Author Archives: Brian John Mitchell

Spotify, Bandcamp, Electric Bird Noise, Rllrbll, Small Life Form

Been doing some work towards getting new releases ready & working on a plan to move into requesting people listen to the Silber back catalog on Spotify when the next newsletter is ready to go out.  Which means making massive …

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Dreams of May

So as you may remember a couple months ago now I slowed down on the blog & my dreams stopped appearing in it.  I’ve still been writing them down on my memo pad & I finally just typed some of …

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Rdio, Spotify, Bandcamp, QRD, Upcoming Releases, Etc.

So as a lot of you know I have super mixed feelings about free streaming of music.  I totally understand it is awesome for the consumer.  It’s convenient & easy.  But of course it also means not a lot of …

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One Response to Rdio, Spotify, Bandcamp, QRD, Upcoming Releases, Etc.

  1. So I’m thinking about launching a digital subscription series, here are a couple proposals I’ve come up with:
    5 in 5 – get the next 15 EPs for just $10
    Albums – get the next ten albums & receive all EPs released in interim free for $50.


Small Life Form – A Hero Reborn

So it’s been a long time since I did any Small Life Form stuff.  In fact I think it was last year in December the last time I did any recordings.  & I’m not sure when my last live show …

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Things Are Happening

Hope you are all doing well.  Been working on stuff lately & man is it crazy how behind I’m getting.  About 20 releases now that I need to get ready to go.  I don’t even know how this happens.  Folks …

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QRD – The Guitarists Compilation is finally out!

QRD - The Guitarists Various ArtistsQRD – The Guitarists
MP3 compilation 2014 | Silber 154
55 tracks, 231 minutes
(320 kbps, ~500 megs (includes 58 page digital booklet & 2388 page ebook))

In 2010 QRD started a series of interviews with

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Silber Newsletter for June

I know I have been absent from blogging lately, but here’s our newsletter.  One day I will catch up & start posting again.


I hope all is well.  As you may have noticed already 2014 is turning into a

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Excusing Excuses

So I know I haven’t been updating the blog the way I used to.  I actually have a ton of stuff going on & I should be mentioning it here, but it sometimes feels like it’s tedious & no one …

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Chvad SB, Dreams, & a million other things

The big Silber news is we have a new release about to come out (we are currently taking pre-orders) from new signee Chvad SB of Things Outside the Skin & Controlled Bleeding.  Spread the word about it if you can.…

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Cyber Threats

As the internet continues to advance, new threats will emerge and are likely to expand the security challenge faced by cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity Fundamentals | edX

According to companies like Fortinet, a growing number of cybersecurity issues have emerged over the past decade. Much …

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