Category Archives: daily news

Blogging, Northern Valentine, Dreams

Did some minor editing of the mechanics in WordPress for the blog.  Hopefully you don’t really notice the differences with the exception of now you need to click on a post to comment on it instead of from the frontpage …

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More stuff going on.

So the other day on Finally Checking It Out I reviewed Richard Corben’s Dark Planet which is an oddly watchable mess.

On Nostalgia Equals Distortion I reviewed the original War of the Worlds movie going into some personal & general …

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Comics, Kickstarter, Dreams

Today I wrote up a Kickstarter campaign for trying to raise funds to print up all the comics & sell as big bundles.  We’ll see if they approve it (my bottle opener keychain campaign about a year ago wasn’t approved).  …

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Comics, Kickstarter, Dreams

  1. kickstarter is a good way for pre-sales probably. it’s how i like to think of it.

    • Yeah, it’s weird to me how people are excited about helping on Kickstarter in a way they wouldn’t be about pre-sales. I do think it’s an interesting idea for me personally where I could do something in the future where I would maybe use it to decide if a CD should have a physical version or not. If I generate $1000 (basically 100 pre-sales) then there will be a CD & if not it will be digital only. I haven’t done this yet, but I think it might be what I start doing.

mwvm, The New Herald, Lost Kisses

So for those of you that are on Facebook & fans of mwvm, there’s now a group for mwvm fans.

So Erick Mertz is working on a film called The New Herald.  Some of the music featured will be …

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Last Couple Days & the Next Month

I got scanned in all the stuff for the Lost Kisses Daily strips today.  Sent some knock ups to a few people for critique before I launch it.  Hopefully it’ll start going up next week.

I also scanned in my …

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Band Practices, Interview, mwvm

So yesterday I had a couple of band practice things.  I was sadly reminded that I have not been doing much to practice my playing skills & even less to practice my listening skills.  Hopefully soon the construction in the …

Posted in daily news, music, video | Tagged | 1 Comment

One Response to Band Practices, Interview, mwvm

  1. those dry erase boards in practice spaces are a good source of hilarity. Especially if it’s a jock/classic/punk rock band

Remora, North Pole, Interview, Dreams

I’ve been working on the artwork for Remora‘s The Heart that Kills the past couple days & not really been feeling to happy with the results.  Then last night Joe Badon who draws Built contacted me about doing some …

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Destruct-O-Cast, EPs, Depression, Dream

Did an interview/podcast with Nick Marino about writing comic books, Marvel Comics history, & meeting my teenage bilogical son over on the Destruct-O-Cast.

Last night I was talking to Joe Kendrick (WNCW music director) about the idea of doing …

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams, music | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

One Response to Destruct-O-Cast, EPs, Depression, Dream

  1. Peter says:

    Let’s walk!

Mead, Comics, mwvm, Misfits

I taught a couple friends how to make mead last night.  It was fun.  Makes me feel like I have a skill.

I got the layouts completed (except for the digital versions) of Star #2, Built #2, & Lost Kisses …

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Facebook, Joy Division, Dreams

Over the weekend the Silber Facebook Page somehow doubled its amount of fans & almost all of them are from Spanish speaking countries.  Not sure what that’s about.  Now it keeps telling me 800 of your fans are fans of …

Posted in daily news, dreams, movies & television, music | Tagged | 1 Comment

One Response to Facebook, Joy Division, Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    can’t wait til they start posting fanta commercials on your page.