Monthly Archives: August 2011

Silber Feature, Twitter, Dream

My big event for today was making a new page for the Silber site for a monthly featured release that will have a streaming copy of an album & the album available for a couple bucks off.  The first one …

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2 Responses to Silber Feature, Twitter, Dream

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    you know, when i used to work at the Bulldog in five points or near five points. we had to walk around the surrounding areas to find the bottles everyone left the building with and tossed in the bushes and parking lot. Also read about some town providing locks for their bins to keep the homeless from making a buck off their discards. So good luck, the free market is at work.

    • All of the restaurants in this county seem to have locks on all their recycle bins, from glass down to used cooking oil. So we’ll see what happens. If I don’t sell them, I guess I can theoretically use them forever.

REH, Lost Kisses, Twitter, Plumerai, The Outer Limits

I made the PDF versions of the Robert E Howard mini-comic & Lost Kisses #22.  So free reading….
read REH #1
read Lost Kisses #22

I finally got Twitter to accept me importing my address book (which retardedly I needed …

Posted in comics, daily news, movies & television, music, video | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to REH, Lost Kisses, Twitter, Plumerai, The Outer Limits

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    for the record, only the covers were hand screened. the cd’s were replicated in some facility.

  2. Yeah, I guess I should change the description slightly. What was the type of machine you used to print them again?

Dead Leaves Rising, Computers, Mead, Super Haters, Dreams

Been a bit of a rough week (lost a couple sleeping periods taking care of my grandmother), but I’ve gotten a bit done anyway.

So the first big news is the two albums from Jon DeRosa under the Dead Leaves

Posted in beer, comics, daily news, dreams, music | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

One Response to Dead Leaves Rising, Computers, Mead, Super Haters, Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    an “ex” of mine had a co-worker who vanished one day and it turned out he was put in the hospital because he ate nothing but Peanut-Butter for the entire year or close to it.

Super Haters, Dead Leaves Rising, Mini Comics, Azalia Snail video, Web Stats, Dreams

Okay, the big news for the day is that for the next two weeks I’m the guest writer for the webcomic Super Haters.  I hope you dig it.  It’s about a dad abandoning his responsibilities & then trying to …

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams, music, video | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to Super Haters, Dead Leaves Rising, Mini Comics, Azalia Snail video, Web Stats, Dreams

  1. Nick Marino says:

    You totaled spoiled the first twist in your own story arc!!!

  2. Nick Marino says:

    *totally, not totaled haha

  3. Yeah, I guess I did give away a punchline. Oooops. It’s strange when I think about how my storyline kinda started less based on my real life than it ended up. Though I guess it would’ve been closer to my life if I had “new Destruct-O-Tron” show up as Todd’s kid from when he was 13, at least I changed it up a little bit.

    That reviewer wasn’t into all of the books & I know he wasn’t into XLK at all, but I think his critiques were fair. I think the Deadpool book we’re working on is closer to what I planned for XLK than what I handed out in that it’s bad-ass sad-bastard book instead of just a bad-ass book.

Goddakk, Plumerai, Coupling, Computer, Irata, Downloaders, Review Updates, Featured Releases, Falling Skies

So here you go, new music from Goddakk & Plumerai available for $5 album download.

In other news Ben Link Collins (former Silber intern) has his first release on his new label Silent Media coming out.  It’s called Coupling & …

Posted in daily news, movies & television, music | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments

5 Responses to Goddakk, Plumerai, Coupling, Computer, Irata, Downloaders, Review Updates, Featured Releases, Falling Skies

  1. GoddakkATTACK says:

    CJBoyd’s argument is a flawed. Nobody sneaks in to sniff his farts nor do they pitch in to buy him bean burritos.

    He isn’t entitled to money to create music, however neither is someone entitled to hear/listen/own/download any of the music he created which is more the issue I think than the fact that a musician feels like a public is obligated to give him money to do so. It’s more that the public feels like it’s their right to hear the music and not the artist’s right to expect some token of gratitude in return.

    I’m not willing to pay for a new Guns n Roses but then i don’t think i really should be able to have the songs for free either. Not really anything to do with a musician’s entitlement any moreso than Charmin expects something in return if i decide to wipe my arse with their product. The worth of music, the practice of commerce those are the topics at play not a musician’s self-worth or ego, those exist independently of the issue.

    • Yeah, there’s definitely a problem with people feeling entitled to free everything here in the first world. & at times it seems like not only do people feel like they should have free music, but should be paid to do the artist the favor of listening to it. Which is perhaps related to the fact that now that everyone is a musician the quality of music has lowered to the point where maybe we should get paid to listen to some of it.

  2. I think there’s a disconnect between consumers of music and makers of music.

    The consumer doesn’t consider all the mundane financial and logistical details of what it takes to get that music to their ears.

    Music costs money to make. Especially music recorded in studios with all the costs that entails.

    Your average listener would never have reason to think about tracking, travel, mixing or mastering costs. Nor should they. They just download and (hopefully) appreciate the result.

    For an artist, posting music as a youtube video or in any other myriad ways available now online costs basically nothing. It’s possible to make and distribute music more or less for free this way now.

    What we’re going to lose though, is music that cost any time and money to make.

    There won’t be a new Black Sabbath, Cure, Bowie, Joy Division, MBV, Neil Young, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Sonic Youth, Velvets, etc.

    These are all musics that cannot be made, much less performed, by some dude sitting alone at a computer.

    Whether or not that’s a good or bad thing is up to you I guess.

    Anyway, this guy has some good points:

  3. That Collateral Damage series in The Wire is really good. One of the thing that has always been funny to me about The Wire is probably 95% of the musicians they cover don’t sell as many units as the magazine does. Maybe that’s true of Rolling Stone too when I think about it.

Goddakk, Plumerai, Star, Planet of the Apes, Silbeer, Tip Jars

Okay, so in the next day or so there will be new releases available for download from Goddakk & Plumerai.  Just waiting for final approval of a couple things before updating everything on the website.

I got a message …

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Digital Distro, If Thousands, Thorn1

Okay, so a lot of people are making a big deal about Spotify.  So I decided to look through the numbers & see what was going on with my digital distro stuff.  (The Silber download shop isn’t included in these …

Posted in daily news, dreams, music | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Digital Distro, If Thousands, Thorn1

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    aren’t all of these only paying you for plays whereas itunes and amazon pays you for a purchase of an mp3? cents vs. fraction of cents. per song. it’s more like collecting royalteees vs. sales sorta kinda.

  2. Conceptually it’s like sales versus royalty except that the model for Spotify negates the idea of sales in the future if it gains enough users & popularity. Which would bring digital sales (1/3 of income for the past 5 years) down to the amount of selling two or three CDs. So I suppose that’s why a lot of folks are selecting to not put their whole catalog on Spotify (& Last FM & Grooveshark & GimmeSound for that matter).

Missing Sleep Periods

So Sunday night my grandmother decided she didn’t need a sleeping period which means I get to miss a sleeping period.  Which I am not used to happening anymore & consequently I had trouble thinking straight enough to get anything …

Posted in daily news | 5 Comments

5 Responses to Missing Sleep Periods

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    i wouldn’t delete myspace, you never know when you’re gonna need some phat beats.

  2. I also saw a thing that you can now embed stuff from MySpace on Facebook, which I thought was basically the only reason to join Reverbnation….

    • GoddakkAttack says:

      well the reverbnation players typically work. also the .03 cent per year you collect from rn

  3. Peter says:

    Sorry to hear about the sleep!