Tag Archives: remora

A Good Day

I’m pretty happy with my day today.

First off I got recorded, mixed, & mastered the Remora song for a comp.  I’m not going to leak the version for the comp, but here’s the demo:


Then I wrote a …

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Joseph & Remora

So last night I went out to see my half-brother Joseph Hausman play a show & my buddy Pete went with me.  Joseph is 23 & Pete said he wasn’t sure how he felt about him because he was too …

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Near Future

Feels like a big day for things getting done though I have nothing to show for it as yet.

I got the confirmation for me going out with The Independents as their merch guy in January & then a couple …

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One Response to Near Future

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    mix it up in one column. Music folk will learn about Comics and vice versa.

QRD, Remora, Guitar Tuner, Butterfly Corpse, Total Recall 2070, Dreams

I went through today on the Alphabetical Archive Page on QRD & added the 200+ interviews since the last time I updated it (a year & a half ago).  Hard to believe I’ve gotten that many interviews in the past …

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One Response to QRD, Remora, Guitar Tuner, Butterfly Corpse, Total Recall 2070, Dreams

  1. N. says:

    Scars Bring Hope is such a beautiful album. What they wrote on Foxy Digitalis might be true: “You get the feeling that with a little exposure, if the right people hear the right songs, and if the artist himself is that way inclined, Remora could be huge”.

A Bunch of Stuff, But Especially Rllrbll, Remora, Dreams, & Blogging

I got an email from Martin Newman (Plumerai/Goddaakk) about if I was still doing Nostalgia Equals Distortion & Finally Checking It Out as there haven’t been posts on either of them in quite a while.  The …

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Astronaut Jane, Remora, Teddy Bear

There’s a comic I’ve been supposed to write for a collaborator for about six months & today I plowed through a couple drafts of it & sent it over.  We’ll see if he digs the script &/or still wants to …

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I Hate Video

So I spent a lot of the day trying to figure out how to edit some of the video footage from my show & it’s too big of a pain for me to do it, so I’m going to see …

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2 Responses to I Hate Video

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    do you recall what kind of file it imports as? James’s camera imports MTS and even with all my fancy schmancy gear…unless i upgrade my actual machine i can’t do anything with it.

    • It’s *.mov. I have a couple of folks that are going to try to work on it for me. But I suppose eventually I’ll need to get a camera that outputs to something I can work with or a computer that can work with what the cameras put out….

Cerebus, Remora, Dream

I’m not really in a good mood & I don’t want to bring anyone else down, so instead here’s a little video I made for Cerebus TV & a little thing of me playing guitar.

Last Night’s Dream:
I’m in …

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Remora, Redwoods, Facebook, Donations, & Dreams

Practiced some today for getting ready for the Remora show on Saturday.  Played bass instead of guitar for all the songs to try to beat up my fingers a little more & get them back up to snuff for the …

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams, music, video | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to Remora, Redwoods, Facebook, Donations, & Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    you should get a bassVI.

    • I probably should. But I’m lately not playing often enough to justify it & I don’t have any particular song ideas or recordings in mind that require it. Meanwhile I am thinking about a metal dobro because I do have some recording ideas that might require that. (I hear when you get a metal one that they are designed for single note playing & chords don’t blend together the way they do with a wooden body so the way I play with a heavy right hand hitting all six strings might sound interesting, but I’ve never even seen one except on the internet so I haven’t checked it out.)

      • GoddakkAttack says:

        you’d play everything you’d play on guitar on the VI except it will be thicker and more bowelvacating inducing.

Blogs, Nudity, Art, Remora, Dream

So today I finished going through the Hype Machine bloggers.  One thing I noticed that a lot of bloggers do now that I don’t quite get is having random “funny” pictures of naked girls in a blog entry.  Like a …

Posted in art, daily news, dreams | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to Blogs, Nudity, Art, Remora, Dream

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    maybe you should pose nude for you blog

  2. So this blog entry got some links to it presumably for having the word “nudity” in the subject line. So I guess probably the bloggers do get extra traffic for using naked pictures….