Silber Monthly Charts – December 2012

Here’s the monthly charts for what people have been checking out on the website.  Look into anything you don’t know about.

Top Five Most Read Silber Digital Comics in December
1. Star #2
2. REH #1
3. Mecha
4. Just A Man #1
5. Lost Kisses #6

Top Five Most Read About Silber Releases in December
1. Electric Bird Noise – Music from the Short Film Icarus City
2. Northern Valentine – Juno
3. Irata – Vultures
4. Remora – I Came to Party
5. Plumerai – Mondegreen

Top Ten Silber Album Downloads in December
1. Plumerai – Marco Polo
2. Various Artists – Six Feet Below the Snow
3. Various Artists – 30 Seconds of Time
4. From Oceans to Autumn – The Flood/The Fall
5. Promute – Drone of the Norns
6. Unspeakable Forces – Butterfly Corpse
7. Panthan – Five Pointed Swords
8. mwvm – Had Yr Pash
9. Sarah June – Beneath Black Robes
10. Magi – December

Top Five Most Read QRD Interviews in December
1. Alex Boniwell (issue 54 – Musician Dad Series IV (2012))
2. Erin O’Brien (issue 29 (2005))
3. Alan Sparhawk (issue 46 – Guitarist Interviews IV (2010))
4. Agata of Melt-Banana (issue 43 – Guitarist Interviews III (2010))
5. Calvin Johnson (issue 54 – Musician Dad Series IV (2012))

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From Oceans To Autumn, Magi, Pow Wow, QRD, Buttons, Dreams

So the five minute EP by From Oceans To Autumn came out a few days ago & now there are plans for a remix/single release for the related project Magi.  I’ll let you know more as it develops.

Got in the last four panels of artwork for Pow Wow #2.  Hoping to finish up the layout for it tonight.

Been getting in a bunch of interviews for QRD.  Which is good except now I realize how much work I’m giving to myself.

I broke down & spent a few hundred dollars on a good button maker.  If you are interested in getting some buttons made, here’s a template with ordering info on it.

Last Night’s Dreams:
I’m trying to ride a bike up a mountain, but I never learned how to ride a bike; so instead I’m carrying a bike up a mountain.

I’m at the Cyberpunk Apocalypse House & the three girls in the house are all vomiting in unison in different rooms.  I think they are victims of alien impregnation.

I go to Dachau doing research for a comic.  There’s no one else there as a visitor, but there are some homeless people squatting at the concentration camp.  I’m scared a ghost is going to follow me home from this place.

I’m performing in an experimental band using my Roland SH-101 & a reel-to-reel that has been modified so the flipping tail of the tape slaps across the tape head emitting random sounds.

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Some Kind of glitch in the internet erased my blog entry except the dream entry.  I did some stuff.  Whatever.

Last Night’s Dream:
I’m sitting in a crappy hotel that probably hasn’t been updated since the early 1970s with Michael Gira & we’re talking about the danger of ruining your brand by releasing inferior products at which point he reveals one of my puzzle boxes that has fallen apart from a shitty job gluing it.

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Last Night’s Dreams

Last Night’s Dreams:
I wake up when a bell rings in a church classroom.  No one else is in the room so I get up & leave.  Wandering out of the building looking for my car a woman grabs my arm & asks me my last name.  I tell her & she lets go & disappears into a cluster of people.  I go into the crowd after her & grab her arm & ask her why she wanted to know my name.  She asks me how my public speaking class was & I tell her I’m not taking a public speaking class & I apologize for being rude & say “I’m sorry, I just woke up.”  “Oh?  You were on a coke bender?” “What?  No, I fell asleep in my writing class.  Now I can’t find my car.  Crap, it was in an accident a couple weeks ago.”  “Did your insurance pay for a rental?”  “No.  I don’t have that kind of insurance.  I borrowed a car, but I can’t remember what it looks like.”

I’m using my 4-track cassette recorder to do a remix, but all I’m really doing is playing with the pitch wheel.

I’m explaining to a friend why I love Robert E Howard.  I don’t mention his work at all, only that he used to take care of his mother & that I took care of my grandmother & he shot himself in the head in the end & maybe he made the better choice.

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One Response to Last Night’s Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    do you know that dead milkmen song “Dean’s Dream” basically lyrics a play by play of a dream their drummer had. You should do a similar one.

Pow Wow, Star, The Independents, Spotify

Out on the road with The Independents.  It’s frustrating at time to see the low volume of people at good shows & the volume of people buying shirts over music, but it’s good to see the future for music at least slightly.  I have hope for the future sometimes if not faith in it.  Met one of their old booking agents who is a 74 year old that is super excited about Kickstarter, so that’s kind of an exciting idea.

I haven’t seen to many people mention it, but Spotify Europe recently eliminated download purchases.  Which means the revenue they’ll generate for artists on Silber will most likely drop down from a couple dollars a month to a few cents a month.  Still not sure if having any of the Silber catalog on their is an asset or liability.

I got the drafts finished for Star #3 & #4 finished up & sent to Kurt Dinse.  It will be a while until they’re drawn, but it’s cool to have them done on my end.

Got a little work done on laying out Pow Wow #2.  I might get it done by Monday.  Just depends how the next couple of days go.

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From Oceans To Autumn & the usual stuff.

New 5 minute/5 song EP from From Oceans to Autumn. Free to stream or a buck to buy.   That’s the big news for the past couple of days.  Not sure what else is up.  Just been trying to get some stuff done & that always takes longer than expected, working up my nerve for a “big ask” music Kickstarter & writing some comics & working on QRD.  The usual stuff.

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From Oceans To Autmun, Music Videos, Dreams

So I’ve been working on the press release for the new From Oceans To Autumn EP that will be out in a day or two.  In the meantime, here’s a song from one of their recent releases.

While I’m pushing videos, here’s a Jandek cover I did on a toy guitar I paid $15 for.

& here’s a series of discussions from Joe Kendrick’s What It Is about the history of music videos going back to 1908!

Last Night’s Dream:
I get a call on my cell phone, but I don’t recognize the number so I don’t answer it & they leave a message.  It’s my ex-girlfriend that I haven’t spoken to in four years telling me she’s in the hospital with our baby.  At first I think she’s having a baby right now & is claiming it’s mine, then I think maybe she had a baby three years ago that got sick & is only now telling me about it.  Either way I’d need to do a DNA test to have any belief in it being my kid.  Rather than calling her back I try to call a number of friends asking for advice, but nobody answers the calls.  I can’t have that woman back in my life even if it means abandoning a child.

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Future Plans, Ebook Woes, QRD, Pow Wow, Recording, Dream

So I’m thinking about my next big musical project.  I’m thinking about doing something where I essentially record an hour of new musical material every day for a month.  Not I’m recording for an hour, but a finished (if rough) release every day.  I’m planning on using Kickstarter for it of course to fund for some of the things I’d need for it as far as getting a few new pieces of equipment that could inspire me during the month as I assume my ideas will run a bit dry over the course of the thing.  Anyway, my thoughts for price points is at $1 you get streaming video to see me at work each day as much as possible, at $5 you’d get a “greatest hits” MP3 collection, at $30 you’d get downloads of all thirty albums, & at $100 you’d get a song inspired by either words of your choosing (not necessarily used as lyrics, I know you jokers!) or an image of your choosing.  Stretch goals would be getting a physical product manufactured (CD) or maybe shirts or pins or something.  Please let me know what you think in the comments.  I do plan to do something where if I have a failed day I’ll tack an extra day on the end & I already have some potential collaborations planned.  As far as my thoughts on my ability to actually do it, I have been involved in a half dozen albums that were recorded in a single day in the past & I just spent the month of November bunkered down working on comics, so I really think there is a possibility & that I’ll come out a stronger musician.

So the past several days I’ve been trying to make my Pittsburgh ebook.  I think the problem I’ve been running into essentially is it’s just a way bigger file than my 1990s design software wants to work with.  It keeps crashing & just giving me an error code saying, “I’m sorry, the PDF was not created.”  Which is bad because I had in mind that doing some ebooks was how I might make some money this year off of some of the comics as well as classic QRD content.  But today I downloaded some software that is supposed to be able to stitch two PDFs into one, so if that works I’ll be back on track.  Of course exporting the PDFs to be able to work with takes a while in the first place & probably being online to type this while the program is trying to grind out a 150 image heavy pages (the book is about 300 total) is probably slowing things down.  Hopefully in a couple of days I’ll have good news about it.

A few more QRD interviews are trickling in for the next three issues.  I also got two people interested in advertising with the current special rates of three issues worth of advertising for the price of one.  I also might be getting a new affiliate deal set up & we’ll see if that works out for me or not (it’s with a music marketing school, but it’s hard to know if anyone will click on the links or not).

I got in the artwork for the second issue of Pow Wow.  Pretty stoked about it.  Wish I had time to work on the layout & printing of it, but too much other stuff going on at the moment.

Last Night’s Dream:
I’m homeless.  Not in the cute way I was in my 20s where I traveled around the country living out of my car, but in the way where I don’t even own a wallet.  Suffering from insomnia I wander the streets hearing things that might not be there, waiting for something to change – for something to happen.  On the horizon it doesn’t look like the sun coming up, but like a great white light is coming to envelope & destroy the earth.

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One Response to Future Plans, Ebook Woes, QRD, Pow Wow, Recording, Dream

  1. goddakkATTACK says:

    i keep reading that as ewok woes

YouTube, QRD, 5 in 5, Twelve, Baptizer

So I just saw this article about YouTube throwing out robot views from some major labels.  The spin in this article is clearly YouTube/Google’s spin of “We’re just trying to make things work properly.”  But I have to wonder if the root isn’t Google trying to pay less money out.

I’ve been working on the next few issues of QRD.  I’m feeling pretty good about the possibility of making some magic happen with QRD again.  I was surprised to see it had been six months since the last issue.  I have 16 new interviews in so far with label owners, guitarists, & cartoonists.  So it’ll be a triple explosion once it is ready.  I definitely feel like I might have burned myself out a little in 2011 when I did a couple hundred interviews & felt like I was taking QRD to a next level & I still wasn’t able to get any advertisers.  So maybe this next time things will happen as I want them.  We’ll just have to wait & see I suppose.

I’ve let myself slip behind a bit on the 5 in 5 series.  I need to just take a week & really push myself to get press releases done for all the ones I have in so that I can just release them casually instead of being stressed out about getting a new one ready every other week.  I did send out some reminders to people who might be appearing in the series.  So I really do need to get myself motivated about it.  To be honest the things didn’t catch interest as much as I’d hoped.  I mean clearly the concept is a little gimmicky, but I thought that might be a selling point for it to get a mention on one of the big music websites & so far they have really gone by completely unnoticed.

Long time Silber fans know about Chris Olley’s project Twelve.  He’s just done a new limited edition release via Bandcamp if you are interested in checking it out.  Way dancier than his recent solo releases.

Here’s a track called “Separate” from Baptizer that is culled from a live performance I sat in on just before Halloween. It is noise.

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3 Responses to YouTube, QRD, 5 in 5, Twelve, Baptizer

  1. the girl says:

    hey show me where that one you played for me the other night is
    (a link, i mean). bird something. me gusta.

  2. GoddakkAttack says:

    have you reached out to more high profile folks to do the 5′s? if the internet is any indicator, nobody will care until someone they already care about is doin it.

    • Yeah, I’ve even had interest expressed by some bigger bands (like Goddakk!), but I’m still releasing them in the order they were received & the three or four “bigger bands” haven’t gotten their tracks in to me yet.
      I also haven’t started the ad campaign I had planned for them as of yet.
      I did however get an email from a DJ saying there was something wrong with the new releases they downloaded to play because all the songs were only a minute long. Kinda funny.

Happy New Year.

It’s 2013.  I’m pretty happy about that I suppose as it means I somehow managed to survive 2012 thanks to all the Silber fans.  We actually stayed in the black this year.  Which means I’m making about $0.50 an hour running this ship.  I’m hoping to double that in 2013.  I know you are thinking to yourself, “How is that possible?” & the answer is by doing more stuff that takes less money to produce (digital content) & putting a few less hours into Silber (I think I’m suffering diminished returns putting in 80 hour weeks).  It’s going to be a good year I think.  At least my plan is for it to be a good year.  As most of you know I had a lot of luck in 2012 with a few things (comics & puzzle boxes selling on Kickstarter, producing/engineering a record for someone else, having ten musical releases of my own, putting out eighteen new releases on Silber, getting out about a dozen new comics, getting three issues of QRD out) & I’m planning more content in 2013 to make it look like 2012 was just an average year instead of a blockbuster one.   Obviously I can’t guarantee anything, but I think I may surpass 2012′s content by May.  That’s my hope.  & I issue the challenge to you all to do the same, to have a good year that is at least twice as productive as the last.

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