Tag Archives: remora

Remora, Built, Work, KZSU, Lost Kisses, Breaking Bad

So I heard back from a label interested in the new Remora release.  Pretty excited to have that happen, but I don’t want to mention the name until things are 100% set in place.  Hate to have things fall apart …

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Remora & News

Okay, so as you may remember a couple weeks ago I made a Music & Comics News page for people to use. Today I made a World News & Fun News page. Autogenerating content from various sites which is a …

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Remora, Electric Bird Noise, QRD, & Comics

I did an interview about Remora over at Alone Music that just went up.

I sent out a bunch of emails for the next guitarist issue of QRD.  Anyone with suggestions (with contact info!) let me know.

I finished drawing …

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2 Responses to Remora, Electric Bird Noise, QRD, & Comics

  1. Lullabier says:

    Suggestions for QRD: Chris Brokaw, Jason T. Gough (Coastal), Pall Jenkins (Black Heart Procession), Dean Wareham (Galaxie 500, Luna, Dean & Britta), Nick Talbot (Gravenhurst), and above all Jeff Martin (Idaho)

Scams, Tour, Remora, Puzzle Boxes, Blogoverse, Mead, Dreams

Today I got contacted by a guy who paid to rent a club for an afternoon during SXSW & wanted me to pay $500 to have a band play on the bill.  I’m sure he’ll find people willing to do …

Posted in beer, daily news, dreams, music, puzzle boxes | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to Scams, Tour, Remora, Puzzle Boxes, Blogoverse, Mead, Dreams

  1. N. says:

    Uhm… what about Under The Spire Recordings or Denovali Records?

  2. Lullabier says:

    My album has been put out by Silentes (http://www.silentes.net/), but the label is focused on ambient and drone music…You should try to contact them IMHO

Good Space, Remora, Progressive, Dream

I can never figure out exactly why, but this morning I woke up feeling at peace with the world & in a good space.  I wonder if this is what other people feel like normally or not, but in the …

Posted in daily news, dreams, music, video | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

One Response to Good Space, Remora, Progressive, Dream

  1. goddakkattack says:

    like ice cube says “today was a good day”


I feel like I got some stuff done today, but I can’t quite remember what.  I did spend a few hours working on recording.  I got two pieces potentially done (or near done) for the new Remora record & then …

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One Response to Remora

  1. N. says:

    You should definitely do more long narrative songs IMHO.

N=D, Ping Things, Webstats

So I posted up a review of The Sisters of Mercy’s Floodland over on Nostalgia Equals Distortion.

Rik over at Ping Things has this pretty brilliant sale going on.  If someone reviews one of his releases he gives them …

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Started working on a new Remora release.  Tentatively titled “The Heart that Kills” & I’m planning it to be three short songs & three long drones.  Here’s a little clip showing the set up for the drones.

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Digital Sales, Videos, Puzzle Boxes, Dreams

My buddy (& sometimes comic collaborator) Nick Marino just posted in his blog about pulling all his music off of iTunes & Amazon because of crappy sales numbers the past year (he uses TuneCore who as an aggregator charge an …

Posted in daily news, dreams, music, puzzle boxes, video | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Digital Sales, Videos, Puzzle Boxes, Dreams

  1. Nick Marino says:

    The stuff I posted through TuneCore wasn’t comedic — it was all instrumental, electronic/funk/rock hybrid type of stuff.

    My humorous stuff probably would have sold a little bit better, or (at the very least)
    would have pissed some people off and gotten removed from a few sites.

  2. N. says:

    It’s also the night when all the lonely people eat less than usual

Mead, Puzzle Boxes, & Mixes

I made a couple of batches of mead today.  It was the end of a bottle of honey so one of the batches ended up that it’s going to be 15% alcohol.  Which is maybe too strong to drink like …

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