Category Archives: daily news

Disconcerting Comics, Pow Wow, Promute, Zero

Usually I try to keep things on here upbeat (which is funny with how down things seem on the blog), but I want to mention something that’s messing with me.  So over the past couple of months I’ve given out …

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2 Responses to Disconcerting Comics, Pow Wow, Promute, Zero

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    can’t really watch the video but it reminded me.. did you ever see Nine (the animated end of the world movie)?

Promute, La Jetee, Pow Wow, Malta, Long Drone

So I’m working on getting the Promute release up on the website.  They are going to be following a new pricing model I plan to start using for what has traditionally been our “free release” series.  It’s going to be …

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams, movies & television, music | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Promute, La Jetee, Pow Wow, Malta, Long Drone

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    I’ve been thinking of ceasing with free downloads altogether, maybe just one song per album. I mean i’m going to make the album anyways out of my drive to make it but my drive to make it has nothing to do with people actually hearing it or being able to own it for free.

    While I like to give things away to people that want to hear and old fans….it really does the music a disservice i think for everybody to just offer it for free and it really doesn’t seem to be doing anything in regards to that age old argument of if more people hear it the word spreads and there’ll be more people at your shows and more people buying your album if they got to hear it first. (of course you could argue that if i released better music that would be the case but fuck you if you think that anyways :)) Seems like a load of crap in regards to reality. The people I find that really want to hear it will buy it even for little money. The rest just want it for free and not even if they’re inconvenienced by having to sign a mailing list and for those people i think if they have to stream it, that’s ok by me and if that’s too inconvenient for them…i don’t care if they hear it because obviously they don’t actually like it.

    The free way doesn’t seem to benefit me in any way except for back in the day when i’d leave free cd’s laying about a cd shop on occassions. Download cards never seem to invite people to download the music, probably because there are too many steps between that card and the music

    I mean eventually it’s going to wind up on some dl site from the east anyways so may as well let them do the work and let me try to convince you to send a dime my way.

    Having it on Spotify or and at least making the 1cent every 10000 listens is better for me and for them (listeners) as they probably already use the free service and I may be able to buy a cup of coffee in 4 years. Most people I know under the age of 30, if they wanna check out this band they heard about typically go to youtube to find it anyways and not to the band sites.

Rivulets, Jon DeRosa, Remora, Death Note

So Rivulets is working on some fairly intense music videos that really lean more towards being short films than music videos.  There’s an Indiegogo campaign (like Kickstarter) going for it if you might be interested in supporting it.

I have …

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NME, Joy Division, Pulp, Lego, William Shatner, Comics, Kickstarter, Sequential Underground, Dream

So NME (New Music Express) just turned 60 & posted up the top 100 songs since they’ve been around.  Joy Division (who oddly I had a dream about last night, see below) has the top slot, which is awesome, but …

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams, music, video | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

One Response to NME, Joy Division, Pulp, Lego, William Shatner, Comics, Kickstarter, Sequential Underground, Dream

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    the common people video that is the old star trek cartoon edited to fir the shatner song is a masterpiece. I thought Pulp was horrible in the 90′s but i became obsessed with common people and this last year and decided to listen to more and turns out there are no other good Pulp songs.

Finally Checking It Out, Survivors, Dreams, Puzzle Boxes, Bottle Comics, Kickstarter, Comics, Shirts

So I watched the post-apocalyptic BBC show from the 1970s called Survivors while assembling comics last week.  My review is on Finally Checking It Out.

I launched a Kickstarter for my puzzle boxes & the bottle comics one is …

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams, movies & television, puzzle boxes | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

One Response to Finally Checking It Out, Survivors, Dreams, Puzzle Boxes, Bottle Comics, Kickstarter, Comics, Shirts

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    you know, i thought newcastle already came in a brown bottle.

Guitar Ensemble, Maker Faire, Kickstarter, Remora, Bottle Comics, & REH

So it’s been a long couple of days with a bunch of stuff going on.

So the guitar ensemble thing went fine.  People had a good time & I’m trying to think about doing some more stuff where I have …

Posted in comics, daily news, music, video | Tagged , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to Guitar Ensemble, Maker Faire, Kickstarter, Remora, Bottle Comics, & REH

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    you forgot about the part in your songs where you play the same chord but bend a string

Plans & Dreams

So the most of the day today was just working on assembling comics & varnishing boxes.  I have less than a dozen comics to go for my goal of what I’ll have on sale for Saturday & hopefully this next …

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Coming Soon

I feel like I had a pretty good day today.  I assembled about a hundred comics.  I shot some raw footage for some upcoming Kickstarter projects.  I did some prepping of the comic boxes (it was a rainy day, so …

Posted in comics, daily news | Tagged | 1 Comment

One Response to Coming Soon

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    just like Cube

Back to Work… oh & Tron & Prometheus & dreams

I know I went a few days without posting anything, but I went out of town for a show & felt I could use a break from the internet.  So here come the updates from the past several days.

I …

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams, movies & television, music, puzzle boxes | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off

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Yesterday & Today

So yesterday was a marathon music day for me.  I posted up a couple minor repairs to QRD & then I met my son for lunch to discuss some stuff about our duet record.  Then I went to Ted Johnson’s …

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3 Responses to Yesterday & Today

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    do you get a solo in this guitar thing? is it like we are the world?