Tag Archives: remora

Remora, Barcodes, Low

Practiced for the Remora show tomorrow with the guitar & effects plugged & ran into some kind of “no sound coming out” problem that eventually magically started to work.  I think it’s my ABY box that I stepped on the …

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Free Music from Remora & Thorn1 plus other fun stuff.

So today instead of actually practicing playing guitar, I made this on my sub-midi program.  Let me know what you think & if it feels familiar.

I finally have the finished version of the Azalia Snail press release done.  Also …

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Pricing, Azalia Snail, Remora, Lost Kisses, XO

So as some of you may have noticed, the price of shipping internationally went up a bit recently.  A single CD went up from $3.70 to $4.33 going to Europe.  Which makes me wonder about raising the international price from …

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Remora, Azalia Snail, Electric Bird Noise, Interviews

Looking for input on the art for the new Remora album Scars Bring Hopehttp://www.silbermedia.com/remora/remora-scars-photos.pdf -cleaning up the photos took a big chunk of my day.

Got a little more work done on the Azalia Snail press release.  Slow …

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The Pointless Forest, Remora, Wheelchairs, Live from Silber HQ

So I’d like to issue a special “screw you” to Xtranormal who say they have reinstated a free video making thing via YouTube but gets an error message every time I try to finalize a video I wasted an hour …

Posted in daily news, music, video | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments

6 Responses to The Pointless Forest, Remora, Wheelchairs, Live from Silber HQ

  1. Nick says:

    SLF’s One is an amazing album. Just remembered I have not listened to that record for years though…

    • Thanks. I really need to do the follow-up record of studio recordings for SLF. I suppose my 4.5 hour drone piece probably should come under that name whenever it’s finally finished. I think it has about 20 layers now which means 90 hours in actual recording time! The critical listening phase is going to be a bitch!

  2. GoddakkAttack says:

    memba draggin the lav cart? nothing like listening to turds sloshing around with every step

XO, Keychain Camera, Remora, Vlor, Roland, Ampquest, Dogs

So I got a final draft of XO #8 done & laid out & sent it to Melissa to draw. So that’s just two comics I have out waiting for art to come back. I need to get on the …

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Remora, Outer Limits, Dream

So I spent several hours this morning working on the little sculpture I’m thinking of using for the Remora: Scars Bring Hope album cover.  Not 100% sure on it yet.

I got in another mastered version of Scars Bring Hope …

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Small Life Form, Stan Brakhage, Fathers & Sons, XO, Remora, Veggie Dog Saturn, Dream

I knocked out a few Small Life Form tracks for the comp Ben Collins is putting together about Stan Brakhage.  One is a thing where I set up some optical theremins & played Mothlight & another is using magnets …

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Azalia Snail, Remora, 15, Mead, Thorn1

I got a little more work done trying to touch up an image for the Azalia Snail cover (it was a super tiny image (300 pixels) that I needed to blow up to a proper size to use with printing …

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Remora, Interns, Azalia Snail, & Comics

Got in a few minutes of practicing for the Remora set on Saturday.  I really need to make time for myself to play guitar every day.  I’m always shocked how much I like it when I do it.  Also there …

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2 Responses to Remora, Interns, Azalia Snail, & Comics

  1. Nick Marino says:

    haha where’d my comment from yesterday go? or was it just not approved yet?

  2. Nick Marino says:

    damn but now i sorta forget what i said… oh, but it did include this — two words, as in Super Haters, not Superhaters!