maybe doing something with Anaaron & Acroyer as well. Also possibly Remora: Live in Oslo. I don’t know. Just something I’m thinking about at this point. If I’m really going to do that I should find a four track cassette machine that has four outputs so I can convert the original tapes to digital & spend a year trying to fix stuff that no one will care about.