Category Archives: daily news

Getting Ready to Promote

Today I finished making the digital versions of the mini-comics from the past year (hard to believe I didn’t bother to send out any promo stuff for that long).  Tomorrow I’m hoping to get up the webpage for it & …

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Northern Valentine, SPACE, Mini-Comics, Chris Olley, Dreams

I got out the solicitations to distros for the Northern Valentine disc today.  Which feels like I really got something accomplished.  Under a month out & the street date is when I’m on tour with The Independents, which is poor …

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Sales, Remora, Blogging, Free Compilation, Dream

I put a couple little specials up on the Silber Sales page for bundling together both NorthernValentine discs or bundling together a bunch of Remora discs.

Working on a bunch of behind the scenes crap for the mini-comics.  Hopefully they’ll …

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YouTube & Advertisers

So this morning I found out several of the videos I have up on YouTube have warning flags put on them as third party content.  Of course they’re things like the Vlor video (which makes sense as that song is …

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Northern Valentine

Hey, I haven’t posted the past couple of days because I’ve been spending more or less the whole time trying to get the promos mailed out for the Northern Valentine.  But I’ll be back in a couple days when …

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Updates & Insomnia

Got a bunch of updates done on the website involving the new releases & sent out the newsletter to the first portion of the mailing list.  So it feels like a good day.  Even if I’m still up & working …

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Kickstarting, Schedule, Dreams, Comics, Promo

So I’m trying to do a little more to promote the Kickstarter comics campaign even though it’s fully funded.  I’m not a member of any comic forums (surprisingly active compared to music ones) & so I joined a few today …

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Plumerai, Northern Valentine, Comics, Dreams

Today’s big news is a free EP for stream or download from shoegazery Plumerai featuring their new line-up with a new singer & drummer.  Check it out & donate some cash if you dig it to support the band.

I …

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mwvm, Dreams

As promised, here is the new mwvm available for free stream or download (donations appreciated).  Guitar ambient with a little western tinge & some angst on the inside.

Last Night’s Dreams:
I’m on the beach working on some comic scripts …

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New Free Release from Electric Bird Noise!

So a lot of stuff going on around these parts.  Here’s the first musical release from us for 2012 – Electric Bird Noise: Live at The Basement.  It collects three live ensemble recordings of EBN as nearly 40 people …

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