Category Archives: daily news

Mixing & Such

So I liked yesterday where I just spent the day recording & at the end of the day something exists.  Today I was tweeking some mixes on the stuff from yesterday based on comments from a couple friends & trying …

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Remora Recording

So I had a long & productive day today.  I recorded a Remora song for a compilation, laid down some vocals for the collaboration with Brian McKenzie (Electric Bird Noise) & Ted Johnson (Tesla Recoils), & recorded & mixed the …

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September Monthly Charts, Dreams, Stuff

Got some work done staining boxes today & making some videos for some potential Kickstarter projects.  Below are the charts for September here on the Silber site.

Top Ten Most Read Silber Digital Comics in September
1. REH #1
2. …

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10 Responses to September Monthly Charts, Dreams, Stuff

  1. Peter says:

    I had a dream last night that you and I were hanging out. You were making lasagna, and singing the phrase “Only a woman knows” solemnly over and over. Then I woke up and was late for work.

  2. Nic says:

    I think this is the beginning of a beautiful track

Dreams, Comps, Sasquatch, Comic Reviews, & Daily Struggles

Here’s a review of the Silber Bottle Comics on The Comic Vault (review starts at ~7:55). 

So over the weekend at Lansing I had a blast.  There was some kind of technical snafu going on with half of my effect …

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Daily Junk, Monthly Contest, Dreams

While I was out of town I got some orders for some puzzle boxes & so I put those together & actually had to order another batch of blocks to be able to make them all.

Been assembling a bunch …

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Days & Dreams

So I’m back in Raleigh from the initial wave of working on Philip Palmer’s album.  On our last listen before leaving I heard some more things I need to work on mixing wise.  So, I’ll let it sit a while …

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Mixing & Dreams

So I’ve been spending the past couple of days trying to get everything finished up for Philip Palmer’s album.  Looks like we’ll have eight newly recorded & mixed tracks (five mixed so far with one more day to go).  I …

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Work & Dreams

A lot of today was wearing  the producer hat instead of the engineering one.  I helped Philip write lyrics to two songs.  I have to say being asked to write lyrics with/for someone is both flattering & intimidating.  I pretty …

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A Day of Dreams

The production/engineering work is continuing down here in Savannah.  I’ve been trying to clean up some tracks getting ready for mixing & I realize I need some closed back headphones.  So we went out to buy them, but the big …

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One Response to A Day of Dreams

  1. Peter says:

    Ha! Roker made fun of you!

Producing & Dreams

I’m back on track working with Philip Palmer on his album.  Breaking the song & a half barrier in a day is seeming a bit hard.  I guess we are putting a lot more love & care into his record …

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