Tag Archives: remora

Remora, XLK, Promotion

So the Remora show next week is going to be a full band thing with me on guitar & vocals, Brian McKenzie on guitar, Chrissy Kotsopoulos on keyboards, Michael Wood on bass, & drums & piano & horns pre-recorded.  We’ll …

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3 Responses to Remora, XLK, Promotion

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    maybe you need more 20yo friends.

Blogging, Short Runs, From Oceans to Autumn, Remora, Cerebus, Conspiracy Theories, The Outer Limits, Dream

So I just figured out how to get the blog to show comments on the front page instead of just individual entry pages.  Starting to feel a little bit more comfortable with WordPress I suppose since I am going in …

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Car, Paper Dolls, Dream

So my trickery worked & my car passed inspection.  Pretty excited about that headache being gone for a year.

I finished drawing & coloring the original versions of the paper dolls for the Remora video.  Just have to print up …

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Remora, Spotify, XO, Worms

So I did some more work on my paper dolls for the Remora video.  Drew three out of five, still have to scan them in, color them, & cut them out & then find out if my camera can do …

Posted in comics, daily news, music, video | Tagged , , , | 8 Comments

8 Responses to Remora, Spotify, XO, Worms

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    if it doesn’t cost the label/artist anything to be on it, i would see Spotify as free promo (i guess cdbaby puts you on there as part of their deal, not sure how working direct works out).
    Although I imagine at a certain level the artist becomes promo for Spotify as opposed to the other way around.

  2. GoddakkAttack says:

    also i gu ess i don’t know how spotify works either, is it just online radio like pandora? or do you get to download the songs for a subscription fee?

  3. On Spotify you get to listen to any song you want with no subscription fee. I haven’t heard an explanation of why anyone would get their pay service & in most countries about 5% of people use the pay service.

  4. As far as it being free promo, it would be free promo if people came to your music through it instead of going to it for your music.

    • GoddakkAttack says:

      well i imagine it’s supposed to work that way, like last fm or whatever. where hey i like Metallica so it’ll suggest i listen to Megadeth. So i’m sure people will go for metallica and megadeth and maybe hear some other horrible metal band from the midwest as a result potentially. so possibly promo if it works that way but from what i gather, it’s one of the weaker points of the app.

      anyways, i was reading this article about this and it made a good point that the major labels have big shares in spotify so they don’t really care about the streaming revenue since they’re making profit from the ad & subscription revenue anyways. win win for them.

  5. I hear there’s some kind of thing on it where you can check out what your friends are listening to that’s supposed to be “fun.” Yeah, the labels owning Spotify is probably the real reason Apple hasn’t bought it & closed it down yet.

    • GoddakkAttack says:

      It’s in their interest to make the company look successful even though it’s not so that their shares skyrocket. Explains why there’s been so much media support for it.

      • Yeah, it’s like Second Life. Why was that shit on the news all the time when even at my level of geekery I never met anyone that had an account they used more than the one time to find out the thing was kinda lame?

Blogging, QRD, Thorn1, Remora

I love it when someone contacts me saying about them covering something from Silber in their blog & how it’s going to probably create a big sales spike & then I check their web rankings & they’re a few million …

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2 Responses to Blogging, QRD, Thorn1, Remora

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    i once thought of doing stop motion but then when i realized what it entailed i was all fuck that. way too time consuming. which reminds me, now that i’m up and running again that video….i’ll think of doing something soon.

Remora Remix, Built, Car

Did some work on my remix of Remora‘s “My Brother’s Guns & Knives” basically just adding some bass & harmonica.  Still fun.  I was working on the mix on headphones & had the bass up really loud when I …

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Remora, Comics, Thorn1, Computers

My sister stopped by today to help me with some pictures for photo references for making a paperdoll music video for Remora.  Who knows how far out until I get that to happen.

I got in a few books …

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Work & Dreams

Trying to work on somethings on my old graphic design computer because it has Word & Excel on it while looking up the information on this netbook web-use-only loaner from my sister.  It works okay for putting in stuff about …

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Promos, Recording, DI donations

Spent a lot of time making up the special page for press/radio folks for the new releases.I’ll probably start emailing them about it in the next day or two.  Hopefully it’ll cause some resurgence with some of the other recent …

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REH, Lost Kisses, Twitter, Plumerai, The Outer Limits

I made the PDF versions of the Robert E Howard mini-comic & Lost Kisses #22.  So free reading….
read REH #1
read Lost Kisses #22

I finally got Twitter to accept me importing my address book (which retardedly I needed …

Posted in comics, daily news, movies & television, music, video | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to REH, Lost Kisses, Twitter, Plumerai, The Outer Limits

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    for the record, only the covers were hand screened. the cd’s were replicated in some facility.

  2. Yeah, I guess I should change the description slightly. What was the type of machine you used to print them again?