Category Archives: daily news

House of Prog, Interview, & Dreams

A few days after I was complaining about no one caring about the recent releases, House of Prog put up reviews of a ton of the 5 in 5 EPs.  I haven’t had time to read them all yet, but …

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Comics, Remora, & Dreams

I actually started drawing Lost Kisses #25 today.  According to my records it’s been waiting for me to draw it for a year & a half now.  We’ll see how long it takes me to do it.  Two of my …

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Recorders & Comics

For the past twenty years or so now I’ve been thinking about buying one of those portable digital multi-trackers.  Well, I finally bit the bullet & bought one.  I like the idea of being able to record with something that …

Posted in comics, daily news, engineering | Tagged | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Recorders & Comics

  1. hi brian says:

    i feel like bloggers/zines etc. . want to tell you what’s good and interesting but take offense at others telling them what’s good and interesting. I also am under the impression that the people in these key positions mostly have horrible tastes. whatchya gonna do.

    • Yeah, I think you’re right. It’s kinda like how sometimes a girlfriend has no interest in seeing a movie that you’d both be into unless it’s her idea. Which I am sure I’m guilty of on my side too.


So a little while ago I did an interview with DJ Grandpa about my button Kickstarter project.  You can listen to me & the other folks he talked to this week

.  I’ve listened to a few episodes …

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Plumerai, UVDS, Dreams

Here’s a short interview with Plumerai about the recording process for their new album that will come out in a couple of months.

I finished drawing the second UVDS comic & printed it up.

I also wrote the first draft …

Posted in comics, daily news, dreams, music | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

2 Responses to Plumerai, UVDS, Dreams

  1. Peter says:

    Rom the robot?

“I Drive Your Truck” & Dreams

So I’ve been a bit obsessed with the Lee Brice song “I Drive Your Truck” & I finally did a Remora “mecha style” cover.

Last Night’s Dreams:
I’m riding my sister’s horse on a mountain ridge.  Among the supplies I’ve …

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Greensboro & Dreams

So the Greensboro craft fair thing was interesting.  I know I don’t have the best game managing a booth or whatever, but no one was interested in the earrings made from the buttons.  Also, the comics sold four times as …

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Buttons & Ebooks

So I did an interview about Kickstarter & my current button project on there today for a podcast that will go live in a week or two.  It’s nice to be noticed & recognized.

I worked up the rigs for …

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Collapsing & Dreams

So yesterday one of the women that used to help me take care of my grandmother stopped by.  She just happened to be in the neighborhood & just stopped in to check & see how I was doing.  It was …

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End of the Quarter/End of the World

So I started working on my end of quarter paperwork today.  I’ve been avoiding doing it for a couple of weeks because I feared the numbers.  Over the past quarter I had several big road trips (two comic shows, a …

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