Tag Archives: remora

Mixes, QRD Possibility, Leaving Las Vegas, James Ellroy

A lot of weird & wacky things going on in my “regular life” lately that have been throwing my Silber work out of wack, but I am trying to put things back on track.  I wish I didn’t have to …

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BMI, Film Festival, Distro, More Later

A lot going on in the past few days.

Finished the MySpace friending campaign with folks who are friends with at least three Silber bands.

Finished sending out the emails of the newsletter.

Got in checks from BMI!  Apparently the …

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QRD, The Wet Teens, Google, A Fire is actually Burning (help a Silber artist)

Most of the time the past two days I’ve spent doing proofing for the next QRD.  Always goes slower than I expect.  I think part of it is the change in format from four 5-page interviews to twenty 8-page …

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video, QRD, lots of dreams, a complaint

So I have a complaint about something that is common in the music industry that is maybe common everywhere.  Why do people make out checks to the wrong name?  Is it an honest mistake or a business practice to try …

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Broken Briefcase, Skype, Grants, Interns, Label Owners, Bandcamp, Label Reflections

My briefcase for my laptop broke where the strap hooks up to it.  Not sure if I’ll be able to fix it or not.  But if that’s the biggest problem in my day I guess I have nothing to complain …

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End of studio time & a fun/crap video

Got a bunch done in the studio today.  It was my last day in for this trip & we banged out 8 songs, though I’m not convinced all of them are complete & some might need some more added when …

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Microphones, Cats, & Dogs

Had a few extra minutes, so I thought I’d double blog.

The mic shoot-out in the studio for my vocal between my trusty Shure Beta 58, a $2000 Neuman, a Shure SM 7, & a Sennheiser MD421 was won by …

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Recording Remora/SLF

So I guess the Remora recordings has gotten a bit in the way of the blog.

We’re basically averaging around a song a day, but I hope to speed it up as we’re headed towards songs that are more fully …

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Remora recordings

Rough first day in the studio.  Eight hours working on one song & it’s not completed.  But it is a song about the politics of war & Frankenstein, so maybe it’s understandable that I need to get it just right.  …

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So last night’s show had some kind of technical issue & technical issues throw off my performance or at least my mood & makes me feel like I have a lousy show whether I actually did or not.  Some kind …

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