Webstats, Amazon, Future, Dreams

Been going over the webstats lately (see today’s earlier post about QRD articles & there’s a couple more to come too), here are some numbers that I feel like I should be proud of (if only I could get them to generate sales) – 434,399 unique visitors for the year & an average of 1190 visitors per day.  For better or worse, the blog is the source of half the traffic to the site, which I’ll assume mainly comes from robots trying to comment on the thing, but I do think some of the stuff is people being legitimately interested in Silber.  It’s a mixed feeling when it seems like I have the interest, but not the sales.  I feel like I’m doing something right & wrong at the same time which is way better than just feeling like everything is wrong.

I’ve had a couple of people comment to me before that I should put some of my comics up through Amazon for people to get as ebooks.  I’ve been a little reluctant because I feel it’s probably a waste of time, but I went ahead & put up Walrus today.  We’ll see if anyone cares.  If you have a chance to pop over & give it a review maybe that would help?  Who knows….

I can’t really put a particular reason as to why, but I feel like I’m about to go through a phase of getting a lot of work done here at Silber.  Comics, music, QRD, compilations, Silber releases, convention appearances… it’s all coming soon I think.

Recent Dream:
I’m living with an elderly woman renting a spare bedroom in her house.  She’s gotten to the point where she’s ill & unable to take care of herself & her mind is clearly going, but she doesn’t want to leave the house or ask anyone for help.  After not seeing her for a couple of days I try to check on her.  She doesn’t answer my knock on her door & when I try it, it’s both locked & bolted from the inside.  I start pounding on the door & she finally answers saying, “Go away!  I just want to be left alone!”  Through the door I tell her that I just want to help her.  I tell her the story of taking care of my grandmother for years & lying on the bed with her as she died.  She unbolts the door & lets me in.  She climbs in her bed & I ask her if there’s anything I can do for her.  She tells me she’s cold & could use another blanket.  I go to my room & get a blanket my grandmother’s mother made for my older brother off of my closet shelf.  I put the blanket on her & when I step away she’s turned into my grandmother.

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Ten Most Read QRD Articles in 2013

Top 10 Most Viewed QRD Articles:

So I went over my stats & here are the most popular articles from QRD last year.  If you haven’t checked them out before, go ahead & check them out now.

Interview with Erin O’Brien from QRD #29 in 2005
I’m not surprised that this was our most popular article of the year.  Every month this has been one of our most popular interviews.  It’s an interview with Erin with a lot about her brother John who wrote Leaving Las Vegas & there’s a link to it from his wikipedia page that generates a thousand views most months.

Guitarist Interview with Alan Sparhawk of Low from QRD #46 in 2010
Given the popularity of Low’s new album, it’s no surprise to see one of the interviews with Alan in the top 10.  Though to be honest, I would’ve thought it would’ve been the one I did about the new album instead of this total gear head interview!

Record Label Owner Interview with Ceschi Ramos of Fake Four Inc. from QRD #47 in 2011
This is interesting to me.  Why would a two year old interview I did with a label I’m not even super familiar with get a ton of views?  Probably the label is doing something right that I should look into.

Record Label Owner Interview with Jerome Moncada of Basses Frequences  from QRD #47 in 2011
Same basic thing as with Fake Four Inc only I am a little more familiar with Basses Frequences.

A Solution to Suicide from QRD #3 in 1995
I was a totally different person back when I wrote this. 19 years old & still convinced I was smart & witty.  I really don’t know why anyone would read this & how it was a top article this year.

Guitarist Interview with Agata of Melt-Banana from QRD #43 in 2010
Agata is a great guitar player, Melt-Banana tours constantly, this is probably his most in depth interview anywhere about his craft, yeah, this makes sense.

Gifts for the Touring Musician from QRD #32 in 2007
It’s a long time ago that me & Nathan from Rivulets came up with this gift list for touring musicians.  Still generally good ideas ten years later & I’m not even sure how much I’d have to add today.

tips for making your own zine from QRD #15 in 1999
This is a pretty decent article from years ago, it’s interesting to me that people are still looking up how to make physical zines today.  I guess a lot of it doesn’t apply as much since presumably most people who are doing zines today get them printed from digital files.

Guitarist Interview with Nick Reinhart of Tera Melos from QRD #43 in 2010
So this is an interesting top article.  I had to disable the link to the bands page because it had been taken over by some kind of spam site.  So I think there’s a good chance that people trying to find out about the band or whatever end up coming to this page.  But who knows.

Atavist from QRD #26 in 2004
The dream/short story that went on to become the first issue of XO.  The only fiction entry for QRD that made it in the top ten.  Why are people still finding it & reading it?  Fuck if I know.

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Colored Suns, Hackers, Wikipedia, & QRD

I got some more colored sun images made up over on Tumblr.  I’m realizing now I have made quite a lot of these things & I need to figure out what I want to do with them.  I have a few ideas for trying to make screensaver collections or prints or something to sell for a dollar.  Not sure yet.  http://silbermedia.tumblr.com/post/72265359172/more-colored-distortion-photos-this-time

So I was going over some web stats stuff & apparently there was some kind of weird cyber attack on the blog on December 16.  Over 1000 failed login attempts all on the same day.  Kind of interesting.  I don’t have any idea what that is about, but I guess I should feel honored in a way to have been recognized enough for people to want to hack in to my account.  Also interesting to me is two of the big referrers to the site for the month were spam websites that auto-generate content from random blogs (so if you use images in a post, you get pings when someone views an entry on their site).  Once again, I guess that’s flattering?

Does anyone know how to make Wikipedia entries?  I don’t have one for Silber or QRD & I’m actually getting a decent amount of traffic from it.  I can come up with the text or whatever for you to paste in.  Just need someone to make the entry & link it to the thirty pages or so that talk about Silber & QRD.

Working on getting things in gear for the next QRD & the QRD guitarists compilation & ebook.  Jumping in to things a bit.  We’ll see how it goes.

I’ll have a big post soon about what were the most popular things on the Silber website in 2013.  See you soon.

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New Year, Dreams, Things

Happy New Year. A lot of randomness going on where I feel like I’m actually getting work done right now, so that’s putting me in a better space than I often am. My goal for the year is to recognize good & happy times when they are actually happening.

I got a Small Life Form song recorded & submitted for a compilation & I also worked up this short piece from a recording of a broken light I encountered on tour back in September:

So with college football season closing I kept seeing the things where cheerleaders hold up signs that say, “Make some noise” & I tried to find a video on YouTube of some one doing one of those cheers to post up on some people’s walls on Facebook. But the one that came up for me was one about a middle school team called “The Devils” & I realized it would be fun & cool to do a noise compilation of people responding to the cheer either as a cover song or a source point or whatever. So here’s the video if you might be interested in taking part:

I started work on drawing both Come Home Safe No. 2 & the next Lost Kisses & Eddie Delaney turned in the roughs for Pow Wow #3 & I’m working on a script to be drawn by Shawn Atkins (Gello Apocalypse). I also signed up to show again at Louisville & might be lining up to do a show up in DC. We’ll see what happens.

Some of you know that I’ve been making vinyl bowls lately. I came up with this great idea of using cookie cutters to make little vinyl shapes. So I heated up some vinyl & I stamped them & they basically just scratched through the grooves. So I thought if I heated the vinyl up more I could make it work. So I cranked the oven up & left it on for a while. So strangely instead of getting softer at the higher temperature the vinyl let off some fumes that smelled really bad & ended up harder than the original record. So things are a wash on that. But I did come to the realization I can make some buttons/magnets with single letters on them & people can buy the individual buttons to spell things out. Hoping to figure out a way to make that happen soon as far as from a shopping cart standpoint.
Recent Dreams:
I’m living at an apartment complex with my grandmother taking care of her. I take her with me in her wheelchair to do the laundry. When I look up from moving our clothes from the washer to the dryer her wheelchair is empty. She must have wandered off again. I go out of the laundry room but I can’t see where she went. I lost her. Fuck!

My girlfriend tells me she’s breaking up with me because she knows she can do better. I don’t really have anything to say or an argument to make. She’s right.

I’m a young Joker & I’m running a heist with my little crew stealing a few cases of beer from a gas station. The five of us run out of the gas station carrying four cases of beer a piece & jump into the back of our box truck. After about twenty seconds of the guys congratulating each other & high fiving it becomes clear that no one has thought to drive the truck away. I say, “Drive the truck away!” & they all run out & are trying to get in to drive the truck but blocking each other Three Stooges style. Why do I work with such idiots?

I’m at a bar & I tell this fifty-year-old biker that I can’t understand anybody over 30 being in a biker gang. You should have already learned all you need to about substance abuse & sex with slutty broads & beating the shit out of your rivals by the time you’re 30. He’s getting ready to fight me when I say, “Come on, you know I’m right.” He says, “Hell, I guess you are. Let me get you a beer.

My ex-girlfriend calls & I don’t pick up the phone. She leaves a voicemail & when I listen to it she says she’s found a way to avoid her reputation, she’s going to start hanging out with the local hip hop community. I’m sure it’ll take a few weeks for them to figure out she’s a manipulative money grubbing slut & a liar.

Because of some kind of mild laden psychic powers, I’m selected to pilot a giant alien robot on Wednesday to defend my hometown. I wish I had experience or at least some training, but the robot won’t even make it to the planet until Tuesday night.

Dave Sim hires me to drive a 1960s Cougar he bought online up to Canada for him, but I’m not sure if the thing can run on unleaded gas or not & I’m going to have to try to drive the beast through snow. We’ll see if the car & I both survive the trip.

I’m driving an 18-wheeler & I’m supposed to pick up a load from a warehouse that has a quarter mile long driveway with a 45-degree incline. There’s no way my truck will be able to haul something up that steep of a hill without a running start.

I run an indie video store in the mall & we get a shipment that’s meant for the mainstream video store at the other end of the mall. I’m not sure if I should give them the stuff or just sell it for a hundred percent profit.

I’m on tour with Alex from Corpse Light in New Mexico. There are a couple of small adobe houses, no bigger than 200 square feet, on the side of the highway with signs over them in the colors of the Mexican flag with “Dream House” printed on them in an Old El Paso font. I ask Alex if his phone has service because I want to google to see if these “Dream Houses” are sound installations like Lamont Young’s.

There’s a Remora show & I’m not in the band anymore. The songs & music are coming across better than ever, but the vocals are even worse than when I was singing.

I’m meeting my girlfriend’s father at his office & he offers me a couple thousand dollars to never see her again. I’m not sure if I’m more offended by the offer in general or how low he thinks the value of his daughter is.

I’m on a website order a prescription drug that’s supposed to be able to help me smell better, but everyone actually takes because it aids in astral projection as a side effect. It’s $65, but if I make it to $100 I get free shipping. I’m going through their site & I’m thinking about getting these faux Fiesta Ware six inch navy blue plates to make it to free shipping.

A friend of mine is doing a performance art piece where she’s making prank calls that are being played over the PA. I tell her after the show that I don’t think it was cool, that it was kind of mean spirited & hurtful to the people she called & she tells me that I don’t understand what she’s doing, she’s making artistic collaborations.

I haven’t slept at all when my alarm goes off. I get up realizing I’m still in high school & I go to the kitchen & start making breakfast for me & my grandmother. My mom gets up while I’m helping my grandmother get up & when I get back out to the kitchen I tell my mom I don’t think I’m up to going to school today. She tells me not to worry about it, that she’s surprised I didn’t quit a long time ago.

I’m at the beach & Philip Palmer is trying to teach me how to surf. At some point he goes in to shore & I’m out alone in the ocean. A hundred foot wave comes & I try to dive through it in hope of surviving, but after diving in I can’t find my way back up to the surface.

I have a show at a new venue in Myrtle Beach that used to be some type of wax museum & the building in general is pretty dilapidated. Each room that used to house exhibits is now occupied by third tier crafters & antique dealers. When I finally find the performance space it is the old theater for the museum & actually pretty awesome.

I’m watching a Christian Bale movie where he is being smuggled somewhere under a blanket in the back of a pickup truck. After passing a checkpoint he pops up in the bed of the truck firing an Uzi & when he runs out bullets he switches to shooting an AK. I hope the Batman franchise hasn’t gotten this awful.

I’m performing as Small Life Form & I have a drone going & am lost enough in it that I’m starting to fall asleep. As I nod off Mark from Powercloud comes & taps me on the shoulder. It wakes me up. I try to turn on my optical theremin to get something more aggressive & weird going in the music, but the thing has a short in it or the battery is dying or something & the signal is coming out intermittently fucked up & shitty & making me sound totally unprofessional.

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Finally Checking It Out – What if Karen Page had Lived? by Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Lark, & Dave Stewart

whatifkarenpageSo I’m generally speaking a Daredevil fan.  I like his twisted soul, trying to save the world as a lawyer by day & as a vigilante by night.  His mother abandoned him as a child & his father was killed for not throwing a boxing match.  Every woman he loves get killed.  Oh… & he’s blind.  The only problem I have is that a lot of his stories worth reading are super long form & I like to read things that are one to four issues.  So that’s what makes a What If pretty good for me.

I have a problem with this initially because I remember Karen Page dying of a drug overdose instead of being killed by Bullseye, but I guess that’s my own problem & aside from that it’s pretty solid.  Bendis did one of my favorite Daredevil runs & this fits in well with that version of Daredevil where doing what seems to be the right thing always just makes things worse instead of better.  This isn’t a fun book, it’s pretty dark, but it is definitely worth a buck.

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Remora & Christmas

So I wanted to get this finished, but I had some equipment issues, so the real version will be up next year, but for now enjoy six Remora Christmas song demos.







I also was emailed a Christmas track from Matteo NMPIC! Preabianca that I’ve been meaning to post up.


Merry Christmas everyone.  We’ll make some goodies in time next year.

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One Response to Remora & Christmas

  1. Jason Young says:

    Now there’s a reason to look forward to next Christmas!

Dreams from the Past Three Weeks

So I have been not having the time to post my dreams up here lately, but I finally got a chance to type them all in from the past several weeks.  So here’s what my subconscious has been up to:

Recent Dreams:
I’m running early getting to an open studio to work on drawing some comics.  I walk into the place & there’s a porno being shot starring two pale women in white lingerie – one two-hundred-&-fifty pounds & the other three-hundred.  I walk out the door & go home.

A friend is working on a painting the size of a billboard, but it’s done with such detail it’s meant to be viewed from inches away instead of a hundred yards.

I’m at a hip-hop club with Lupe Fiasco, Kanye West, & Eve.  I grab some tortilla chips from the bar for us to snack on.  I look at all the other tables & everyone else in the club is morbidly overweight & their chip baskets are empty & they’re looking at us with lust & hate in their eyes.I was about to tell them to go check alpilean.com so they can find information about that good supplement that can help them not to be obese of course along with a healthy diet and doing so much exercise but I was afraid to do it because they look really scare with hate in their eyes.

I’m in a house that isn’t haunted, but is designed to attract & trap monsters.  The walls of the rooms are built to shift & slide to either trap the monsters or if they are too strong to get them out of the house.  I’m wandering in the attic & a sliding wall reveals a creature with a squid-like head & bat wings.  I punch it between the eyes & the flesh is soft & ripples like a pond from the blow.  I run.  When I get to the core of the house where they control the shifting of walls from, I tell them I think I just punched Cthulhu in the face & a man in a lab coat says, “No, it was probably just Dagon.”

I’m on tour with Pat Kain as the Remora bass player.  We’re at a house show & everyone is so wasted that they either are passed or are on the verge of passing out, so we don’t even bother to play.

I’m at a bar that’s super loud & super busy.  I wish it were a much larger bar so it seemed like there were less people here.

I’m watching a church service on TV & the homily is about how the dictionary definition of a liver is much different than the biblical one.

I’m on an abandoned ship at sea reading the captain’s log.  An ill family had boarded & they turned into zombies & eventually everyone had either turned or been infected & were thrown overboard or jumped overboard.  But the sick family had an infant son that no one had the heart to throw into the ocean that the captain locked into a cabin.  I look up from the log & see the dead baby smashing itself against a windowpane, trying to get to me.  Its body’s bloated & the flesh is missing from the left half of its face.

I’m on tour with my son & we have three vans of people in our entourage that we try to sneak into the same hotel room every night.  There’s no chance of everyone being able to shower, much less get a hot shower.

My mother has a sty on her left eye in the corner of it towards her nose.  The doctor tells her that because of its location, he can’t do anything about it.  My mom comes home saying all doctors are incompetent.

I invent putting a piece of white tape on binder clips so you can write your name on it & hold your socks together while doing community laundry on tour.

I have a series of five shows booked throughout the islands of Hawaii, but me & the other band members are flying standby.  I get pulled from the plane on the tarmac with there not being enough seats & I’m standing alone in the snow watching as the plane takes off.

I’m inking a Kang pin-up drawn by Jack Kirby over top of his blue pencils.  I’m using multiple types of ink & texture techniques, which may be disastrous.


I’m hanging out with Kelsey Barnes & she asks for a pencil & I go into my monolog about only using pens & she asks me what I do if I need to use a No.2 pencil on a standardized test & I tell her I’d use a pen & risk getting a zero.

The sky is filled with enough lightning it almost seems like daylight outside, but the lightning is strangely silent.

I’m dead & to save money I’m being cremated at home.  My body has been cut up with parts in pots & pans on the stovetop & some in the oven with the rest waiting in the bathtub.

I’m hanging out with Kimber Lanning  (Stinkweeds) in Tallahassee where she’s just opened a new record store.  We’re talking about how different cities need different edges in record stores.  Some cities stores sell bongs to stay open or beer or fancy soda or clothing or have live shows, but so far Tallahassee is a tough nut to crack.


There are a couple teenagers drinking beer in my backyard.  I go out to chase them off & one of them crumples up his beer can & throws it at me.  It only makes it halfway to me & the kids run.  I grab the can off the ground & chase the kid who threw it.  I tackle him on the ground & pin him down with my knees holding down both his arms.  I’m going to use his beer can to carve the word “DICK” into his forehead when I see that he is staring at something behind my left shoulder.  I turn my head half-expecting to see his buddy hitting me with a shovel, but up in the sky is a purple castle perched on top of some billowing clouds.

I’m on tour in Idaho & I pull on to the side of the road by a bolder where my car broke down fifteen years ago.  Sitting on top of the rock is my journal from that era of my life, but someone has taken it & bound it in leather.

I’m on tour with Plumerai & the GPS has us on a dirt road beside a river.  Eventually the puddles & mud give way to actual river & we go hydroplaning in with no control & start to submerge.

There’s a cat door installed in the apartment & all the neighborhood cats keep coming in.  I keep showing people how to lock it, but no one else seems to think it’s worth the trouble to keep the other cats out.

I’m at Jon DeRosa’s house & one of the walls has wallpaper on it to make it just look like a massive bank of rack effect units.  Another wall has recessed shelving with books that have had their spines decorated with ivory & gold to form a mural that only exists with all of them on display exactly as they are.

I’m in a recovery ward with about forty other men with various stages of battle wounds.  There are no windows in the room & it’s always kept dimly lit, so it’s hard to judge the passage of time.  Most of the light comes from the glow of a television at one end of the room.  The television says, “Please rise for our national anthem,” & half the men don’t react at all while others try to stand up or at least sit up in their beds.  Instead of “The Star Spangled Banner,” “Ave Maria” starts to play.  I have no idea when or where I am or what military force I was injured serving for.

I’m at a gas station that’s also a pawnshop.  Some guys go in with an old film projector that is super steampunk looking.  When they come out I ask them how much they got for it & they tell me $600.  I say, “I would’ve thought you’d only get sixty bucks,” & one of the guys says, “Yeah, me too!”

I’m eight years old & new in town.  We’ve moved in during the summer, so there’s no school.  A neighborhood kid asks me about coming to his house to play video games & we are immediately best friends, even before making it to his house.  The architecture of his house seems impossible.  A two story house 40 feet by 20 feet with half of the first floor being the front porch & of course the inside is bigger than the outside.  As he leads me into a dark path in life, it becomes clear that no adult lives in the house – that he has no parents at all & that he in fact is not human, but some type of demon.  When I don’t go to see him one day, he breaks into my house & I find myself wrestling with him on the floor of the kitchen & my parents come out to see what’s going on.  I tell my dad that he can’t just throw him out of the house, that he needs to be bound up & tagged so other people don’t make the same mistakes I did.  When my father pulls the boys arms around his back, the boy changes form into something not exactly lizard-like as much as amphibious & I manage to put our dog’s collar around his neck giving him difficulty breathing.  My father puts him head first into the trashcan & the fit is too tight for it to move properly & the struggle to get out seems to turn into a seizure.  The trashcan falls over & as it writhes it leaves a slug slime residue all over the kitchen floor.  It eventually stops moving, either exhausted or dead.  I ask my father what it is & he tells me it’s just a monster.

Posted in dreams | Tagged | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Dreams from the Past Three Weeks

  1. hi brian says:

    the last time you mentioned a plumerai tour dream, it also involved the van wrecking.

Remora & Small Life Form

So I evidently forgot to post this live Remora video the other day.

I also made this little Small Life Form video today.

Trying to get some paperwork done here at Silber headquarters so I can figure out some financial stuff.  Kinda sucks in the tedious end of running a label department.  Basically trying to figure out if I should send out royalty checks in 2013 (if we’re in the black) or wait until 2014 (if we’re already in the red).

I am still trying to get some Christmas music miracles to happen, but I have no guarantees.

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One Response to Remora & Small Life Form

  1. Goddakkerd says:

    the remora footage is kinda glowsticky.

Finally Checking It Out – What If? #43: What if Conan the Barbarian Were Stranded in the 20th Century? by Peter B. Gillis & Bob Hall

What if Conan were trapped in the twentieth century?As a kid, I never really got into the What If? comics.  I was more or less trying to absorb all the information in the Marvel canon, so I just didn’t have space in my brain for the silly side stories.  But these days when the continuity of comics is in constant flux & even trade paperbacks don’t always have complete stories, I feel like What If is something I can count on for a quick fun read.


So doing a story of Conan in modern times could easily be shitty, but this is a super fun story from Peter B. Gillis & Bob Hall.  Conan gets zapped to modern times by a wizard’s spell & he starts as a thief, then he becomes a pimp, then a gang leader.  He eventually gets in a fight with Captain America & kicks his ass.  To be honest, this may be one of the truest interpretations of Robert E. Howard’s vision of Conan I’ve seen outside of his own stories.  Anyway, this is super fun & pretty easy to find in discount bins & worth picking up.  I guess it’s worth mentioning that there’s a Doctor Strange back-up story in here that isn’t really even worth reading.
Conan versus Captain America

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Been a while

So it’s been a couple weeks since my last blog post.  Been trying to work on things & just getting worn out a bit in general.  There’s been a lot going on.  I got a dozen or more dreams I’ll need to put up in a blog post soon.

The button project was a success & I got the stuff shipped out.

There is a sale to try to clean the Silber basement out a bit before the new year – http://www.silbermedia.com/sale/

There have been a bunch of shows lately, so here are some videos:

Tour Reflection:
She’s got fuchsia hair & matching manicured fingernails.  She’s wearing a black leather jacket covered in spikes & band buttons.  She’s complaining that fashion is more important to punk rock than lifestyle.  I’m sizing her up in her perfect uniform wondering if she’s trying to be ironic in some way.

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