Taxes, 5 in 5, & Dreams

So I got my taxes done & mailed in.  Nice to feel like something is accomplished.  Still have to make out all the stuff for sending out artist royalties & such.

I drew half of a super short schizophrenic dystopian revolutionary comic yesterday.  With luck I’ll finish it today.

Finally got back to work on the 5 in 5 series.  I’m hoping to put a string of them out in the next couple of days.

Just a sketch….

Last Night’s Dreams:
I wake up & look outside & there’s snow on the ground.  It’s too late in the year for snow.  Has God finally granted me time travel?  I look at the mess in my room & there’s too much evidence of modern times to have gone back far enough to matter.

I’m staying at a hotel & go to the continental breakfast assuming it’s free.  When I get to the end of the service line there’s a place to pay, but I don’t have my wallet with me.  I ask the guy to let me put my tray behind him while I go grab my wallet.  I grab my wallet out of my bookbag & when I open it to pay all the credit cards are missing & all there is, is $6 in cash.  I start freaking out & the dude says if I’m not going to pay he has to call the cops & I’m yelling, “Call the cops!  I’ve been robbed!  How am I going to make it back home!?!” & by coincidence there are cops eating the breakfast there & they come up & surround me.

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Feeling pretty down right now as I thought the new cat pins would be a huge hit & while they got tweeted about by Low & Tumblred about by Jessica Bailiff not to mention my normal postings, I got zero sales.  Kinda frustrating.  I also put up a couple super discounted sales & posted about them on Facebook & Twitter to no response.  In addition things have gotten rough between me & Karla (probably irreparable) & I haven’t been able to eat or sleep properly for several days.  Meanwhile I need to try to get my taxes done (both quarterly & the annual ones gotta pay a bit on both) & figure out how I’m going to run my table at SPACE in a couple weeks & how I’m going to be getting back from there (the drive home through the mountains at night can be brutal & sometimes I stop along the way).  I don’t know.  There’s things that would be positive otherwise (a couple Remora shows, a confirmed appearance at Maker Faire NC), but as it is I’m seeing everything as fairly fucked up & I just want to walk away from my life & be completely erased; I’m just fucking tired.

Last Night’s Dream:
I’m in the backseat of a car & Karla’s driving with her new professional wrestler boyfriend with a hand on her knee.  She almost flips the car over taking a turn too fast & then the mall security cops in golf carts are chasing after us.

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Silber Monthly Charts for March 2013

Here’s the monthly charts for what people were checking out on the Silber website in March. Look into anything you don’t know about.

Top Five Most Read Silber Digital Comics in March
1. Cyberpunk Apocalypse: Artistic Evidence
2. REH #1
3. XLK #1
4. Just A Man #1
5. Ultimate Lost Kisses #11

Top Five Most Read About Silber Releases in March
1. Electric Bird Noise – Desert Jelly
2. Goddakk – III
3. Northern Valentine – Juno
4. Jamie Barnes – The Fallen Acrobat
5. Irata – Vultures

Top Ten Silber Album Downloads in February
1. Electric Bird Noise – Desert Jelly
2. Plumerai – Marco Polo
3. From Oceans To Autumn – Pareto Analysis Vol I
4. Goddakk – III
5. Various Artists – 30 Seconds of Time
6. Clang Quartet – Ava
7. Drekka Soundsystem – Spartan Dub
8. Northern Valentine – Juno
9. Mister Science – Five Educational Minutes
10. Remora – I Came To Party

Top Five Most Read QRD Interviews in March
1. Erin O’Brien (issue 29 (2005))
2. John Porcellino (issue 56 – Indie Comic Special III (2012))
3. Alan Sparhawk (issue 46 – Guitarist Interviews IV (2010))
4. Simon Moreton (issue 58 – Indie Comics Special IV (2013))
5. Willy B (issue 57 – Guitarist Interview VII (2013))

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Harry Whittier Frees Buttons & Dreams

Harry Whittier Frees made funny cat photos a hundred years before we knew that funny cats were the only answer to the existential dilemma.  Now I make buttons from his images.Last Night’s Dreams:
I’m in a city park & in the flower beds there are some cats buried except for their heads & one front paw which they are waving around.  They aren’t crying or anything, but how the hell do they stay alive?

I’m staying at some hotel that was fancy a hundred years ago, but is a bit run down now & I get lost in the housekeeping area & can’t get to my room.

I’m in New York for a show & for some reason I’m doing a tourist bus tour thing.  There’s some flyers being handed out for a show at a coffee shop that has glued on them those weird ridged plastic 3D/hologram things that were around when I was a kid.  I have no interest in the show, but I want the flyer.

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QRD, Comic, Dream

So I got the new QRD up.  It’s #59 & continues the indie label owner interview series.  I also solicited for some interviews for the next couple issues & have those trickling in as well.

Laid out the print version of the Solace mini-comic & printed out a batch today.  I’ve let myself get pretty far behind on making my comics available online, but I figure most people don’t have the old stuff so there’s no rush to put up the new stuff.

Last Night’s Dream:
I’m supposed to get my grandmother to a dentist appointment for 12:30 & convincing her she needs to go & getting her ready to go is an hour long process.  At 12:15 my mother shows up asking where we’re going & if she can be of any help.

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Remora Shirts, Buttons, Comic, Sketch, Dreams

So Nathan Amundson of Rivulets turned me on to this site called TeeSpring.  It’s a fan funding site exclusively for t-shirts basically, but unlike most t-shirt sites it is not print-on-demand.  The shirts are done in a run if there’s a demand & they make them traditionally with a silk screen & they ship them out.  Which makes way more sense than me paying them to ship them to me & then me paying to ship them out.  So I’m trying out the Remora “I Came To Party” shirts one last time.  We’ll see what happens this time out.  Spread the word if you can.

I added some more button sets to the Silber Button Factory.  The additions are a Robert E Howard set, a Metropolis (the Fritz Lang movie) set, & a silent horror film collection (Phantom of the Opera, Nosferatu, Der Golem, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari).

Here’s a link to the comic I did for Mini-Comics Day.  It’s called “Solace” & is meant to combine sad bastard comics with existential horror.  I think it’s decent for something I only spent a few hours on.  It makes me think I really need to push myself to do a comic every week & that the only thing limiting my content is my laziness.

So on Facebook today I was trying to contact this cartoonist about being interviewed for QRD & Facebook said I could have the message not go into the spam box (“other” mailbox is what they call it) for an extra dollar.  That seems like a good way to fight spam to me.  I’m cheap, so I didn’t spend the dollar; but I wonder how many people do.  Just a couple days ago I had an email conversation with another label owner about whether or not you should send reviewers Facebook messages (my general answer is no because it seems unprofessional) instead of emails.

Here’s yet another new track from mwvm:

Going to be trying to get a lot of work done this week (Electric Bird Noise follow-ups, QRD label owner special editing, soliciting for next two QRDs, taxes, comic book layout, EP press releases, recording, etc.).  Will let you know what’s up as I can.

Here’s a sketch from my sketchbook.

Last Night’s Dream:
I’m at a bar with three or four beers in me & a friend of a friend asks me how my grandma’s doing & I start sobbing & gasping for air.

A bar I sometimes go to is up for sale again & I try to call a friend of mine about going in on buying it, though I debate being too old for it.

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Had fun at the horror convention.  Not too many sales as people seemed more interested in witty t-shirts & celebrity signatures than anything else.  At least I didn’t have to pay a couple hundred dollars for a table & I did set up some potential upcoming interviews for QRD.

One interesting thing was the amount of trademark infringing things for sale.  People were selling bootleg Evil Dead shirts with Bruce Campbell in the next room.  There were a lot of kinda cool double trademark infringing shirts (like an Evel Knievel/Boba Fett shirt) & it makes me wonder if infringing two trademarks is a derivative work or not.  I haven’t quite figured out how I feel about it as of yet.  It seems like everything new blatantly rips off the old & I’m not sure if it’s me being older & catching more references or if it’s a cultural change.  Maybe Google is right & the future of art can’t happen as long as copyright & trademarks exist.

I was talking to the bass player for The Independents & given he is a punk rocker & all that, but neither he nor his wife had ever heard of Pitchfork.  It’s kind of interesting how on the one hand they seem like a super powerful site & on the other hand they ignore some genres to an extent most people haven’t heard of them.  Kind of interesting.

I did an interview for a comic book website today & I need to get scanned in a comic I did for Mini-Comic Day this past Sunday.

Last Night’s Dream:
Bruce Springsteen is on the same bill as me at a coffee house & has me emcee, explaining why he’s relevant.  Before he starts to play he’s asking people to put money in the tip jar even though he’s getting a huge cut of beverage sales instead of being paid with tips only.

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One Response to stuff

  1. Peter says:

    I used to read record guides and magazine record reviews a lot, but must have stopped before Pitchfork got big. Strangely enough, I only use Pitchfork reviews because they are built in to Spotify as a music discovery type service. The more you know!


Last Night’s Dream:
I’m acting in a movie about a small town reporter who breaks a big story, so she gets called up to New York to work for a real paper.  I’m playing the local love interest.  We’re at a funeral & her car is packed to leave right afterwards & we’re talking in her car & she gives me a piece of gum from a pack I’d given here earlier & we’re saying all these lines/lies about how we’re going to be able to stay together.  Right after she drives off I see her mother standing in front of a moving car with her arms outstretched like she’s on a cross.  The car comes to a stop right in front of her & she launches herself at the windshield cracking it & then slides down the hood unconscious.  The car backs up a little & then drives over top of her with the front wheels missing her, but one of the back wheels going over her.  I walk over to her & she says, “Now my baby has to come back.”  I tell her, “No, she’s never going to come back & you’re never going to tell her what a crazy person you actually are.”

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REH, Buttons, Etc.

So I fixed up the REH script & it met with Andrew’s approval.  Pretty stoked about that.  Basically I just added two panels about elder care & it twisted the story from being about a bitter & jaded artist to being about a person angry at their life situation, which is way more compelling to me.  Speaking of Andrew White, he has a new comic about to come out on Retrofit that you can check out a bit here.

In other REH news, I made a set of Robert E Howard buttons for the convention.  I’ll get them up on the website next week.

Planning to take a break from the computer for a few days when at the horror convention.  Will report back in a few days.  You all have fun in the meantime.

Last Night’s Dream:
I wake up because I hear a noise on the first floor.  For a moment I think my prayers have been answered & I’ve traveled back in time, but when I get downstairs it’s a homeless dude that’s breaking in saying the house is too big for just one person to live in it.

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One Response to REH, Buttons, Etc.

  1. Nick says:

    Basically your last dream could fit a Cyanide & Happiness comic script very well…
    Have fun at the horror convention.

Remora, Proxy, REH, Star, Dreams

So I broke down & made a Facebook page for Remora.  I’m not sure how to make it something useful, but it exists.  It was a way to waste a few minutes.  One of the reasons I did it is the thing where some venues & reviewers ask for it to post links & act like a link to an actual website where people can listen to the music & buy it is old-fashioned.  & I guess it is unfortunately….

I also built a potential proxy server page on Silber.  We’ll see if it works or not.  Theoretically it should be low enough traffic that it won’t get blocked anywhere, but I don’t know if it works or not until I get a couple of folks to try to use it from work.  There was one script for building it that I tried already & I know doesn’t work, but hopefully this one will be good.

I sent out a potential REH script to Andre White.  He agreed with my synopsis that this script isn’t as strong as the others as far as painting a dichotomy of his fantasy/reality.  So I want to re-work it a bit.  We’ll see what happens….

Printed out about 80 comics.  We’ll see if I can get them assembled for this weekend.

Also I got word from Kurt Dinse that Star #3 might be ready for April.

Here’s another sketch:

Last Night’s Dreams:
I wander into an old industrial part of town that I’ve never been in before.  It’s all old factory & warehouse buildings, half of them appearing to have been set fire & left to rot at some point before I was born.  One of them is a bar with a metal band playing & I go inside & there’s a sheep & a chicken walking around.  No one is in the bar besides the band & the bartender.  When I come back out there’s a few people milling around out front on broken lawn chairs.  The only light is coming from the doorways & windows of the few occupied buildings, when I look straight up the sky is just pure & absolute black.  I try to say something to one of the people, but they don’t respond (I’m not sure if they are ignoring me or just don’t here me).  Then I see a goat who has been coated in some kind of dust that leaves a little ghost trail of him while he walks.  He’s had his horns twisted together into a unicorn horn.  He makes eye contact with me & starts coming towards me slowly & deliberately.  I’m shoving people in front of me to try to break his stare; but it doesn’t help, he keeps coming towards me.  I run & go into one of the other buildings.  The interior walls are painted black & the whole place is coated with dust.  It’s a hallway with countless doors.  Occasionally a door is open & inside someone is selling used leather jackets & butterfly knives & the like.  I go into one of the open doors & it’s a bathroom.  I ask an old biker dude how to get out of the building & when I hear my own voice I realize I’m on the verge of tears.  He tells me which door to take & it leads to a half flight of steps & another door.  There are two other people standing in the stairwell & when I open the door it floods the room with daylight & they scatter like cockroaches.  I dash out & it’s blindingly bright.  The street is coated in dust & eerily deserted.  I see someone dash into a doorway & I rush & go in the same doorway.  I follow the sounds of the person I followed in the building & I have to climb through some weird fence barricade on some stairs in pursuit & they empty into a wide open room & there’s a 90 pound twenty year old girl talking to a guy sitting on the floor with his legs cut off above the knees & some blood still coming out.  She turns quickly standing in front of the man to guard him & says, “Who are you?  What are you doing here?”  I tell her, “I don’t know.”  Then I hear foot steps on the stairs & I back away from the entrance of the room.  The girl says, “Don’t come up here unless you’re going to grant amnesty to everyone in this room!”  A woman’s voice responds, “Who all is up there little girl?”  The woman ascending the stairs has a shaved head & in one can she’s carrying a white five gallon bucket with what looks like coloscopy bags full of blood & she has a scalpel in her other hand.  She’s wearing a white dress that leaves the back exposed & the skin on her back is removed & replaced with some kind of clear plastic & she has open wounds on her arms.  The man with the missing legs stands up on his stumps & says to the girl, “Just let her take me.”  The girl says, “I can’t do that, you’re my brother.”  “I’m already dead.”  Fuck, I gotta get out of here, I don’t want to see what’s about to happen.

I’m walking downtown & I see my old co-worker Bruce.  He looks like a heavy metal guy, but he’s actually a hair metal guy into Poison & Ratt & bands like that.  I yell to him & cross the street & walk with him. & when we get in the shadows this guy comes up to us & hands Bruce a six pack of beers in a plastic bag & says to him, “Watch out, they’re on to you man.” Bruce digs into his pocket to grab a pack of cigarettes & hits his keys first & hand them to me saying, “Hold on to these a second.  We get to his car & he opens the door & then some shots are fired & he’s slumped into the car & I see a dude in a suit with the CIA ear piece in rushing towards us.  I sling Bruce into the car & get in & the guy shoots something strong enough it blows the doors off the hinges.  The car cranks & I drive.  I’m not sure if Bruce is alive, but some of the beers definitely did not survive.

Posted in art, comics, daily news, dreams, music | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to Remora, Proxy, REH, Star, Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    is Bruce Ozzy from RDU?

    also is your sketch masturbating?

    i wish i would’ve taken the time to make my questions into a haiku