Category Archives: daily news

Promo, Practice, etc.

So I got the last bits of promo sent out for this latest batch of releases & a last promo push to comic press folks about the bottle Kickstarter today.  & bam today the project got coverage on both Comic

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4 Responses to Promo, Practice, etc.

  1. Peter says:

    Return of the 90′s guitar pedals!

Google, QRD, & Dreams

So I heard back from Google & they said after consideration they are killing the account instead of just suspending it.  Which I guess is fine.  For the time being I’m replacing their ads with particular Silber ads.  Which until …

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2 Responses to Google, QRD, & Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    i don’t understand the offense with the google thing?

    • It ends up telling people that you make money from people clicking ads & telling them they should do it is against Google’s terms of agreement. Which is dumb to me, but whatever. More shocking is that putting that in the intro to an issue worked at all as far as generating clicks. I wonder if it will end up creating a spike for some of the other ads on the site through LinkShare or if when I get the numbers for the Silber site if some of the ads for older things on Silber will have generated more traffic because of the request as well (e.g. Zombie Kisses).

Newsletter, Unspeakable Forces, Downloads

I wrote up & sent out the Silber monthly newsletter.  If you didn’t get it, you can read it over here.

Last night I met up with Darin DePaolo (Unspeakable Forces) & we talked about doing some …

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One Response to Newsletter, Unspeakable Forces, Downloads

  1. Nick says:

    Honestly I think that mwvm will still be on top. Hope I’m wrong though.

QRD, Google, Small Life Form, Panthan, Unspeakable Forces, Dreams

So I got an email from Google today saying my Adsense account is suspended for suspicious activities.  To be honest I feel like it has had suspicious activities as well because it went from earning about $5 a month to …

Posted in daily news, dreams, music | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to QRD, Google, Small Life Form, Panthan, Unspeakable Forces, Dreams

  1. Godsmakk says:

    ever consider combining all the blogs into one like how the print version of qrd had different sections it interview/review/wtf ever?

    • Well, the reason I made the N=D & FCIO blogs separate was because my intention was (& still is) not to have me as the main contributor. I mean, it worked for the first couple of months as far as me not making half the content & I’d love things to change around so that it was like that again. I don’t know, it gets weird in that the Silber Blog really is only for the hardcore Silber fans & the other blogs are for fans of general pop culture or whatever. I don’t know. For a while I thought about putting the dreams in a separate blog or the comics, but I’m keeping those in for sure, just because it’s more trouble. The hope with the other blogs is that eventually they’ll drive traffic to Silber or make ad revenue when people read a review of a Bangles record.

Long Drone

So I got the long drone piece up.  Brian John Mitchell – four and a half.  It’s free to stream or a dollar to download (probably I’ll raise it to the regular $5 download price in a month). It’s …

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2 Responses to Long Drone

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    are you saying all the name tip jar downloads have only made you $1.oo over the year?

Long Drone, Bottle Comics, Sarah June, QRD, FCIO, Dreams

Got the art & press release done for the long drone piece.  Now I’m just waiting to upload it & such.  Even as an MP3 it’s half a gig, so it takes a while to upload.

The new QRD is …

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Promute, Rivulets, Bottle Comics, Panthan, Butterfly Corpse, Billy Corgan

Here’s a video Promute did for an installation in Taos, NM that Ben Link Collins had.

I think I posted on here about it a while back, but the funding for the Rivulets music videos/short films is going pretty well.  …

Posted in comics, daily news, music, video | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

One Response to Promute, Rivulets, Bottle Comics, Panthan, Butterfly Corpse, Billy Corgan

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    I forget what i was reading but it was about back in the day when people put ads on boards looking for other musicians. So the metal & punk flyers would always say NO POSERS. But really who would read that and go, “i’m a poser so i shouldn’t call them”

    RSmith, got a lot of shite for saying the Radiohead paywhatyouwant model was stupid and only works because they were already one of the biggest bands in the world. Complete with the “you jealous cuz your band isn’t relevant anymore” commentary. I personally think this and his other rant that got some traction awhile ago were pretty spot on, but much like his music, his delivery does nothing for me.

Remora & QRD

Usually I don’t bother to post links to reviews as they come up in the blog.  To be honest it’s because usually lately reviews are just regurgitations of the press kit.  But I really liked this review of Remora’s The

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Movies, Interviews, QRD, & Dreams

I spent most of the day working on interviews for the new QRD.  I’m pretty stoked that I’m going to have a significant amount of stuff to offer up as available new this month since the last newsletter.

So …

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A lot going down this week

So I got some notes back on the Small Life Form Voice in the Sky album from the friends I sent it to.  Favorable reviews.  & then I did some minor tweaking that I’m uploading now for them to check …

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