Category Archives: daily news


I spent the majority of yesterday working on the next QRD.  It’ll be another part of the cartoonist series.  Maybe the last of the cartoonist series for the near future.  The last time I sent out about trying to …

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Some of you might know about The Sketchbook Project.  I think I mentioned it back in November when I bought one to fill up.  Anyway, I mailed it in today.  Essentially it’s a comic called “Insomniac” & I put it …

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Small Life Form & Artsy Fartsy Photography

So I guess today was the last practice since I went ahead & struck down all my equipment.  The recording set-up worked fine today (so I still don’t know how to keep it from happening again).  I recorded a couple …

Posted in art, daily news, engineering, music | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to Small Life Form & Artsy Fartsy Photography

  1. Peter says:

    You should definitely be a part time riverside troubadour.

  2. Nick says:

    Brian, probably those gifs will give epileptic seizure to some lucky one…

Remora stuff

So I’ve been doing some more work towards recording a bit the past couple of days while practicing for show this weekend.  I ran into a problem today with my computer acting weird about recording giving these weird static peaks.  …

Posted in daily news, engineering, music, video | Tagged | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Remora stuff

  1. Nick Marino says:

    Great tunes! I really dig Dance Anthem 116.

    • Thanks sir! “Dance Anthem 116″ was done using the Little Drummer Boy software mainly because of my soundcard issues (I wrote it on my keyboard, but it was easier to remake the thing with the software than figure out what is wrong with the electricity). I think you might dig that software. It’s from the 1990s & it changed from shareware to freeware a couple of years ago.

Small Life Form & Dreams

So I have a Small Life Form show this weekend at a noise festival & they put out a compilation about it.  The SLF track is the opener, small laptop speakers can’t recreate the sounds properly.

Last Night’s Dreams:
I’m …

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QRD, Buttons, Dream

I spent most of the last couple days filling some custom button orders.  It’s funny because I realize to really make doing the buttons worthwhile I cannot keep doing projects for friends where I’m doing all the design work for …

Posted in buttons, daily news, dreams, music | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to QRD, Buttons, Dream

  1. Richard Maslow says:

    wake up! you’re still here, baby.

    • Richard! Is it really you? You still dealing in those crazy photographs? I got a button maker, if those photos are in the public domain, we should start a button empire based on them….

Comics, QRD, & Dreams

I got a bunch of comics assembled to ship out to subscribers.  It fills up the majority of subscribers, hopefully I’ll get some renewals.

I did the proofreading of the next guitarist series for QRD.  Waiting a couple days for …

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to Comics, QRD, & Dreams

  1. Nick says:

    Adding illustrations and making it like a very personal dreamlike diary with a succession of events, a chronicle of your life during/through the dreams, it could be interesting in my opinion. I’m thinking about some kind of graphic novel, indeed.

Remora & Stuff

So yesterday was a fairly incredibly productive day.  I finished the majority of the promos for the new releases (gotta update some email addresses & do the web email contacts still) & I proofed a couple interviews for the next …

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Waves & Demos

So I got out the first wave of promo emails for the new releases done, I might get it all done by Friday.  It’s kinda depressing right now as the response ratio is so low.  I totally understand it as …

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2 Responses to Waves & Demos

  1. Nick says:

    The secret: putting hot redhead pics on the artwork.

News & Dreams

I’ve spent most of the past couple of days doing updates to my press list to get things ready for mailing about the recent releases.  I miss how ten years ago people thought Silber was a lot bigger because of …

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2 Responses to News & Dreams

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    i’ve actually had to do that in spain once.