Category Archives: daily news

Most Popular Silber Releases of 2015


Hope 2016 is off to a great start for you.  Mine’s a little miserable as I had a flu that turned into pneumonia (to quote the doctor, “You’re having trouble breathing”), but I’m still alive with antibiotics & a …

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The Box

silber po boxBack in 1995 I opened this PO Box for QRD/Silber in Raleigh & kept it even when living in other cities.  I closed it a couple of days ago.  I know it’s just a box & physical mail now is …

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Hopeful Holidays

I hope all is going well.  I had a good Small Life Form featuring Bride of Silber (& Drone Cub) show at Squidco’s Christmess show.  Some of the Christmas EPs are getting positive press.  So things are good.
A lot …

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Silber Christmas Music & More

Hey Kidz,

Hope all is going well with the stress of the Christmas season.  We’re always trying to get a ton of stuff done, but of course we’re always running behind getting the word out, so here’s what’s up with

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Two Months

Somehow I haven’t bothered to write up a blog entry for a couple months.  It’s not because nothing has been happening, it’s because I’ve been busy & exhausted.  My daughter was born on October 4 & while the amount of …

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The World Didn’t End & Things Are Good

Today is September 13.  It’s also the Jewish holiday of Rosh-Hashanah.  Back in 1988 I was in the 8th grade & September 13 was predicted to be the end of the world.  People forget about it now I’m sure, but …

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New Music & New Comics

Some new stuff afoot here at Silber.

New release from Yellow6 of ambient post rock.  The digital is ready now & the physicals should be in shortly.

I recently found some recordings from a Remora radio session from 2007.  …

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Videos & Daily News

Some of the Silberians have been working hard.

Here’s a video for M is We.

& here are a couple videos for the upcoming release from Yellow6.

Been running into problems lately.  I’m trying to change my mailing address on …

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QRD, stuff coming up, & a couple gripes/compliments

Last week the new issue of QRD came out.  Forgot to post about it in the blog.  I feel it’s a pretty strong issue with a lot of good interviews.  It’s got guitarists, cartoonists, bass players, label owners, & even …

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QRD & Facebookery & Fathers

Man, I never seem to post to the blog these days, in part because it seems like I work on things that take longer to get done or maybe because I’m slower than I used to be.

So I laid …

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