Some of the Silberians have been working hard.
Here’s a video for M is We.
& here are a couple videos for the upcoming release from Yellow6.
Been running into problems lately. I’m trying to change my mailing address on the Silber bank account (online errors out for some reason) & because I set up the account 20 years ago & the bank has been sold twice since then, the changing address thing has flagged them to ask me to do a ton of paperwork, which is ironic since my wife set up a DBA account two years ago without needing the paperwork they are requesting from me. Going to try to go to another branch at some point (of course there is only one in the town I’m in) & see if I can find a banker nice enough to let it slide. Hate to have to keep the old PO Box open forever.
A couple bands I’ve worked with in the past are on some other labels & getting a lot of press for their new releases. I’m happy for them of course & I know that the labels are spending money on professional publicists that may keep the records from ever recouping costs (or at the very least would for Silber), but it still makes me feel like a bit of a failure for the consistent decrease in press interest in Silber releases over the past couple years. I admit it, I’m old & don’t know how to relate to the current wave of taste makers (even those the same age as myself). I really think I’m ready to go to just the comps & 5in5s & admit other people can do better jobs with albums & other important releases. The only dilemma is all the people who do stuff for Silber are already exhausted with trying to find someone even as good as I am.
On the good news front, I finished reading what I thought would be my bleakest research book (the letters of Robert E Howard’s dad, mostly dealing with Bob’s death & the aftermath of that) & I am happy to say it is not nearly as dark as I feared & is more boring than depressing. I also have the art in for a few more books that I need to layout. Just need to make that happen. I also have submissions in for my next couple comps here on Silber, so it seems they are going to actually happen, which is positive.