I taught a couple friends how to make mead last night. It was fun. Makes me feel like I have a skill.
I got the layouts completed (except for the digital versions) of Star #2, Built #2, & Lost Kisses September 11 Special. Still have to draw the rest of Vigilant #2 & the three issues of Lost Kisses that are scripted.
I did a podcast with Nick Marino about my guest week on Super Haters last yer. It should be up in a day or two & I’ll let you know about it.
Here’s a recent video from mwvm. The album will be available soon. Sorry for dropping the ball on the album release date.
I watched this british show that is kind of an adult (meaning plenty of swearing & some nudity) version of that show Heroes. It’s called Misfits, it’s free streaming on Hulu, if you like the first episode you’ll probably like the series.