Usually I don’t bother to post links to reviews as they come up in the blog. To be honest it’s because usually lately reviews are just regurgitations of the press kit. But I really liked this review of Remora’s The Heart That Kills from Beach Sloth.
I mostly finished the new QRD. There are three interviews that are supposed to come in that I’m still waiting on to make it officially live, but it’s pretty much done on my end.
I have been running some broken link checkers on the Silber site. I had 250 bad links, which I don’t think is too bad since some of the QRD pages essentially hadn’t been updated since 1998 (there were a few bad links to back when the Silber site was on Xoom (remember in the 1990s they were a competitor with Tripod, Geocities, & Angelfire that provided a whole 9 Megs of webspace?)) & there’s a ton of bad links because of people killing their MySpace pages & I don’t know any easy way to fix the links from when I imported the first few years of the Silber Blog from MySpace. I fixed about 100 of them. Maybe I’ll fix some more at some point…. Also it’s worth noting some of the bad link checkers give false positives.