Firetail & Dream

Today’s big news, is Silber has a new band on the roster.  Firetail is ambient guitar drone in the vein of half the bands on the Silber roster & the project of Andrea Vascellari of Lullabier.  The first appearance on Silber is the latest in our free EP series.  Spread the word if you can.

Last Night’s Dream:
I’m in college & someone stole my red spiral notebook with all my short stories in it & I’m scared that it could be use to arrest me for the various things that inspired the stories.  But maybe it gives me the ability to abandon my past & start over from scratch, to just throwout all of my bullshit & do good work.

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QRD & Dreams

I’ve been working on some stuff for QRD the past couple of days.  I finally got the alphabetical/categorical archive page fixed up to be modern.  Not sure if I should just make separate pages for each category instead of the long page with anchors.  If you have an opinion on that, please let me know.  I also did the research to contact the publicists & agents of a bunch of people out of my league for doing an interview Justin Broadrick, Dave Mustaine, Vernon Reid, Jack White, Boris, Queens of the Stone Age, J Mascis, Bernard Sumner, & maybe thirty other folks.  Just have to wait & see if any of those people respond or not.  Trying to get things to level up a bit & I have no idea if it’s possible or not.

Last Night’s Dream:
I’m having dinner with my parents & at the far end of the table is a clone of my father just kind of brooding as he eats & not taking part in the dinner conversation.

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Remora Demos

So for those of you who don’t know, I like to record these really rough demos & get people’s opinions on them before working on a record.  I mean, I wouldn’t even call these things songs as much as ideas, most are just a few seconds long.  These were recorded on my phone over the past year & a half & then I recorded them using the mic built into my laptop this morning (because I just wanted to get them done, not spend the day setting up to properly record).  Anyway, if any of the pieces seem like they’re interesting & I should pursue those ones in particular, let me know.  Some of them are fairly religious & some are quasi-suicidal (most of 2012 was pretty rough, 2013 seems like it might turn out okay), just as a warning to people offended by such things. Mostly it’s narrative song fragments & just voice, which is not how they will end up in final versions. Please comment & tell me where to go from here.










































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2 Responses to Remora Demos

  1. Jeremy Bennett says:

    Listening through these was the highlight of my Thursday night.

    I comment as I listen below so I hope I don’t say things over and over, but I’m just popping out what I think as I hear through them.

    I especially liked Curtain, Blessed by the Light, and as silly as it is… ‘car starting noise’… :)

    Please put music to Blessed by the Light… and you seriously need to put some music to ‘Forks and Knives’ – Good stuff man.

    Impersonate an Angel is pretty amazing… but I’m a bit confused about it, if there’s more words to it – I wanna know where it goes if anywhere…

    Inaudible is a great minimalist tune. Love it.

    I survive – with some music could be pretty epic.

    I like the tune to ‘let me be dead’, but it just feels like a depressed outcry… but the melody – I do really like.

    Lord of All – of course I like that… you know me ;p

    Mandolin = good tune ;p

    Move to the Desert with music will be a total blast… please add some so I can hear what you come up with on this :)

    Nickel sounds like a guitar being played with a nickel as a pick… I may be wrong, but this I do like.

    ‘Can you kill me?’ – love the idea, but feels a bit too depressing… but that’s prolly just me.

    No Alibis could be a main track on something in my mind.

    Not ready for rejoicing is good stuff… nice words/sentiment.

    Prayer & fasting, I really like the tune/melody on this.

    Remind me of my girl ^ seems like it could fit together with prayer & fasting, but of course that wouldnt make sense, but the tune/melody flowed well between the two…

    Slightly out would be nice with some minimalist percussion noises, a clang here, or chime there possibly.

    Something wrong = good idea, awesome tune :)

    Tie my shoes together… this confused me, but also was very interesting, and I like the tune.

    Towns = good stuff.

    Trying and failing, I know what this is like. I wanted to hear more… I like the surprise leap in energy and volume when you screamed and was a bit sad it was over at that.

    Unravel + light musical sounds would be magical.

    Where I’m Going, would be good in my mind with a typical rock band setup – drums and all that.

    I didn’t comment on everything, but on most. Those I didn’t comment on I still see some potential there, but nothing leapt to my mind as I listened to those. I know my feedback is just suggestions and impressions, but hopefully some of my thoughts on this can be of some benefit.

    Keep it up man, and God Bless :)

REH, Sketches, Wades, 5 in 5, Jamie Barnes

Today I found a bunch of weird Robert E Howard books that I bought (allegedly for research).  The weirdest one is a book collecting the letters his father sent to REH’s friends after his death & their responses.  I’m not even sure if I’ll ever be able to read them.

The big news today is another installment in our 5 in 5 series.  This one is from Wades & it is pretty awesome.  Bluesy experimental americana.

I’m going to be exhibiting at a comic convention in Louisville in a couple months.  Looking forward to it because I’ll also be hanging out with Jamie Barnes a bit for the first time in years.  Maybe I’ll even wrangle an EP out of him while I’m there.  We’ll see what happens.

I scanned in a bunch of sketches.  Here’s one that I could see becoming an internet sensation – Cthulhu Charlie Brown.

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mwvm, Thorn1, Lost Kisses, QRD

So mwvm now has a page on Facebook if you want to go over there & click that you like the band.  In other mwvm news, we’re trying to figure out exactly what to do as far as releasing the album worth of material that is now done.  There’s been a big dilemma here at Silber for the past couple of years about what to do with each release as far as making a physical or not & making something free to download or not & a million other things.  So I’ll let you know when we have things pretty hammered out.  In the meantime, why not buy one of the previous mwvm CDs?

So Evgeny seems to be re-activating Thorn1 a bit.  Here’s a video from a recent intimate show in Russia.

So I posted up a PDF of Lost Kisses #24.  Or of course you can order a physical copy of it over here.  I might end up do a special little Lost Kisses Dailies thing about the making of the issue, it involves everyone’s favorite weight-loss narrative of a ring falling off a finger.

Been working on scaring up the interviews for the next three issues of QRD.  I’m going kind of insane about it.  But I guess I need to do something to occupy my time.  Right now I’ve got 15 interviews in for the next three issues (guitarists, cartoonists, & label owners) & of course I still need to get around to launching the other interview series.  So we’ll see what happens on that.  Speaking of QRD, just launched a two issues for the price of one advertisement sale if you are interested.

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Nik Furious, 5 in 5, Lost Kisses, Low, Buttons

Okay, so first the big news is that we have a new installment in the 5 in 5 series.  It’s Nik Furious: Super Wet.  It’s got a video game funk vibe or something like that, it’s free to listen to or a buck to buy, so check it out & you let me know what it sounds like.  Nik Furious is actually Nick Marino who I sometimes do comics & podcasts with & he wrote a little behind the scenes thing about the EP you can read over here.

Spent most of the day getting Lost Kisses #24 scanned in & ready to print & all that.  I need to look in & see when the last time I sent out some comic promos & subscription fulfillments (I wait to ship three comics at once usually) as it might be time to do that again.

I got two new sets of buttons available in what I suppose will be a classic art series made from images by Leonardo Davinci & Edvard Munch.

So I’ve been pretty big on the new Low album.  They just put up this video, check it out & the new album if you haven’t already.

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So I’m back from the SPACE comic convention.  It was good to take a break from my life to be able to regroup a bit & set some priorities or whatever.  Talking to one of the older comic book dudes, the guy just had a part time job that covered his bills so he could spend more time working on his comics.  Which seemed kind of awesome to me, to just say, “I need to sacrifice this much time to have enough money to do what I actually care about” rather than just chasing to get a better house or car or whatever.  I did get two comics done while I was up there (one will come out, the other was a gift) & that was cool.  I made a few new comic friends who will be interviewed in upcoming QRDs.  The buttons didn’t sell quite as well as I anticipated, but it was still a decent year sales wise.

There’s going to be a bunch more new content coming from Silber soon.  I’m going to try (once again) to avoid the time suck of trying to promote things & get back on the content is king train.  We’ll see how it pans out.  I can tell you I think it will end up with me happier as a human being even if it doesn’t pan out financially.

Last Night’s Dream:
I’m at a family reunion & everyone is drunk.  I realize I have to stop drinking to be sober enough for an emergency situation.  My dad is drinking champagne out of a bottle, using his thumb to recap it to keep it from losing carbonation.  My sister-in-law starts yelling at my sister for some reason.  I hate feeling like the only responsible one all the time.

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Interviews & Junk

Here’s the interview I did about my comics a couple weeks ago for The Outhousers.

After a couple of years, I finally finished adding tags to all the old blog entries that I imported over from MySpace to the Silber blog back in 2010.  My plan is to eventually make an ebook collecting all the dream entries (just over 300).  I don’t know if that would be of interest to anyone except me.

Last Night’s Dream:
I wake up from a drug induced sleep with a pill hangover.  I go downstairs in the empty house to get some water & my grandmother is sitting in her wheelchair trying to get out of it to go to the bathroom.  Thank god for finally granting me time travel.

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One Response to Interviews & Junk

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    i like how you’re brian james mitchell and only one paragraph later you’re brian john mitchell.

QRD, Beach Sloth, Remora Shirt, Rllrbll

So I got up the new QRD with a bunch of indie cartoonist interviews.  Spread the word about it if you can.

I’d like to give a shout out to Beach Sloth who have been reviewing all our releases over the past couple of months.

So I haven’t really pushed it on here too much (or anywhere really), but I’m really wanting to get this Remora shirt to happen & it needs fifty more orders for it to.  So if you can post about it on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, etc.  I’d appreciate it.  Just $10!  I need 48 more orders in basically a week or they don’t print up the shirt.

Speaking of Tumblr.  I posted a bunch of sketches up on the Silber Tumblr if you want to start following that account.

I had a big buzz last week when the Rllrbll 5 minute EP went up.  It’s probably my favorite in the series so I’m stoked about that.  In other Rllrbll news I just cut a check to Mae of Rllrbll because I got a placement for a Vlor song she sings on a TV pilot.  It’s pretty nice to get to send folks checks.  Just got to figure out a way to sell more music so I can send out more checks.

Also, the deep discount Silber sale is still happening.  Please spread the word on it if you can – five discs for $30, ten discs for $50, ten comics for $5.  So it’s a great way to get to find out more about stuff on the label.

I don’t think I posted about it on the blog before; but if you aren’t signed up for the newsletter, you can read it over here.

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Remora – Remoricana

So I just recorded these three crap Remora americana covers.  The first song is from an episode of The Fugitive, the second is by Willie Nelson, & the last one is by Low.  Hope you get a kick out of them.

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