Category Archives: beer

Scams, Tour, Remora, Puzzle Boxes, Blogoverse, Mead, Dreams

Today I got contacted by a guy who paid to rent a club for an afternoon during SXSW & wanted me to pay $500 to have a band play on the bill.  I’m sure he’ll find people willing to do …

Posted in beer, daily news, dreams, music, puzzle boxes | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to Scams, Tour, Remora, Puzzle Boxes, Blogoverse, Mead, Dreams

  1. N. says:

    Uhm… what about Under The Spire Recordings or Denovali Records?

  2. Lullabier says:

    My album has been put out by Silentes (, but the label is focused on ambient and drone music…You should try to contact them IMHO

Mead, Puzzle Boxes, & Mixes

I made a couple of batches of mead today.  It was the end of a bottle of honey so one of the batches ended up that it’s going to be 15% alcohol.  Which is maybe too strong to drink like …

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Astronaut Jane, Remora, Teddy Bear

There’s a comic I’ve been supposed to write for a collaborator for about six months & today I plowed through a couple drafts of it & sent it over.  We’ll see if he digs the script &/or still wants to …

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AGIFF, Mead, Breaking Bad, Dreams

So the past few days I’ve been down in Smithfield a bit for the Ava Gardner Independent Film Festival.  I feel like I got a lot more out of it this year than previous years as far as having an …

Posted in beer, daily news, dreams, movies & television, music, video | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to AGIFF, Mead, Breaking Bad, Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    1.) i agree with your assessment of movie flaws. Although i noticed this more with hollywoody movies and things from the 80′s where the music even if it’s not loud it’s non-stop. I like how a lot of recent films don’t clutter it up with music.

    2.) All this time you talk about Breakin Bad, i thought you were watching that breakdance movie.

    3.) Yesterday i was counting change out of a cup so i can take it to the coinstar & it made me think of tracking sales of Spotify etc. . . . and then that made me realize that the internet based musician is basically a busker going home with a handful of coins and a few bills.

  2. Yeah, the non-stop music or the loud music, hard to say which is worse. But when the drums are unintentionally louder than the nuclear explosion, that’s not too good. I know that when I tried screening my cartoons without sound they didn’t work properly because people don’t notice they start without a sound cue & I do dislike it when credits are ran on silent at the end of the movie because it seems to give them a false sense of importance. But the really loud music seems like such an easy & obvious fix. For a while I thought it was because of me watching movies on inferior devices, but I think it’s just from lazy people in the sound department ripping audio straight off an ultra-hot CD without adjusting it.

    You should check out Breaking Bad. It really only functions I think if you start from the beginning as it’s kind of about likable characters becoming total assholes.

    • GoddakkAttack says:

      i don’t think it’s from the incompetence you speak of. I think it’s more to do with “IN YOUR FACE” production values that’s really popular since the 2000′s started.

Max Ernst, Pow Wow, Rough Day, Silbeer

So I reviewed one Max Ernst’s proto-graphic novels over on Finally Checking It Out.  I may be less sure than ever about what makes a comic after reading it.

I got an artist interested in drawing my new comic …

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Royalties, Jon DeRosa, Ads

So recently I found out that throughout Europe royalties for a song are paid not just to songwriters & publishers, but also to individual performers & producers when a song is played on the radio or television (performers & producers …

Posted in beer, daily news, movies & television | Tagged , | 7 Comments

7 Responses to Royalties, Jon DeRosa, Ads

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    isn’t this what BMILive does now? well maybe not producers but for performers.
    I still can’t figure that part out if they’re only collecting when you play your own songs or if say our drummer plays the show does she get paid as well eventhough it’s not a song she has writing credits on.

  2. I’m pretty sure the money goes to the songwriters/publishers with BMILive. I never signed up for it because I really haven’t been playing shows since they have it. How much do you get for a show? $5 extra or less?
    You know what’s funny is I remember needing to fill out all this paperwork on one of my Euro tours with my setlist & BMI info for every show & I never got money back from it.

  3. GoddakkAttack says:

    as is well documented in your catalog

Comps, Promotions, XO, Silbeer

So I mastered three songs for comps & got them out today.  Feels like something is going right.

I got out all of my follow up emails for the new release promotions.  So once again something done.

Wrote half a …

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Flash Games, Flash Music, Comic, Mead Doc, Remora, SLF, Dreams

So I added a bunch of games & such to the Silber site for you to waste your time on – Motorbike Racing & Stupid Space Age on the game side & then on the fooling around with music there’s …

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Comics, Apple Mead, & Dreams

I got a bunch of second drafts done on some comics & sent three scripts off to artists!  So it feels like I’m getting something happening.  I’ll try to get some more scripts written tomorrow.

Still not sure of the …

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Dead Leaves Rising, Computers, Mead, Super Haters, Dreams

Been a bit of a rough week (lost a couple sleeping periods taking care of my grandmother), but I’ve gotten a bit done anyway.

So the first big news is the two albums from Jon DeRosa under the Dead Leaves

Posted in beer, comics, daily news, dreams, music | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

One Response to Dead Leaves Rising, Computers, Mead, Super Haters, Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    an “ex” of mine had a co-worker who vanished one day and it turned out he was put in the hospital because he ate nothing but Peanut-Butter for the entire year or close to it.