So I watched the post-apocalyptic BBC show from the 1970s called Survivors while assembling comics last week. My review is on Finally Checking It Out.
I launched a Kickstarter for my puzzle boxes & the bottle comics one is now fully up. I also made some pay-per-click ads for them on Facebook. Both already met full funding, but more backing means more cool stuff I can do. If you could post about them on Facebook & Twitter I’d appreciate it. In related news I recorded a podcast with Nick Marino (Super Haters) about working on a Kickstarter campaign for Sequential Underground. I’ll let you know when it goes up.
I sent out a couple hundred promo emails to comic reviewers about the new comics & the Kickstarter campaign, just have to wait & see if anyone does any coverage. I got out the new comics to subscribers as well.
I also finally put the new Silber shirts up on the website along with making the buttons & balloons at live shows available on the Silber Apparel page.
& I started a new comic project collaborating with children. If you have a kid or are interested in art kids make, you should check it out.
Last Night’s Dreams:
I’m collecting empty Newcastle bottles to use in my bottle comic project & it ends up they not only switched from clear glass to brown glass, they also switched from pop top to twist off & are completely useless to me.
you know, i thought newcastle already came in a brown bottle.