Tag Archives: remora


So I don’t really pay attention to iTunes & when they make my music available, though I admit I was pleased when they announced they would attempt to respect release dates from indies.  But today I got an email them …

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Had a show last night & another earlier tonight.  No pedal board problems either time.  Maybe my equipment is turning semi-organic like a Cronenberg movie & healing itself.  I can live in hope of that anyway.  Once I start running …

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Stuff Done & Stuff I’m Doing

So I got out the rest of the follow-up emails for the Vlor/Aarktica promos.  I just realized as I’m writing this that I need to send some emails out about the Lost Kisses DVD.

Tried to trouble shoot my pedal …

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short entry

Assembled more mini-comics.

Made some packages for sending out the current batch of comic promos.

Sent out a bunch of follow-up emails for the Aarktica & Vlor.

Trying to find some folks to use for the full band Remora.  It’s …

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Good Bad News

I went through & caught up with most if not all of the MySpace/Facebook/email messages from when I was out of tour.  Took the majority of the day.

I found out that Remora’s Derivative was now up for unlicensed free …

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Recent Reviews & other news

Got a bunch of orders out today including two surprise orders from distributors.

Today was the official street date for the Vlor & Aarktica.  So that means tomorrow I’ll start the follow-up on promos (meaning the official promo campaign for …

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I’ve been mis-spelling hustle

I know I’ve been missing posts a lot of days lately.  It’s because I’m too busy running around rather than because I’m so lazy that stuff isn’t getting done.

Tomorrow should be the last batch of Aarktica & Vlor out …

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Reviews & Follow-Ups

Did some more mastering for Sarah June.  I think the album is getting close to done.

Wrote a portion of Lost Kisses #12.

Finished up the one sheets for Vlor & Aarktica.

Getting ready to start up the second batch …

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Burying Myself

So the past day or two has been a predominant thing with me sending out links to my digital press & radio folks.  Probably I should buy a software to do it or make a special newsgroup, but instead I …

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Following Up

So I feel like I got a lot done today.

I made the downloadable promo files for the Moodring, Remora, Plumerai, & slicnaton prepared so I can start sending that info out to the folks who get the stuff to …

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