Category Archives: daily news

Harry Whittier Frees Buttons & Dreams

Harry Whittier Frees made funny cat photos a hundred years before we knew that funny cats were the only answer to the existential dilemma.  Now I make buttons from his images.Last Night’s Dreams:
I’m in a city park …

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QRD, Comic, Dream

So I got the new QRD up.  It’s #59 & continues the indie label owner interview series.  I also solicited for some interviews for the next couple issues & have those trickling in as well.

Laid out the print version …

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Remora Shirts, Buttons, Comic, Sketch, Dreams

So Nathan Amundson of Rivulets turned me on to this site called TeeSpring.  It’s a fan funding site exclusively for t-shirts basically, but unlike most t-shirt sites it is not print-on-demand.  The shirts are done in a run if …

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Had fun at the horror convention.  Not too many sales as people seemed more interested in witty t-shirts & celebrity signatures than anything else.  At least I didn’t have to pay a couple hundred dollars for a table & I …

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One Response to stuff

  1. Peter says:

    I used to read record guides and magazine record reviews a lot, but must have stopped before Pitchfork got big. Strangely enough, I only use Pitchfork reviews because they are built in to Spotify as a music discovery type service. The more you know!

REH, Buttons, Etc.

So I fixed up the REH script & it met with Andrew’s approval.  Pretty stoked about that.  Basically I just added two panels about elder care & it twisted the story from being about a bitter & jaded artist to …

Posted in buttons, comics, daily news, dreams | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

One Response to REH, Buttons, Etc.

  1. Nick says:

    Basically your last dream could fit a Cyanide & Happiness comic script very well…
    Have fun at the horror convention.

Remora, Proxy, REH, Star, Dreams

So I broke down & made a Facebook page for Remora.  I’m not sure how to make it something useful, but it exists.  It was a way to waste a few minutes.  One of the reasons I did it …

Posted in art, comics, daily news, dreams, music | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to Remora, Proxy, REH, Star, Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    is Bruce Ozzy from RDU?

    also is your sketch masturbating?

    i wish i would’ve taken the time to make my questions into a haiku

Free SPACE Comic Anthology, Hit Books, Irata, Electric Bird Noise, MWVM, Mad Monster, Sketch, Dream

So I got everything finished up on the SPACE Anthology 2013 comic & Bob Corby put it up for free download over here.

There’s this pretty enlightening article that went up on Friday about the amount of sales it …

Posted in art, comics, daily news, dreams, music, video | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

One Response to Free SPACE Comic Anthology, Hit Books, Irata, Electric Bird Noise, MWVM, Mad Monster, Sketch, Dream

  1. michael says:

    i’m not sure either….*looks from side to side*

Rllrbll, MWVM, Electric Bird Noise, Dreams, Interviews, Comics, Etc.

So I got out the international promos for the Electric Bird Noise disc.  I really trimmed down my promo list drastically on internationals because of the shipping price hike.  I went from 50 to 6.  Scrimping down on the domestic …

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Website, Promos, Blogging, Dreams

So I renewed the Silber site’s hosting for another three years.  I hadn’t been paying attention, so I needed to pay a little more because it ends up it would expire tomorrow, so I couldn’t clinch in on an extension …

Posted in daily news, dreams | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to Website, Promos, Blogging, Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    put it on this blog, separate entry. or compile them for your qrd’s. perhaps turn the zine to a blog and you don’t have to work so hard to make it like a release and can m ake thecontent a rolling feature.

    your dream would seem pretty accurate if they also moved your time slot to 4 hours early or 20 minutes til closing.

    • Nick says:

      Putting “Finally Checking It Out” on this blog, separate entry + Turning the zine to a blog: I second that.

  2. Peter says:

    Recently I had a dream that you and I were opening for a small Rolling Stones show in this open air bazaar. Of course there were dangerous elements around as well, like monsters or evil men.

Comics & Music

I feel like I had a productive day for the first time in a while.  It’s nice.

I mostly finished the layout for the SPACE comic anthology.  In related news, Bob just launched a Kickstarter for it.

I worked …

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