Tag Archives: remora

Heading to the Beach/Studio

Spent most of the day trying to get some things ready for going to Myrtle Beach tomorrow to start recording.  I think I finally figured out the guitar part for “We Come from the Sea” (it was originally written for …

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Free Download of Your Choice, QRD, Future Album Work

Okay, I’m going to be starting to give away 5 downloads a month selected at random from folks who sign-up (or re-sign-up) for the mailing list.  Making the sign-up available for the first time right here:


Did some work towards …

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More Circuits, Demo Transcriptions, MySpace, Dream

Bam! I made another optical theremin today.  Even did some modifications on the design to fit my needs.  Pretty stoked right now about things.  I’ll go buy some more parts tomorrow to make some more.

Transcribed 6 of the 10 …

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Postcards, Remora, Muscle Mass, Short Compilation

Sent the postcards in for printing today to promote the new releases.  So something actually completed & scratched off the to do list.

Talked with Brian McKenzie about the new Remora record (tentatively titled Hurtless) he is going to act …

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A Couple Days

Sorry I have missed a couple days of blogging.

I finished a bunch of demo recordings for Remora (about three hours) & sent them off to Brian McKenzie (Electric Bird Noise) to let me know what I should focus on …

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Recording/Promos/Web Updates

Did some demo recording for the upcoming Remora.  About 20 ideas that had been on my phone re-recorded on my machine (there were about 20 other song ideas on the phone that I abandoned, at least now I can use …

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Placements & Promos

Did some work to day for some potential television placement things.  I don’t want to jinx them, so I won’t mention anything unless I’m told it’s about to broadcast.

Registered the new Remora songs from Mecha with BMI.

Got back …

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Promotion, Dream Secret, Demos

Today’s big event was talking to Bruce Warila of Music Think Tank about doing a frontpage article about the Vlor Lego video for “Watch Me Bleed.”  So obviously I’m going to follow his lead on the project & see what …

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New QRD & Two New Remora Videos!

So you read the subject line, productive day.  I also did some work on the website.  I found a way around the javascript warning that was being issued in Internet Explorer & I’m going to be populating that around the …

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QRD, Irata, Mecha, Intern, YouTube, Invoices, Demos

I got in the last couple of interviews for QRD today.  So the issue should go live next week.  Which is putting me on a five week schedule instead of a monthly schedule.  Which I think is pretty good.  First …

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