Author Archives: Brian John Mitchell

Good Hours (featuring Peter Aldrich, Small Life Form, & More)

So it’s been a good 24 hours.  The 919Noise gig last night went pretty well.  It was the most pleased I’ve been with a Small Life Form appearance in a couple of years & Peter Aldrich had a triumphant return …

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4 Responses to Good Hours (featuring Peter Aldrich, Small Life Form, & More)

  1. Lullabier says:

    That Shirt is awesome, Brian!!! How did you design it?

    • I took the cover art for the Irata disc & cut out the majority of the image. Then I exported it as a gif with only three colors so that it will only need two inks for printing. Then I inverted it into a negative.

  2. Peter says:

    I’m glad you had a good day. Thanks for getting me out there!

Remora, Candy, & More

So the big news for today is the new Remora EP I Came to Party.  It’s the first in the new series of five minute EPs from Silber.  It’s up, but the official launch probably will be next week.  …

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2 Responses to Remora, Candy, & More

  1. GoddakkAttack says:

    remember when you reviewed tightie whities in qrd. maybe you could repay them a visit for ND.

May 16, 2012

So I wrote this back on May 16 in my notebook.  Now it’s the middle of the anniversary of the week where I laid on her bed without sleeping as she slipped into a coma & died.  So heavy stuff …

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Days & Dreams

It feels like it’s been a long couple of days.  I’ve been working on assembling puzzle boxes & comics most of the time.  Did a practice for Small Life Form that went over pretty well.  I still have a few …

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Free Remora, Comics, Free Compilation, mwvm, & Dreams

I should’ve posted about this a while ago, but free streaming of Remora’s 24 hour record from last month on Somehow Ecstatic Records.

I booked an appearance at The Pittsburgh Comics & Collectibles Show for when I’m in Pittsburgh.  …

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Kicking It

So I crafted two of the Kickstarter campaigns (the Remora shirt one & one for doing comic stuff in Pittsburgh) & submitted them today.  So hopefully they’ll get approved & launched.  Kickstarter definitely seems to be hitting some growing pains.  …

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Mixing & Such

So I liked yesterday where I just spent the day recording & at the end of the day something exists.  Today I was tweeking some mixes on the stuff from yesterday based on comments from a couple friends & trying …

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Remora Recording

So I had a long & productive day today.  I recorded a Remora song for a compilation, laid down some vocals for the collaboration with Brian McKenzie (Electric Bird Noise) & Ted Johnson (Tesla Recoils), & recorded & mixed the …

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September Monthly Charts, Dreams, Stuff

Got some work done staining boxes today & making some videos for some potential Kickstarter projects.  Below are the charts for September here on the Silber site.

Top Ten Most Read Silber Digital Comics in September
1. REH #1
2. …

Posted in daily news, dreams, silber monthly charts | Tagged , | 10 Comments

10 Responses to September Monthly Charts, Dreams, Stuff

  1. Peter says:

    I had a dream last night that you and I were hanging out. You were making lasagna, and singing the phrase “Only a woman knows” solemnly over and over. Then I woke up and was late for work.

  2. Nic says:

    I think this is the beginning of a beautiful track

Dreams, Comps, Sasquatch, Comic Reviews, & Daily Struggles

Here’s a review of the Silber Bottle Comics on The Comic Vault (review starts at ~7:55). 

So over the weekend at Lansing I had a blast.  There was some kind of technical snafu going on with half of my effect …

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